If a client is waiting at a store, you can also use this phrase to show that their turn is next.You can replace “moment” with “minute”: “I’ll be with you in (just) a minute.”Another common phrase for this situation is “I’ll be right with you.”You can use this question’s structure to ask the time of any event: “What time is [event]?”If you want to ask about a meeting on a certain day, add “on [day].” For example, “What time is our meeting on Thursday?”When you want someone to call you or to call you back (to return your call), use this phrase to give your phone number.When you disagree with someone, “Actually, I thought…” will make you sound kinder and more polite than saying “No” or “You’re wrong.” This phrase is useful when you have a different idea than someone else.Just like in #28, you can use “actually, I…” with many different verbs: “heard,” “learned,” “am,” “can,” “can’t,” etc. By practicing two phrases each day, in 15 days you’ll know the whole list! Thanks! There are also some speech bubble powerpoints to drill the language in class, click on each phrase to make it disappear. Your experience is truly personalized.FluentU brings English to life with real-world videos.FluentU is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. This third section contains the next 30 lessons. The content has been translated into 35 languages. Or if you learn one phrase each day, then in a month you’ll know these phrases really well!These first eight phrases can be used in many different situations.This is a simple sentence you can use to thank someone.You can also use this phrase to thank someone. Use “for” to give more detail.

There are many other easy English phrases you can learn as a beginner. If you’re a total beginner, add “just started” after I: “I just started learning English.”Use this phrase when you don’t understand what someone means.If you’d like someone to say a word, question or phrase again, use this question. Give us a like and a share Here’s a phrase list for the CAE speaking exam. It means what do you do for a living (what is your job).I think this question is boring, so I ask other questions. I’d also like to point out that… These first eight phrases can be used in many different situations. You may be asked a difficult question by the examiner, for example, or not be able to remember the right word to say what you mean. Recall 2.0 downloaded and going straight into use in my 4pm class!

Just to let you know that we’ve shortlisted this blog post for this month’s TeachingEnglish blog award and I’ll be putting up a post about it on today’s TeachingEnglish Facebook page Fantastic! You can listen for free at our SoundCloud page below. (For example: My car is After someone starts speaking more slowly for you, thank them with this phrase.When you hear or see a new word, use this phrase to ask what it means.When you understand the words one by one, but not what they mean together, use this question. Using those words, FluentU recommends you new examples and videos. Since “to repeat” means “to say again,” you can also ask, “Could you say that again please?”We can say “please” either at the end of the question or right after “you,” like this:Native speakers can talk very fast. If the person doesn’t tell you their name, you can ask “And you?” or “And what’s your name?”After you learn each other’s names, it’s polite to say this phrase.Ask this question to find out which country someone is from.

You can download teacher’s notes to accompany them from our Facebook page or from this blog. Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of Amazon.com, Inc, or its affiliates. Barcelona based English Teacher, blogger and sometime actor and director. Useful Phrases for FCE Speaking Part 2 - the Long Turn. Otherwise, when you say this phrase slowly with a falling low tone, it can mean you’re bothered or upset.As an English learner, you’ll need to tell others that English is not your first language. There will probably be times in your IELTS Speaking test when you don’t know what to say. The following phrases will be useful for this.This simple phrase tells people that English is not your native language. FluentU is a complete system for learning English. You should use it for the same situation as above: when you have a different idea than someone else.When you’re going to start something very soon, you’re “just about to” do something.These 30 phrases are just the beginning. English phrases sorted into useful everyday topics, with high quality sound recorded by native speakers. 1. Thanks a lot!Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in:Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email.

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