While up to 1960, the water level was about 174 ft above sea level, it suddenly dropped to 89 ft in the Large Lake and 141 in the Small Lake. On a human level, because of the poor economy, people were forced into heavy poverty or they had to move. where. size. These hand-dug, irrigation canals moved water from the Anu Darya and Syr Darya rivers, the same rivers that fed the freshwater into the Aral Sea. In 2014, the eastern lobe of the South Aral Sea completely disappeared. The increasingly salty water became polluted with fertilizer and pesticides. As the Aral Sea has dried up, fisheries and the communities that depended on them collapsed. The Aral Sea used to have an area of 26,300 sq miles and produce thousands of tons of fish for the local economy annually. As if following in the old USSR traditions, the country comes near a standstill during the harvest season, and almost every citizen is forced to "volunteer" each year. The Aral Sea was once the fourth largest lake in the world that covered an area of 68,000 square km. Croplands had to be flushed with …

The lake they made, Although irrigation made the desert bloom, it devastated the Aral Sea. The Aral Sea was an endorheic lake lying between Kazakhstan (Aktobe and Kyzylorda Regions in the north) and Uzbekistan (Karakalpakstan autonomous region in the south). In the 1960s, the Soviet Union undertook a major water diversion project on the arid plains of Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and Turkmenistan. And today, instead of supplying food to the region, the shores have become ship graveyards, a curiosity for occasional travelers. Especially large retreats in the eastern lobe of the South Aral Sea appear to have occurred between 2005 and 2009, when drought limited and then cut off the flow of the Amu Darya.
Nonetheless, cotton still continues to be grown in Uzbekistan. Scientists believe it was formed about 5.5 million years ago when geologic uplift prevented two rivers—Amu Darya and Syr Darya—from flowing to their final destinations. The name roughly translates as "Sea of Islands", referring to over 1,100 islands that had dotted its waters; in the Mongolic languages and Turkic language aral means "island, archipelago". what was water removed. It is in By 1987, it dried up so much that instead of one lake, there were now two: the Large Aral (south) and the Small Aral (north). The rapid shrinkage of the Aral Sea led to numerous environmental problems in the region. The Aral Sea is located between Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan and was once the fourth largest lake in the world. This series of images from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer The South Aral Sea had split into eastern and western lobes that remained tenuously connected at both ends. 4th largest inland sea - 68,000km. Water levels then fluctuated annually between 2009 and 2018 in alternately dry and wet years. However, in that same decade, the Soviet Union decided to expand the canal system and drain more water from the two rivers, suddenly draining the Aral Sea considerably. Before its construction, the sea was 62 miles away from Aralsk, a port city, but it started growing back, and in 2015 the sea was only 7.5 miles away from the port town. At the same time, the top and bottom waters of the lake were not mixing well, which caused the salinity levels to be highly uneven, thus allowing the water to evaporate from the lake even faster. The Earth Observatory is part of the The first innovation that helped save part of the Aral Sea fishing industry was Kazakhstan's construction of the Kok-Aral Dam on the southern shore of the northern lake, thanks to support from the World Bank. Since the end of its construction in 2005, this dam has helped the northern lake to grow. Soviet leaders also felt the Aral Sea was unneeded since the water that flowed in basically evaporated with nowhere to go.

The blowing dust from the exposed lakebed, contaminated with agricultural chemicals, became a public health hazard. The Main Cause—Soviet Canals The Aral Sea is shrinking because in 1960 they made a huge irrigation passage from both the rivers that flow into the Aral Sea. The Aral Sea drainage basin encompasses Uzbekistan and parts of Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Afghanistan, and Iran.
Before the project, the Syr Darya and the Amu Darya rivers flowed down from the mountains, cut northwest through the Kyzylkum Desert, and finally pooled together in the lowest part of the basin. The loss of the moderating influence of such a large body of water made winters colder and summers hotter and drier.In a last-ditch effort to save some of the lake, Kazakhstan As a result, the entire ecosystem is affected, and it will take years to restore.

But since the 1960s, it has been catastrophically shrinking. the shrinking Aral Sea - human causes for deficit. How can the fourth largest lake in the world disappear down into almost nothing? The simple answer lies within the agriculture system during Soviet Union. size. Prior to the evaporation of the lake, the Aral Sea produced about 20,000 to 40,000 tons of fish a year. reasons for shrink. 25 Terms.

Yet, the world wasn't aware of this tragedy up until 1985; the Soviets kept the facts secret. Even though the irrigation wasn't very efficient and a lot of water leaked or evaporated in the process, the system of canals, rivers, and the Aral Sea were fairly stable until the 1960s. Water levels in summer 2018 were not as low as they might have been, following a round of As the Aral Sea has dried up, fisheries and the communities that depended on them collapsed. This was reduced to a low of 1,000 tons of fish a year at the height of the crisis.

By 2001, the southern connection had been severed, and the shallower eastern part retreated rapidly over the next several years. In the 1990s, after gaining independence, Uzbekistan changed their way of exploiting the land, but their new cotton policy contributed to the further shrinkage of the Aral Sea.

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