The fruity sweetness of Mombasa Gin is complemented best by a tonic water with a distinctive herbal nature, such as Fever Tree Premium Indian Tonic Water, Fentimans Tonic Water, or 1724 Tonic Water. Its beachfront hotels appeal to travelers in search of sun, sand and surf, while its Arab, Indian and colonial European heritage makes for a wide variety of sights to see. Mombasa Gin Club Colonel’s Reserve is a special and limited edition in homage to this lineage of adventurers who were able to take the British Victorian Empire to its most glorious period. Ręcznie wyselekcjonowany jałowiec, cynamon, arcydzięgiel, kolendra, kminek i sosna tworzą charakterystyczną mieszankę, która daje Mombasie unikalny smak i powabną osobowość. Maintaining the classic London Dry Style, it adds a world of citric and fruity flavors.Mombasa Club Lemon Edition is a gin infused with a selection of Mediterranean lemons with the personality acquired by the triple distillation process.© 2020 UNESDI DISTRIBUCIONES SA Todos los derechos reservados The experts say that for a Premium Gin the botanicals should almost attack the nose. A product of great quality and personality with triple distillation.The latest addition to the Mombasa Gin family is our Mombasa Lemon Edition.Following market trends, we are presenting a totally new gin. Such as Mombasa Club Gin.Mombasa Gin Club Colonel’s Reserve is a special and limited edition in homage to this lineage of adventurers who were able to take the British Victorian Empire to its most glorious period.Made under the classic English style, Colonel’s gin has a higher ABV (43.5% vol.) Mombasa gin is triple-distilled for delicate smoothness before being infused with real strawberries and other red fruits. Mombasa Club Strawberry is a flavoured London Dry gin, infused with strawberries and other red fruits. Hay lugares que mantienen su esencia con el paso de los años y hay sabores que evocan la magia y el espíritu de aquellos tiempos... así es Mombasa Club Gin. The flavours balance between sweetness and acidity with bold fruity notes.
In fact, it contains seven botanicals, highlighting the caraway seed, instead of angelica, and the addition of calamus, an aquatic plant that usually grows in marshy areas. 11k Followers, 1,394 Following, 316 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Mombasa Club Gin (@mombasa_club_gin) The gin was manufactured in London and shipped to Africa so that the club’s members could savour a touch of home comfort in the strategic coastal port city. Producenci Mombasy szczycą się używaniem neutralnego alkoholu, który wcześniej przechodzi aż czterokrotną destylację oraz wyborem najlepszych naturalnych składników. And more intense aromas than its namesake.
It serves both for gin & tonic and for signature cocktails. Its complexity and discretion, establish it among the most versatile and appetizing gins in the market. Mombasa Gin takes it name after the private social club founded in 1885, in the British protectorate of Zanzibar, (now Kenya). The making of Mombasa Gin Club Colonel’s Reserve arises from a 4 times distilled alcohol of the highest quality, which serves to macerate all the botanicals for a 24 hours . Mombasa Club Gin zawdzięcza swoją nazwę prywatnemu klubowi brytyjskich dżentelmenów założonemu w 1885 roku w kolonialnym Zanzibarze (obecnie Kenia).
After which is then once again distilled in small pot still designed and built by the London manufacturer “John Dore”.The distillate is then left to stand for 10 days before any further processing.This allows all the fine aromas to be assembled into the Mombasa Gin Club Colonel’s Reserve.
Mombasa Club Gin zawdzięcza swoją nazwę prywatnemu klubowi brytyjskich dżentelmenów założonemu w 1885 roku w kolonialnym Zanzibarze (obecnie Kenia). A new style of fruity gin, which maintains the personality of a classic London Gin, infused with a careful selection of strawberries and red fruit. Mombasa Club is an English company named a private club founded in 1885 in Mombasa, Kenya, a colony from the British Empire. At the end of the 19th century and in the heart of the Victorian era, the great British Empire, immersed in a colonial struggle throughout Africa, had already dominated the shipping lanes, trade routes and most of the goods traffic between East and West.The search for new routes created a lineage of intrepid explorers who led the discovery of remote and unknown places.
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