In the six years that Ken was at Princes Diana’s side they travelled hundreds of miles together, sharing secrets, laughter and tears on a truly extraordinary journey. DIANA reportedly fell for her married bodyguard Barry in 1985, four years after she wed. Princess Diana's former bodyguard has criticised Prince William and Prince Harry and claims that the pair have "let … He was transferred to another unit and died in a motorbike crash in 1987. Just weeks later the Princess announced she was withdrawing from public life and then axed her Scotland Yard Protection, a decision her former ‘Top Cop’ as the British press referred to him – believes ultimately led to her death.Ken Wharfe was appointed to oversee the internal security to Princess Diana’s funeral at Westminster Abbey, attended by over fifty heads of state.Just months after Princes Diana’s death in Paris on August 31 1997, Inspector Wharfe was honoured by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II at Buckingham Palace and made a Member of the Victorian Order, a personal gift of the Sovereign for his loyal service to her family.Until his retirement after 35 years of exemplary service with the Metropolitan Police, nearly half in the Royalty Protection Department, he was Personal Protection Officerto the Queen’s cousin, The Duke of Kent.His book ‘Diana – Closely Guarded Secret’ was a Sunday Times and New York Times best-seller, and again when it was reissued in a revised edition in 2016. You can unsubscribe at any time.

He was bodyguard to Princes William and Harry from 1986 and became Princess Diana's personal protection officer in 1988. A year later in 1987 he was appointed a Personal Protection Officer to the Princess of Wales.Princes Diana trusted him with her innermost secrets during the most traumatic years of her marriage to Prince Charles and he was at her side as she plotted to escape from what she believed was the gilded cage of the Royal Family. Diana and her bodyguard and close confidante Ken Wharfe, pictured together in 1993 Ken Wharfe was born in Canterbury Kent and joined the Metropolitan Police Service as a special cadet at the age of 17. What proved fatal to the liaison was its discovery by Hoare’s wife, Diane de Waldner. The book published in several languages - now in paperback and available as a 3 x CD Talking book – read by him.His second book ‘ Guarding Diana – Protecting the Princess around the World’ published in 2017. Sometimes they’ll include recommendations for other related newsletters or services we offer. Princes Diana, The Princess of Wales – security code name ‘ Purple 52’ travelled all over the world. Hoare and de Waldner had three children together, and he wanted to make his marriage work. - by Chadielle Fayad The Royal family's former personal protection officer, Ken Wharfe, has opened up about working for Duchesses Meghan Markle and Kate Middleton.

Thomas Markle doesn’t.”“I think the Palace was at fault not to earmark this problem very early on,” he said.Princess Diana's former bodyguard has criticised Prince William and Prince HarryWhen you subscribe we will use the information you provide to send you these newsletters. Inspector Wharfe also worked as a personal protection officer for Princess Diana and the Duke of Kent up until his retirement and was privy to the innermost secrets of the royal family. This is their exclusive story.Since his retirement from Scotland Yard he has entertained audiences across a broad spectrum of venues throughout the UK and abroad, speaking at conferences and afterdinner locations.Combining recent and highly relevant first hand experience of security issues he offers credibility and independence on the highly topical subject of security.Now a freelance security consultant, lecturer, he is a regular contributor with the BBC, ITN, Sky News, NBC, CBS, CNN and Numerous American and Worldwide TV Networks.Worked exclusively for NBC covering the Royal Wedding – HRH The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge.An occasional writer for The Guardian, The Observer, The Evening Standard.©NUNN Syndication Limited 2018 All rights Reserved! Pressure was growing on the Queen last night to strip disgraced bodyguard Ken Wharfe of his royal honour.

Ken Wharfe was appointed to oversee the internal security to Princess Diana’s funeral at Westminster Abbey, attended by over fifty heads of state. Ken Wharfe joined the Metropolitan Police as a cadet rising to the rank of inspector before joining SO14 Royalty Protection. Former bodyguard Ken Wharfe also said Prince Harry should have done more to help Thomas Markle to deal with the pressPrincess Diana's former bodyguard has criticised Prince William and Prince Harry and claims that the pair have "let themselves down".Ken Wharfe, 69, launched the attack on the two royals in an interview with Wharfe, who worked as Diana's personal protection officer for five years, said that Harry's behaviour has harmed the Royal Family's reputation.“I don’t think people have let them down, if anyone has let them down it’s probably themselves,” he said.“If you look at Harry, for example, he came into public notice through his untimely wearing of a Nazi outfit on the 60th anniversary of the Holocaust.“We all know he didn’t do this intentionally and it was a private party.”“But it wasn’t said, in the same way it wasn’t said when he invited a number of women to his room with their mobile phones,” Wharfe said.“All these things gave him the negative publicity – you can’t blame anyone for that other than himself.“But that is also part of the Royal protection officer’s role.Wharfe, who previously worked as a Metropolitan Police officer, also said that more should have been done to help Thomas Markle, who he claims has been "left on his own. Prince William, his wife Kate and their children have been spotted getting off a £73 budget flight to Scotland, amid a row over Prince Harry and Meghan Markle 's private jet trips. He’s been through the mill himself, he knows what press intrusion is like,” Mr Wharfe said.“He has a drawbridge and a portcullis to hide behind when they pursue him. You can unsubscribe at any time.Former personal protection officer to the Princess of Wales Ken WharfeFormer personal protection officer to the Princess of Wales Ken Wharfe "The Duke of Sussex should have "insisted" that Buckingham Palace aides were sent to help Thomas deal with the intense media scrutiny in the lead up to the “He’s not an unintelligent guy.

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