French and Arabic are the official languages of this country with 11.8 million people.The Togolese Republic is in western Africa. The official language is French, and people also speak Hausa, Songhai, and Arabic.This is a landlocked country in central Africa that is rich in diamonds, gold, oil, and uranium. As you study geography in the French language, you will find it useful to learn how to speak about the countries and be able to use them in sentences.
Rwanda is located just north of Burundi and has suffered much from the conflict between the Tutsi and Hutu groups. It is made up of the islands of Grande Comore, Moheli, Anjouan, and Mayotte, as well as many smaller islands. French is the official language of this country of 11 million people. French is the official language of this country of just under 1 million.
Les Pays en Français. Other Bantu group languages are also spoken here. Who doesn’t love a bonus lesson?!? French is an official language in 29 countries, with most of these being part of the community of French-speaking countries in the world known as la francophonie. Only half of Dakar residents identify with a Francophone status or feel solidarity with French-speaking countries, but the French language is seen as essential for everyday affairs and education. Oh là là!
25 million people live on this large island off the east coast of the African continent. The official languages are Spanish, French, and (as of 2010) Portuguese. The following is a list of sovereign states and territories where French is an official or de facto language. Many westerners have heard of Mali and the northern city of Timbuktu.
There is a great film called, , that will help give you an idea of what happened here. To understand why, you need to be familiar with the history of the language. Kinyarwanda, French, and English are the official languages of this country of 11.2 million people.Senegal is known as one of Africa’s model democracies. The people of Benin speak Fon, Ge, Bariba, Yoruba, and Dendi, as well. French is the official language and Wolof is the lingua franca.This group of islands lies to the north of Madagascar in the Indian Ocean. ThoughtCo uses cookies to provide you with a great user experience. The official languages are Malagasy and French. There are several other countries where they speak French in Africa, although French is not the official language. This country of 10.5 million, located in western Africa, has the potential to be one of the richest countries in Africa due to its vast mineral wealth. So, if you are a in the 21st century, you need to learn about Africa and the countries where French is spoken there. French was the language of literacy for 37.2% of the population in 2013, followed by Arabic at 11.1%. The 94,000 inhabitants speak French, English, and Seychellois Creole as their official languages. Benin, located in the west, is one of Africa’s most stable democracies. The people of Benin speak Fon, Ge, Bariba, Yoruba, and Dendi, as well. While millions of people speak French around the world, you’ll find many differences among the various countries. French is … There is so much to learn about this magnificent continent! Djibouti is the gateway to the Suez Canal which is one of the world’s busiest shipping routes. You will also need to know the gender of the country in order to As you study French is the official language, although other indigenous language are also spoken.Burundi is another one of the poorest countries and has a population of about 10 million. It is in northwest Africa and has had a tradition of stable governments. Think you're too busy to learn French this year? So, where exactly do they speak French in Africa: 29 Countries Where French is SpokenFrench is the official language of 21 countries in Benin, located in the west, is one of Africa’s most stable democracies. 2. France, with a population of over 65 million, is, not surprisingly, the country with the most French … You have probably heard of the conflicts between the Tutsi and Hutu groups, some of this is in Burundi. PDF. French Speaking countries – Francophone. Map of Francophone countries showing where French is spoken in the world. In fact, it is the 4th largest island in the world! Most of the French-speaking islands in the Pacific are still a part of France.
Think again. The population of 4.7 million has been operating under a transitional government since 2014. The population is 813,000 and the official languages are French, Arabic, and Comorian.This country of 5 million people and is one of sub-Saharan Africa’s major oil producers. French Speaking Countries in Oceania. Learning the French names for countries is relatively easy if you are already familiar with the name in English. All of us are busy with work projects, friends, family …Planning to visit France soon? In most instances, the translation is as simple as attaching something like - The official language is French.With a population of 81.5 million, this huge central African country has been plagued by civil war and corruption in the recent past.
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