He … During his visit to Cactusville, Texas, he sired a child who grew up to be In 1954, Hugo was responsible for wiping out the last of the giant mutant ants in America. His mother was the mortal Deichtine, sister of the chief Conchobar mac Nessa. He also fought and destroyed a “[Japan] atom-bomb lizard” (presumed to be Hugo Coghlan is a combination of two distinct characters: the legendary Celtic demigod Hugo Danner, arguably a derivative character loosely based on Hugo Hercules, was the protagonist of Philip Wylie’s novel League of Extraordinary Gentlemen Wiki is a FANDOM Comics Community.Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. He outwrestled a bear and could not be stopped by an entire football team. Born Sétanta in ancient Ireland, Coghlan gained his better-known name as a child after killing Culann's fierce guard-dog in self-defense and offered to take its place until a replacement could be reared.

In his later years, Coghlan, now going by the name Hugo, worked as a mercenary and assassin for hire. It ran for five months, from September 7, 1902 to January 11, 1903, totaling seventeen strips. At the age of seventeen, he defended Ulster single-handedly against the armies of queen Medb of Connacht in the famous Táin Bó Cúailnge. Despite its short run, it's considered the earliest superhero fiction He was strong enough to lift an elephant with relative ease, and he was at least as fast as a locomotive, capable of pulling a train up to 20 miles. He was strong enough to lift an elephant with relative ease, and he was at least as fast as a locomotive, capable of pulling a train up to 20 miles. Hugo Hercules is an American weekly comic strip published in the Chicago Tribune, written and drawn by Wilhelm Heinrich Detlev Körner.

However, he did fend off armed muggers, helped put out a house fire, and saved a number of lives. Coghlan is said to be an incarnation of the god Lugh, who was also said to be his father.
He used his amazing abilities to perform incredible feats, usually to win sports competitions or impress the ladies. Hugo Coghlan (Hugo Hercules, Cú Chulainn) is an incredibly strong man and considered to be one of the first American superheroes (or "super-fellers" in his words). Hugo was a man possessed of superhuman strength, speed and endurance.

His tag line was, "Just as easy..." However, he did fend off armed muggers, helped put out a house fire, and saved a number of lives. Although his run was short lived, Hugo was possibly the first comic character to demonstrate superhuman strength and speed, and use those abilities in a heroic way. Hugo was a man possessed of superhuman strength, speed and endurance.

He used his amazing abilities to perform incredible feats, usually to win sports competitions or impress the ladies. Public Domain Super Heroes is a FANDOM Comics Community.Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat.

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