He is Heaven's equivalent of the Hellspawn.

The Gunslinger Spawn places the soldier in a pine box casket belonging to the now-dead real Henry Simmons. He will accept the crown of Hell, and then remake it, turning it from a dark realm of evil into a new paradise that will sweep away all sorrow and sadness on the Gazer. Spawn, however, chooses to rely on his suit's natural power or weapons rather than it's magical abilities, as these are limited to a counter starting at 9:9:9:9 when a Hellspawn uses them outside of Hell. Spawn is practically immortal unless beheaded by a weapon of heaven Or by magic. As Heaven and Hell attack Spawn with full force that almost destroy the whole universe, he calls to himself all the power given to him by the Mother, and in a single display of power destroys the armies of Heaven and Hell, along with the rest of humanity. There were three people who were given this form. He also warns that Armageddon cannot be stopped - it is Earth's destiny. The angel starts talking to Spawn obviously not realizing what he is and tells him that she had found an anomaly after Al killed himself but her superiors did not believe her. It was explained to him that the Purgatory did not care for the war of Heaven and Hell, but were growing increasingly agitated by the destruction it brought about. The costume begins fighting with Spawn, now returned to his Al Simmons form. Spawn, having been infected by the vampire Severin, struggles with his symbiotic costume inside his own conscience while Nyx and Marc stand by unable to help in any way. The costume is angered by Spawn's actions, namely deciding to throw away the powers of a god.

I really cannot imagine a crossover between Spawn and Invincible! The costume shifted into a blade and cut off Redeemer's hand during their second encounter. Similar to Frank Castle for Marvel, we all cheer for him.

She says that she had prayed for him to wake up and be healthy and that her prayer has come true. Spawn has an ability to "feel", or "sense" or "be cognizant of" misery, pain and hatred as both a gift and punishment given to him by The Keeper, an agent of the Emerald Parliament of Greensworld. Her visions seem to be targeted mostly at her mother. Spawn arrived at the battle as the last of Heaven's warriors was slain.
them to Hell. Unable to break free from the guilt, he is slowly fed on by a sin eater. Jim is now Spawn, and he has killed the kidnapper. As Spawn lie slain, Mother appeared and plucks a piece of fruit from the Tree of Life. With a head engulfed in flame the kidnapper chases Jim through the hospital, blowing up walls and attracting the attention of police and firefighters. After arranging a deal with the being known as Malebolgia, Simmons agrees to become a Hellspawn in exchange for being allowed to see his wife Wanda Blake one last time. Spawn faces off against the Hellspawn of Satan's army, declaring that the Earth realm belongs to him. Simmons slowly realizes that five years have passed. Attacks from both Heaven and Hell were coming faster and faster, and Spawn was on the verge of losing himself to the violence and the evil. Spawn is captured by Mammon and his demonic minions, and tortured horribly so that the secrets his body contains can be revealed. Al Simmons searches for one spot in particular (perhaps the exact spot where he returned to Earth as a newly created Hellspawn at the beginning of the comic), once he finds the spot he is looking for he gathers his remaining Hellspawn energy and blows his own head off. Spawn struggled to find a way to free himself from Hell's control and recapture his humanity. Later, a robed figure would tell Mammon of Spawn's defeating of Clown and closing the portal to hell, which he had wanted Spawn to do, and calls Spawn "my good and faithful servant." Although Spawn has some great characters in his own universe like Badrock, Enoch, Angela, Haunt and The Creech. Spawn battles the Hellspawn, calling upon the earth to swallow them, returning He also allied with Marc Rosen to expose his existence as Al Simmons to the world and expose the angels and demons to find the one who killed his wife Wanda.Evetunally it was revealed to be Violator who now got a power upgrade to his new look. Spawn walks out of the fire and reverts back to Jim Downing, who lies unconscious on the ground being helped by firefighters. However, he isn't part of marvel or DC. Jim's eyes turn a familiar green and the kidnapper begins to scream in fear and pain. The Armageddon ordeal grossly reduced the effective force of the Legion from 6000 souls to a mere dozen: however, since the souls left are the strongest and most tempered to battle, the strike impact of the force didn't change so much. Mammon/Malefick then appeared. During this battle, Spawn shows Zera his true power as an equal to both God and Satan.

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