Also known as the Vernal Equinox, Ostara, or the first day of spring, this is a time to celebrate new life, awakening, fertility, coming out of the winter, and most of all, balance (since this … This is a great opportunity to take an honest look at all areas in your life and find as much balance as you can, so you can blossom and grow into a happier, healthier, and more balanced you. Stonehenge is a popular spot to celebrate the spring equinox (Picture: Chris Clor/Getty) On Tuesday 20 March days and nights will be of equal length across the globe. Just as nature is coming out of hibernation and shaking off winter, so are we. Join me for inspiring yoga retreats in stunning locations Here are a few ways that you can tune into and work with the sparkly energy of the spring equinox.With all this fresh, cleansing spring energy in the air, this is the perfect time to spring clean your body, your mind, your emotions, and your home. If you don’t feel that the year has quite brought you all that you had hoped for, this is a great chance to "start over." The Spring Equinox 2020 (also called the March or Vernal Equinox), occurs on March 19th. Do you prioritize your needs as much as you do the needs of others? What old beliefs and emotional ties hold you back? The northern and southern part of the planet experience the different equinoxes during different times. The sun is getting warmer. How is your work/home life balance? ; Spring Equinox Celebrations Around the World: Pagans aren't the only ones celebrating this time of year–here's what the rest of the world does during this time. What are you holding onto that you no longer need? On Tuesday 20 March days and nights will be of equal length across the globe.This balancing act of a 12 hour day and 12 hour night is called an equinox (equal night in Latin, fact fans) and the spring or vernal equinox happens at exactly 16.15 when the sun passes the celestial equator and the earth’s axis is perpendicular to its rays.But this special day isn’t just an astronomical event, it also marks the beginning of springtime in the Northern Hemisphere and we can look forward to the daylight hours getting longer and the nights getting shorter, and who doesn’t want that after the winter we’ve had?Our ancestors would celebrate such auspicious days and you can still see traces of these ancient religious rituals in how we mark the changing of the season today.Most cultures and religions have traditions to celebrate the start of spring, but what happens in Britain during the spring equinox?Rebirth is a big part of spring – plenty of legends and beliefs include the rising of a sun or a king at this time – and this can be seen across the land during this time as flowers start to bloom and cute baby animals are born.It’s traditional to plant seeds at this time, their growth symbolises triumph over death, or being reborn.Maybe it’s time to make that change you’ve been thinking about all winter?We all know the chocolate variety are ready and waiting for our impending Easter blow-out, but the potent symbol of an egg has been part of spring celebrations for millennia.Druids would bury them in fields to invite abundance to the land.Today, egg-balancing is still considered a seasonal activity and, of course, any you don’t break can be painted ready for Easter.It was traditional among those who celebrate the changing of the seasons to drink Dandelion and Burdock.The bitter herbs were thought to be an invigorating tonic to wake the body up after the hardships of winter and a remedy to cleanse the blood.Why not take a draught on 20 March and see how you feel?Don’t just clean your blood, clean your house too. Where had you hoped to be by March? Do you give too much energy away to people that are never there when you need the support in return? the idea that rabbits and hares laid eggs on one day probably comes from 16th Century Germany, but the idea of an egg to symbolise renewal is obviously far older.The spring equinox is one of the only four occasions of the year when there is ‘open access’ to the actual stones of the Henge (four points of the pagan calendar, the two equinoxes and two solstices)This access was fought for and won by pagan and Druid groups under the Religious Freedom Act who consider the ancient stones a place of worship.Festivities start from first light when the sun rises over the stones and the morning is full of music, dancing and ritual.There were Saxon and Celtic gods and goddesses associated with this time, including Ostara who represented dawn and fertility and whose name is widely considered to have been Christianised into Easter. 7 Fun Ways to Celebrate Spring Equinox with Kids. Yes, Spring cleaning – the clue’s in the name.Among all the fertile symbols like seeds, flowers, eggs and baby animals the rabbit has become synonymous with spring and, specifically, Easter. The 20th of March brings with it the Spring Equinox in the northern hemisphere.Also known as the Vernal Equinox, Ostara, or the first day of spring, this is a time to celebrate new life, awakening, fertility, coming out of the winter, and most of all, balance (since this is the day that day and night are equal length). See this as a brand new spring, filled with new beginnings that are just bursting with new growth and life to help you move forward towards where you want to be. This festival is all about the awakening of spring, the balance felt in the world at this moment and the joy of longer, brighter days. This is the perfect time to shake the dust away from the dark days and brighten your home up.The renewal of nature prompted everyone to renew indoors too. The days are getting longer. Abundance is coming. How can you make better nutritional choices to maintain optimal health? Join the community and unlock your full potential. The two kinds are the vernal equinox--which is sometimes called the spring equinox, and the autumnus, or autumnal equinox. Typically, a lot of cleaning is done, old broken items are repaired, homes are repainted, and fresh flowers are gathered and displayed indoors. Use this time to tune deeply into yourself and enjoy this sense of awakening.
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