“It’s his favourite colour and it was his display picture on all his social media accounts. Recently, netizens have raised the question of “hidden hands” playing with Sudanese security.The authorities have not yet acknowledged the reality of the ferocious conflict between the components of the eastern community, which clearly shows the hands of the intelligence services of foreign countries, while it is clear to some that it is a tribal conflict — that reeks of racism.Siddiq says that that the “heavy foreign presence in eastern Sudan raises serious concerns and puts the country in a volcano…”Under the Bashir regime, “most of the foreigners [who live in eastern Sudan] were granted Sudanese nationalities and passports by the former Ministry Interior of the ousted government.” When the transitional government took power, Hamdok’s government did not “pay any attention” to this matter, writes Siddiq.She continues, “Hamdok's government is required to [take] quick [actions] to this crisis, educate citizens about what is going on, and calm them as much as possible until the crisis is over … before our beloved east turns into another Darfur.”The Sudanese Professionals Association (SPA) organized a march on Monday, August 17, calling for an urgent evaluation of the government.Soon after, police used tear gas to scatter the gathering. Human rights charity Amnesty International say they have evidence that the Sudanese government military forces are committing serious crimes against the protesters. Act with your ♥️. From the Sudan uprising to protests against Omar al-Bashir to now, here's what you need to know. Getty Images . [Tweet 2]: So, in order to prevent the spread of rumors that benefit the owners of the political agenda alone. Weeks of peaceful protests were met with unbridled violence on the streets of Sudan, as thousands of demonstrators rose up against a brutal militia. The Republic of Sudan, a country in northeast Africa, is in the middle of a political crisis. Happening Now in Sudan. Act with your heart, not with your mouth. At least 72 suspects were arrested and criminal cases were opened against them.بيان صحفي حول أحداث مدينة بورتسودان، ولاية البحر الأحمر.Press release about the events of Port Sudan, Red Sea State.فى يومها الثالث تتواصل الأحداث الدموية المؤسفة فى مدينة بورتسودان، التى راح ضحيتها الكثير من الأرواح البريئة من أبناء وبنات الولاية، وإننا إذ يؤلمنا أن نُعلن عن أعداد الضحايا ولكن واجبنا [Tweet 1]: On its third day, the unfortunate bloody events continue in the city of Port Sudan, in which many innocent lives, sons and daughters of the state, have been lost. The council says it needs to be in charge to keep order and security in Sudan.The protesters are largely led by professional workers organisations. Citizens directed their discontent by insulting the federal government for its blatant inaction.هل تعلم سيدي في نفس الوقت الذي كنت تتكلم فيه اسفيريا مع منظمات اجنبية كانت هناك مدينة سودانية اسمها بورتسودان تسيل دماءها جراء فتنة قبلية??
4 Apr 2017 4 April 2017. See our
They want the military council to transfer power to a full civilian government - much like here in the UK where the politicians, who make laws, are chosen by the public in democratic votes.Representatives of the protesters had been in talks with the military over who would take control following the ousting of long-time President Omar al-Bashir.But negotiations collapsed when a military crackdown on 3 June left dozens of protesters dead.During action against demonstrators on 3 June, experts say the military council used "brutal violence" and tear gas - with many people being killed and injured.
Urgent recovery for the sick, mercy and forgiveness for the deceased.Prime Minister Abdallah Hamdok tweeted about his pledge to uphold human rights in Sudan, with apparent disregard for the clashes:I was pleased to speak today in a virtual meeting with human rights and civil society organisations from around the world, who remain strong allies of the Sudanese people in the path to change and democratisation. Please stabilize the country.A day later, Hamdak responded with a letter explaining that he had met with tribal leaders and politicians and decided to: Send a team from the A press release regarding the situation in eastern Sudan.Some say these clashes stem from chronic conflict between the Nuba and Beni Amir people that flares from time to time. What's happening in Sudan: Six things to know about the unrest. South Sudan is the world's newest nation, in the centre of Africa bordered by six countries.
27 August 2020 Home Sudan News.
What's happening in Sudan? Sudan has been in the midst of a political crisis since long-serving ruler Omar al-Bashir was overthrown in April.
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