(Just for additional reference it is titanic data from Kaggle which is here.) Active 1 month ago. import pandas as pd df=pd.read_csv('gdrive/My Drive/data.csv') Done! Ask Question Asked 3 years, 4 months ago. Follow our Data Science Student Society Page!Stay up-to-date with DS3 Online Content’s publications! We have got a huge pandas data frame, and we want to apply a complex function to it which takes a lot of time. They are followed quite closely by Ski Jumping, Boxing (which kinda surprised me) and Trampolining, which actually makes a lot of sense.If we instead look for the tallest and shortest athletes, the results will be a little less surprising.
For this post, I will use data from the Quora Insincere Question Classification on Kaggle, and we need to create some numerical features like length, the number of punctuations, etc.
How should I reduce the computing time in pandas on Kaggle? I'd need to send requests to login. As a follow up, I’m thinking of training a small Machine Learning model to predict an athlete’s sex based on the sport, weight and height columns, tell me what model you’d use!And if you feel anything in this article was not properly explained, or is simply wrong, please also let me know, as I’m learning from these as well!If you wish to go deeper into Statistical Analysis with Python, I highly recommend this I am sorry that this post was not useful for you! I want to see whether new sports have been introduced to the Olympics, and when.
Active 3 years, 4 months ago. Viewed 28 times -2. Archery and Art Competitions (which I just learned is an Olympics Sport and will require further research) follow close by.Now we’ve done several interesting things with those three columns, I’d like to start looking at the time variable. Then import as usual in pandas, using this copied path.
I hope you’ve enjoyed this Statistical Analysis tutorial, and maybe you’ve got a new interesting fact to bring up in your next family dinner.As usual, feel free to fork the code from this analysis and add your own insights. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Feel free to join us! Garima Jain Garima Jain. Machine Learning Tutorials, and Data-Driven Rambling Viewed 3k times 3. Keep in mind however, the same code would work for either by just switching the ‘Sex’ filter.As you can see, if I group by sport I can take the min, max and average weight and height for each sport’s players.I then looked at the top 5 heaviest sports, and found this (in kilograms):Not too unexpected, right?
We also have more data on the male athletes than the female ones.
Especially during Kaggle competition, Pandas would be your best friend to clean raw data and do data exploration analysis.For those who came to our Kaggle Session, check out our solutions right below! The same thing happens with the ‘lightest’. We’ll then see which have the lightest or shortest ones.As we saw on the previous article, both height and weight are heavily dependent on sex. DS3 at UCSD starts holding Kaggle Sessions! The third one may be Pandas.On the previous article, as on this one, we used the We looked at female participation over time, athletes’ weights’ and heights’ However, we did look into the data about which sport each athlete practiced.This time, we will focus on the Sport column of the Dataset, and glean some insights about it through statistical data analysis.For our first analysis, we’ll look at what sports have the heaviest and tallest players. Import Kaggle csv from download url to pandas DataFrame. This is accentuated by the fact that most people do not really deviate a lot from it.For the lightest sports, the results can be obtained using the previously generated variable, The results (omitting the heaviest ones, since we already saw those) are the following:As you can see, Gymnastics athletes, even the male ones, are by far the lightest players!
It would be nice to have you there! DS3 at UCSD starts holding Kaggle Sessions! Looking at the data, I see there were many new sports introduced in 1936, and afterwards they were always brought in small (less than five sports) sets.An analogous analysis for deprecated sports (where max year is not recent) shows this list of sports, most of which I’ve never heard of (though that’s by no means a good metric of whether a sport is popular! share | improve this answer | follow | answered Nov 13 '18 at 14:08. Right click on the file that you need to import and select çopy path.
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