Acts 1:4-8 Jesus Himself says not many days ahead you shall be baptized with the Holy Spirit. Some of us have no problem being thankful when God gives us good things and life is going smoothly. But don’t take my word for it, let’s look at Ephesians 5:20.Are you filled with the Holy Spirit? At one point in his writing career, he became so popular that for a while he was getting paid ten shillings per word. For teaching and instructing one another. If you have been taught that you were the decisive cause of all of that, then you won’t be amazed at your change. And this is not a new thing.In pre-reformation days, the Roman churches preferred singing in unison. These verses describe the characteristics which will be revealed in the life of one who is controlled by the Spirit. “And Ananias went his way and entered the house, and laying his hands on him he said, ‘Brother Saul, the Lord Jesus, who appeared to you on the road as you came, has sent me that you may receive your sight and be filled with the Holy Spirit.’”So in this text, Ananias (a different Ananias than the one which got struck down in Acts 5 for lying to the Holy Spirit) praying over the newly converted Saul to receive back his sight and to be filled with the Holy Spirit.And what happened? A miracle happened. It would make them more appreciative of sight and the joys of sound.”Do you ever thank God that you can see, that you can hear, that you can taste? When you sing, it’s okay if you sing silently to yourself as an act of worship, especially if you are uncomfortable singing out loud. Romans 8:9: “You . None of that would be happening if the miracle of God’s Spirit were not at work in you. In 1 Corinthians 13, Paul says that we can become unified in our diversity by focusing on love.Then 1 Corinthians 14, Paul provides some detailed instruction about tongues. The Scandinavians came over to America and brought guitars. * Third, because although they took my all, it was not much. And I’m responding, “You know you have the Spirit if you are, in fact, a Christian — if you have been born again.”Now, to answer this question biblically, it is really important to know the condition you were in before you were converted. “And you hear its sound, but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes. Some of them are dancing around crazily. . We were bent entirely away from God. Corrie at first flatly refused to give thanks for the fleas.But during the months spent at that camp, they were surprised to find how openly they could hold Bible study and prayer meetings without guard interference. That is the first evidence of being filled with the Spirit—speaking to one another in psalms, hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your hearts to the Lord. We saw two weeks ago in Ephesians 5:18 what the filling is and how to be filled. Luke could not have made it more clear. Jesus says that the tax collector, not the religious leader, who went home righteous.So the second level of thankfulness is that of the hypocrite.The third level is that of the truly thankful person.A truly thankful person sees that they don’t deserve what they get, and that all they have is a result of being blessed by God.When things are going well or God grants some especially welcome benefit, they are happy and grateful. We are rich and full of every good thing in Christ.Incidentally, giving thanks to God the Father in the name of Jesus is also the pattern we should have for prayer. Look what I did, and as a result, look what I got!”This is the kind of thankfulness much of the world operates under, and such a rank ungratefulness is a very serious offense before God.Remember King Nebuchadnezzar? He will teach the apostles and remind them about everything Jesus said.Then, Jesus begins to talk about the vine and the branches in John 15, and doesn’t get back to teaching about the Holy Spirit until John 16:7. The angel responsible for petitions was not able to carry them back to heaven in one load, while the angel responsible for thanksgivings carried his back in one hand.This story was invented because of our tendency to do more asking than thanking. Songs will just bubble up from within.That is the first evidence of being filled with the Spirit—speaking to one another in psalms, hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your hearts to the Lord.Let me just encourage you in closing.
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