Dylan said "What?"
Then he jumped off and walked around the shelf and fired at some books. The plan was to kill as many students as possible in the explosions and to execute survivors as they ran out of the school. It simply wants to tell you what happened, basing information on witness statements as best they can. As Eric relished in the murder, Dylan also fired, killing Matthew Ketcher. The perpetrators were Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, two students at … John Savage identified himself. He fired under a table, injuring Mark Kingten. There is no investigative journalist in front of the camera, just an impartial narrator who presents information in a monotone voice. The two went to the windows and opened fire on the police, who returned fire.
The police did not find their bodies for three hours. Klebold ignored Graves as he stepped over him. When no one responded, Dylan yelled "Everyone with white hats stand up! Eric then lit a CO bomb and dropped. Zero Hour: Massacre at Columbine High is a minute-by-minute recap of the horrifying 1999 murders of twelve students and one teacher at the Columbine High School in Jefferson County, Colorado. There is no investigative journalist in front of the camera, just an impartial narrator who presents information in a monotone voice. As Klebold was at the cafeteria, Eric then took off his trench coat then pulled out his rifle. It's chock full of little inaccuracies from timeline discrepancies, inaccurate weapons and their usage, the wrong people speaking the wrong lines, the…good documentary the acting was actually ok and it was pretty factual.
Harris fired into the doors injuring teacher Patti Neilson and student Brian Anderson with bullets and flying glass. Looking at each other, they made one last near-suicidal gesture. When they came back a few minutes later, the fire had been put out by the sprinklers. Zero Hour dramatizes the hour leading up to some of the most memorable historical events as they unfold minute by minute. Dave Sanders was hit, but the student with him escaped unharmed. As Savage approached the exit of the school, Harris and Klebold fired one last time, killing Corey DePooter and injuring Austin Eubanks and Jennifer Doyle. When coming around a corner, Klebold shot Stephanie Munson in the ankle, who managed to flee the school. Eric yelled "GET UP!" How different this is to Moore's scathing…I first came across this back in 2005 as a teenager, and it's no exaggeration to say that it had a profound effect on my life going forward. Klebold lived long enough to aspirate blood in his lungs and make involuntary movements. because of the fire alarms. Dave Sanders and the student were in Harris and Klebold's way when the duo was going to evacuate the Library. But, giving it a rating is weird. Go home." They roamed around, briefly entering the kitchen. Get exclusive videos, blogs, photos, cast bios, free episodes Police returned fire. On April 20, 1999, two boys from Columbine High School in Colorado embarked on a massacre and killed 12 students, one… Zero Hour: Massacre at Columbine High (2004) directed by David Hickman • Reviews, film + cast • Letterboxd They roamed the hallways again, shooting randomly and aimlessly.Harris and Klebold then came back to the library, which was filled with smoke. Brown got on to Harris about missing class, who replied it didn't matter anymore. Raising his shotgun, Klebold swept it back and forth but did not fire. Outside, the police's presence continued to grow, though no officer would enter the school until after the gunmen had committed suicide.
In conclusion, Zero Hour: Massacre at Columbine High was an insightful and terrifying look into the Columbine Massacre, even if it did miss out elements of the event.i don’t wanna say how many times i’ve seen this but it’s definitely in the double digits.I first came across this back in 2005 as a teenager, and it's no exaggeration to say that it had a profound effect on my life going forward. With Dana Andrews, Linda Darnell, Sterling Hayden, Elroy 'Crazylegs' Hirsch. They received conflicting reports, of a rooftop sniper (who turned out to be a maintenance worker) and that there were as many as eight gunmen.
Flashing an evil grin, he shot and wounded three students named Patrick Ireland, Daniel Steepleton and Makai Hall. Eric was bleeding heavily from his nose and seemed a bit disoriented. Dave Sanders and the student attempted to turn and run, but Klebold raised his TEC-DC9 and shot at them both. When she said yes, he asked why.
Similar to the 1997 North Hollywood shootout, the police followed standard police procedure, which dictated that police make a perimeter to keep the criminals from escaping. Continuing their rampage, Eric shot under a table, injuring Nicole Nowten and John Tomlin. Zero Hour is a Canadian/British documentary-style television series.It aired on History Television in Canada, on the BBC in the United Kingdom, and on The History Channel in the United States. As John Savage ran for his life, Eric fatally shot Daniel Mauser in the face. A few minutes Harris and Klebold arrived at the library door where 56 students and staff were hiding in the library. There is even one scene in which the narrator questions, 'how did they manage to get hold of so many guns,' only to conclude in the next breath, 'we may never know.' While walking down the hall- Harris lit up a pipe bomb and slid it down the hall. Their original plan was to blow up the school, killing approximately 500 people; thankfully it did not work. When Eric inquired about going to the cafeteria, Dylan said he had to do one more thing. He said "Peek a boo" to her before killing her with a shotgun blast to the face. When Gardner saw Harris duck down, he momentarily believed he may have hit him.
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