Lauren Lapkus and Mike Lawrence | Thursdays 11/10c | SYFYSYFY WIRE's The Great Debate | Episode 102 Sneak Peek | Thursdays 11/10c | SYFYSYFY WIRE's The Great Debate | Episode 2 Deleted Scene | Thursdays 11/10c | SYFYSYFY WIRE's The Great Debate | Episode 1 Deleted Scene | Thursdays 11/10c | SYFYSYFY WIRE's The Great Debate | Behind The Scenes 1 | Premieres Thursday June 18 at 11/10c | SYFYSYFY WIRE's The Great Debate | Baron Vaughn 101 | Thursdays 11/10c | SYFYSYFY WIRE's The Great Debate | Behind the Scenes Preview | Premieres June 18 at 11/10c | SYFYSYFY WIRE's The Great Debate | Season 1 Preview | Premieres June 18 at 11/10c | SYFYSYFY WIRE's The Great Debate | Panelists 101 | Season Premiere June 18 at 11/10c | SYFYWe and our partners use cookies on this site to improve our service, perform analytics, personalize advertising, measure advertising performance, and remember website preferences. Which god came down to Baltimore and gave you the power to see the motherfuckin’ future. #8 - Barbed Wire Rape Along with the just mentioned sandpaper masturbation, another scene made infamous by the BBFC, the rape sequence is actually not as graphic as you might think.
Boasting memorable characters like Chief Brody (Roy Scheider), Hooper (Richard Dreyfuss), and Quint (Robert Shaw), and Spielberg's tense, …
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That would make storytelling so much more fair.I’ve just tweeted it to HBO, but I wanted you to know too. This is my life on the line here.Motherfucker, they done moved the whole script. We received the below in an e-mail from The Wire co-creator/executive producer/writer David Simon on Labor Day, the Monday after shooting for the show’s fifth and final season concluded the previous Friday.
Can someone reconvene Wendell Pierce and Dominic West for an audio version at least?I miss all that. Currently I’m on my sixth pass through the entire series. . I wish I could go back and watch it again for the first time. . Reggie Watts | Thursdays 11/10c | SYFYSYFY WIRE's The Great Debate | Episode 107 Sneak Peek | Feat. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! I’m here trying to figure out whether or not I’m gonna get done and you’re talking in gay-ass clichés.Yeah. Whatever will be will be.The shit that’s clogged up in your fuckin’ head. If I ever meet Tom McCarthy I’ll have a hard time choosing whether to shake his hand for “The Visitor” and “Win Win” or smack him upside the head for “being” Scott Templeton.I envy my friends who are just now getting to see “The Wire” for the first time, thanks to DVDs. After focusing on an inner circle of drug dealers in season one, The Wire shifted to the workings of a middle-class white family of stevedores working at the Baltimore ports, smuggling drugs into the city as part of an international smuggling organization. Whatever’s gonna happen is gonna happen.I’m not sure this conversation is going anywhere, Jimmy.I’m sayin’ this like that song by whatshersame, you know? Paramount seized on this new found notoriety and began to bill the film as a camp classic, with ads and posters proclaiming, "Meet the biggest MOTHER of them all!" If I ever meet Tom McCarthy I’ll have a hard time choosing whether to shake his hand for “The Visitor” and “Win Win” or smack him upside the head for “being” Scott Templeton.I envy my friends who are just now getting to see “The Wire” for the first time, thanks to DVDs. Orlando Jones and Aisha Tyler | Thursdays 11/10c | SYFYSYFY WIRE's The Great Debate | Episode 105 Sneak Peek | Feat.
Which god came down to Baltimore and gave you the power to see the motherfuckin’ future. The truck said the line that was in the movie, "Turn on your lights, you moron!" Steven Spielberg's 1975 horror-adventure hybrid about a 25-foot great white shark feasting on the WASPy citizens of Amity Island is a masterpiece in restraint. Repeat viewings are great, but the first time was so special.I miss this show so much. I miss the interplay between Bunk and McNulty. This thread is archived. I only ask because I am currently on my fifth viewing and I noticed in the opening sequences that they show a massive amount of drugs under the tire of a car in the opening credits, but they never actually put that in the show.If you are talking about the scene where there is a lot of drugs in a spare tire from season 4, then that is shortly after Omar stole the shipment from Prop Joe.I didn't think they actually showed the shot in the show though?New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be castPress J to jump to the feed. BUNK, MCNULTY sit, worried. From a filmmaking standpoint, it's easy to see why Luke's earliest scenes in the film were deleted. Can someone reconvene Wendell Pierce and Dominic West for an audio version at least?I miss all that. Jonah Ray and Maude Garrett | Thursdays 11/10c | SYFYSYFY WIRE's The Great Debate | Episode 5 Deleted Scene | Feat. I think that cocksucker has been asking for impossible shit so long, he just figures .
That would make storytelling so much more fair.I’ve just tweeted it to HBO, but I wanted you to know too. Are there deleted scenes on the dvds or somewhere? A long beat of frustrated silence before MCNULTY leans back in his chair, speaks.You really think we need to discuss this some more? I pray at least once a week for a new season.Haha I love it. Amazing.You brought up the song, bitch. Like this scene here . .Motherfucker, they lookin’ at a seven-and-a-half page day tomorrow already. Reprinting with permission, The CityPaper, Baltimore, Sept 19, 2007 We received the below in an e-mail from The Wire co-creator/executive producer/writer David Simon on Labor Day, the Monday after shooting for the show's fifth and final season concluded the previous Friday. He didn't know what to do now.
As the hard-headed, inept beneficiary of his father’s hard work, Chester “Ziggy” Sobotka was the black sheep of the family.
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