If there's no room for a tree, use a

Look around with the people smiling and laughing and being together.

If you have multiple levels, continue up and down stairs as needed. It’s not uncommon to 

Place each of the elemental markers in its corresponding location of the circle. For people of nearly any religious background, the time of the winter solstice is a time when we gather with family and loved ones.

Self Reflection on Winter Solstice. Make sure you move the furniture around and clean beneath each piece — it's time to get all the yuck out of your house, and dustbunnies are notorious for getting in the corners under the couch. Pagan winter solstice traditions of Yule are decorating the Yule tree, burning the Yule log, exchanging of … Get your bathroom clean. Ask a participant at each directional point to hold the item. Have a Magical Life! Stonehenge is a celebrated venue of festivities during the winter solstice - the shortest day of the year in the northern hemisphere - and it attracts thousands of revelers, spiritualists and tourists. The leader lights her candle, and turns to the person next to her, lighting that person’s candle.

Once the Earth person has returned to his or her spot in the circle, the individual holding the Air symbol, at the east, begins a rotation around the circle, saying: Decorate your Wicca altar and your home or to plan a ritual for this sabbat. This birth of the Sun, as in the star in the sky, will bring us new warmth.

See more ideas about Pagan yule, Yule, Winter solstice.

Just take a minute to remember the olden days, when we had to hunt for food. To do a smudging, start at your front door with your incense or smudge stick in a censer or bowl.

The solstice may have been a special moment of the annual cycle for some cultures even during neolithic times. The tradition of the Christmas tree comes from, yes, solstice traditions, where Traditions have a way of evolving and changing of course. Yule Cleansing Ritual. So Christmas has always been there…Saint Nicholas was a fourth-century saint, based on a Shoes became stockings, Odin and St. Nick and Tomten merged. When everyone is ready, either end the rite, or continue on with additional rituals, such as

Nothing says holiday celebration quite like getting together with the people you love. For people of nearly any religious background, the time of the winter solstice is a time when we gather with family and loved ones. 21 December 2019.

Merry Meet! Throw all their stuff in their basket — the next time they go to their room, they can take all their stuff with them to put it away. See more ideas about Yule celebration, Yule, Winter solstice. This ritual can be performed by a group of four or more—clearly, it's designed for at least four women, but if you don't have that many, don't sweat it—improvise, or allow one woman to speak all the roles. What new things will you bring to fruition for yourself when the planting season returns? Say: Also, the solstice has a long association with children. Clean your windows. But it’s still about life, and giving, and warmth.To close out, I want to share one last blending of traditions, new and old. For Pagans and Wiccans, it's often celebrated as Yule, but there are literally dozens of ways you can enjoy the season. I’m Aleena.I believe that every single person – no matter what their dreams are or what their obstacles and limitations are – can change their lives.Welcome & blessings to you. Don’t light them just yet. If we can’t live in a world that’s like this all the time, just take a moment to absorb this.

Patti Wigington is a pagan author, educator, and licensed clergy. About a month before Yule rolls in, start thinking about all the clutter you've accumulated over the past year. Yule holiday is a season of magic, so embrace it and empower your life with it.

Apr 24, 2020 - Wiccan Winter Solstice Yule Celebration - Yule blessing, facts, rituals, recipes or decoration. Find Gods and Goddesses as symbols of Yule Pagan Traditions. In many modern Pagan communities, an emphasis is placed on the idea of helping those in need. Of the other women present, one represents the aspect of the Maiden, another the Mother, and a third the Crone. The Mother can wear a red robe and stand to the south, while the Crone dresses in a black robe and veil, and takes her place to the west of the altar. Let them dry completely before hanging them back in. While you're cleaning the windows, do your mirrors too, using the same mixture as above. Yule is an ancient pagan festival celebrating the rebirth of the Sun God and takes place on the winter solstice.

Everyone present should take a few moments to meditate upon the time of the season. Yule. After the Water person reaches their spot, the leader resumes the role of speaker.

Learn Religions uses cookies to provide you with a great user experience. You're not obligated to keep things you don't like, don't need, or don't use, and the less physical clutter you have laying around, the easier it is to function on an emotional and spiritual level. Pagan Winter Solstice Traditions and Customs. Some Pagans do charitable works because it is part of their group’s standards.

If you have carpets and rugs, sprinkle them with baking soda and give them a good hearty vacuuming. There are so many great ways you can decorate your home for the Yule season. By Vigdis Hocken and Aparna Kher. My goal is to share my expertise in this path with anyone curious in reading about them and give you access to valuable and accurate information.Hey there! Do this ritual to help clear out your physical space in the weeks before Yule arrives.
Santa also bears some resemblance to the It’s ironic that the Fox News crowd yells so much about the “War on Christmas” because most of what makes the season what it is has decidedly un-Christian origins. Wipe them off with old newspapers. ^ "Winter Solstice/Yule".

That’s a long complicated path too. If your home has a common area like a family room or kitchen that tends to attract clutter, get a basket for each person who lives there.

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