I was filled with mixed feelings for this book. Nov 06, Lord Rose rated it did not like it Shelves: I did not like this book. This book was totally confusing and illogical. Find great deals for Stone: Lisa Kleypas Stokehurst Family Series: Books Midnight Angel and Prince of Dreams by Lisa Kleypas (, MP3 CD. The time travel part was a little weird, but it all worked. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. The two books reminded me a great deal of each other, but Lord of Scoundrels was done much better in my opinion.View all 11 comments. Hes also an unfait.Loves Tender Fury First book in the Marietta Danver trilogy: Marietta is shipped from London to colonial America as an indentured servant and winds up on a. Dreams can be filled full of symbols: The Lord seems to delight in speaking through symbols, parables, metaphors & stories. Preview — Prince of Dreams by Lisa Kleypas. The cheating really bothered me and because of that I just could not get in to it . New York Review of Books, and other magazines.Heistheauthorofadozen books,includingtwocollectionsofes-says,Dance for Two andA Sense of the Mysterious, and four novels, Einstein’s Dreams, Good Benito, The Diagnosis,and Reunion. True, he's been abused, had a horrible childhood, but c'mon! It’s a number 1 no no, should never be done, definitely non-hero making. Though understandable considering Nikki’s past behavior, this side of her faded rather quickly, again with little explanation. Genre: Historical Romance. He's also an unfaithful husband who visits brothels. Start by marking “Prince of Dreams (Stokehurst, #2)” as Want to Read: Nikolas is a character that makes you want to keep reading to see if he'll get a clue and turn his life around. I liked it a little bit better then the first in the series. As I mentioned in my review of "Midnight Angel", Lisa Kleypas gave us an idea that the hero in this story is Nikolai, and the heroine is Emma, Stokehurst's daughter through Tasia's vision. The only reason he changes his ways is because he basically goes back in time and has, what seems to me, an incestuous relationship with a great-grandparent who was similar to his current wife. I don't mind a little paranormal stuff, I really enjoyed it.It pains me to give a Lisa Kleypas book one star, but I didn't sign up for an unfaithful hero.I had strong expectations regarding this book, as both Emma and Nicolas had great potential from the previous Stokehurst book.I had strong expectations regarding this book, as both Emma and Nicolas had great potential from the previous Stokehurst book.Though I read this book sometime last year, this story failed to make that great an impression on me back then.
True, he's been abused, had a horrible childhood, but c'mon! Lisa Kleypas Stokehurst Family Series: Books Midnight Angel & Prince of Dreams. All brief affairs with married women. This story is more emotional than the first in the Stokehurst series. He almost waits too late, but a magical twist of fate sends him on the path to redemption.This is definitely one of Kleypas’ more darker books, but it’s worth the read.This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website.
Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are as essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. As I mentioned in my review of "Midnight Angel", Lisa Kleypas gave us an idea that the hero in this story is Nikolai, and the heroine is Emma, Stokehurst's daughter through Tasia's vision. He does everything he can to destroy her love for him. I don't mind a little paranormal stuff, I really enjoyed it.This story is more emotional than the first in the Stokehurst series. But the past and present are really tied together. Prince of Dreams started off with an excellent, engaging story that was hard to put down, but like it's predecessor in the Stokehurst series, Midnight Angel, it tends to loose steam during the second half.The book is arranged in four sections, and the first two sections are full of the deep, dark emotions that have become a Lisa Kleypas trademark. These cookies do not store any personal information. When he comes back to the present, I couldn’t seem to g An overbearing hero who would do anything to get what he wants.When he comes back to the present, I couldn’t seem to get over the fact that it was not his wife that changed him, rather the ancestor. It was the culmination of everything he did in his campaign to be unlovable and it fit perfectly into his self destructive behavior. Nikolas is a character that makes you want to keep reading to see if he'll get a clue and turn his life around. It seemed like this whole section was simply a plot device for returning Nikolas to Russia, since he was in permanent exile and unable visit his home country any other way. Once Nikki returned to his own time, I felt the story fell rather flat.There was also a complete role reversal as Emma became the cynical, jaded and distrusting one. BUT. But after reading Midnight Angel by Ms. Kleypas where the story of Emma and Nikolas begins, I had the urge to go back and re-read this romance to see what I would make of it now. Just be prepared to meet a character who will make you look very closely at your concept of what a romance novel hero is.Hated it. By: Lisa Kleypas. 0380773554 However, in this instance, I wasn't as offended as I normally would be. There's no details except that he returns home reeking of cheap perfume, booze and sex. Performed by.Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read.Want to Read saving…. Nikolas AngelovskyEmma Stokehurst.
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