Senegal - Senegal - Languages: Some 39 languages are spoken in Senegal, including French (the official language) and Arabic. Outside of Senegal… Our editors will review what you’ve submitted and determine whether to revise the article.Some 39 languages are spoken in Senegal, including French (the official language) and Arabic. All Rights Reserved. The population is heavily weighted toward the young, as are most African populations, with more than two-fifths under 15 years of age. There are two main variants of Wolof: Senegal Wolof, which is the standard form of the language, and Gambian Wolof, which is spoken along with Senegal Wolof by more than 160,000 people in The Gambia.Wolof is a national language of Senegal… Wolof English Dictionary Online Translation, Language, Grammar. Elite Translations Asia - A Leading Language Communication Provider in Asia Pacific Elite Translations Asia (“ELITE ASIA”) is a regional forerunner, helping companies expand their footprint across Asia. The Wolof language, also known as Ouolof, Volof, Walaf, Waro-Waro, or Yallof, belongs to the Atlantic group of the Niger-Congo language family.
The Lebu are mostly fishermen, but also provide modern construction supplies. Cal Interpreting & Translations (CIT) offers Wolof interpreters and translators with legal, medical, and specialty experience, including criminal and civil matters, employee meetings, engineering, patent cases, labor disputes, immigration, and more.CIT offers comprehensive Wolof language services including interpretation, translation, and transcription, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, worldwide. Unlike most other languages of Sub-Saharan Africa, Wolof is not a tonal language. We guarantee it.Main Office - 2501 W. Burbank Blvd. A commonly spoken dialect is “Dakar-Wolof”, an urban mixture of Wolof, French, and Arabic.

Lebu Wolof, however, mentioned above, is unintelligible with standard Wolof.English is thought to have adopted some Wolof words, including banana, via either the  Spanish or Portuguese. We have about 7 successful years in the translation business.

By signing up for this email, you are agreeing to news, offers, and information from Encyclopaedia Britannica.Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox. With Reverso you can find the English translation, definition or synonym for Senegal and thousands of other words. The Atlantic family, generally found in the western half of the country, contains the languages most widely spoken in Senegal…

It is spoken by about 3.5 million people, mostly in Senegal, where it is the main African language. Since its establishment 10 years ago, ELITE Asia has evolved into a regional powerhouse in overcoming business complexities that arise from language … The lower Casamance area is covered by dense vegetation of the Guinean type.

In the 18Wolof dialects differ based on geography, as well as between rural and urban areas. The Lebu have a religious sect called Layene. Urban unemployment and underemployment are high, however.
Our interpreters and translators are native speakers who have been screened, certified, provided credentials, field tested, and kept up to date with developments in both English and Wolof languages through means such as lectures, conferences, and travel. Of these national languages, Wolof is the most widely spoken.

Articles from Britannica Encyclopedias for elementary and high school students. Within the last 2 years, we completed hundreds …

There are many names for the Fula people and their language.

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