The project will impact dozens of community resources such as schools, parks, hospitals, local businesses, and more.

We request that the Agencies explain whether any of the in-person viewers of the DEIS and appendices viewed the incomplete DEIS.

This announcement should be sent to all interested parties and at least everyone who signed up to receive email updates.

40 C.F.R. By changing the version of Appendix C and belatedly posting Appendix A & B (together adding over 1,600 pages), the Agencies did not meet this requirement and provided an incomplete DEIS. Menu & Reservations Make Reservations . Reviews (301) 952-0555. The official YouTube channel for the Maryland State Highway Administration.

BALTIMORE (WJZ) — The Maryland State Highway Administration is urging drivers to follow the state’s “Move Over” law following two crashes in two days involving its vehicles. … Downstream impacts of the project would range from Rock Creek Park in our region all the way to the Chesapeake Bay in relation to stormwater runoff. § 1502.18; 85 Fed.

These changes were reported in By law, the public is entitled to review entire documents in relation to the over 70 mile, $11 billion proposed project, which is expected to have significant negative impacts on parklands, taxpayers, communities, climate, and public health.

“While there were no injuries, it could have been tragic,” the SHA wrote.The “Move Over” law, which first went into effect in 2010, cell phones are the real problem and probably caused these accidents.By viewing our video content, you are accepting the terms of our 40 C.F.R. § 1502.19). The agency tweeted a crew was repairing potholes when a truck hit its dump truck.Two strikes in 2 days on SHA vehicles. Maryland State Highway Administration 6550 Maude Savoy Brown Rd Upper Marlboro MD 20772. Maryland State Highway Administration officials failed to notify the public of 1,600 pages they added to the DEIS after its initial posting.

Today, while crew fixed potholes on I-95, an SHA dump truck was struck by a passing truck.

Environmental and community leaders seeking to provide input on the $11 billion-project are asking administrators to provide an itemized list of what changes were made to the DEIS after it was originally posted and to extend the comment Order Online Tickets Tickets See Availability Directions {{::location.tagLine.value.text}} Sponsored Topics

Maryland State Highway Administration is responsible for highway safety, construction and all matters transit or road related.

While there were no injuries, it could have been tragic. The U.S. Department of Transportation's Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) has announced the third annual winners of its national awards for traveler information Web sites that give travelers easy access to current information about safety and mobility on the highways.


One of the crashes happened Wednesday on Interstate 95.

Until the Agencies do so, the 90 day comment period cannot begin; it would arbitrarily shorten the comment period for those people or worse, leave some of the public commenting on incomplete information, and would be unlawful. Project Portal offers a comprehensive view of all current major, funded, and planned projects occurring across the State of Maryland. Further, the Agencies must add public hearings at least 15 days after the Agencies provide notice to the public that the posted DEIS was incomplete. As the Agencies have access to the download numbers, we request to know how many people downloaded documents in error. § 1506(c).Cedar Lane Unitarian Universalist Church Environmental Justice MinistryThe Advocacy Committee at Greater Greater WashingtonUnitarian Universalist Legislative Ministry of MarylandSign up for email updates from the Maryland Chapter.Renew your membership, join the Sierra Club, or donate to support the Maryland Chapter today.7338 Baltimore Ave, Suite 102 College Park, MD 20740 | (301) 277-7111 | As you explore and enjoy our site, please help us to fix any errors by reporting them through our online Sierra Club® and "Explore, enjoy and protect the planet"® are registered trademarks of the Sierra Club.. © After this official release there were then changes made to the posted documents.

Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway AdministrationWe, the undersigned organizations, strongly urge the Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration and the Federal Highway Administration (Agencies) to announce that the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) of the proposed I-495 & I-270 Public-Private Partnership (P3) Program posted on the website on July 10, 2020 was incomplete, and provide an itemized list of what changes were made to the posted DEIS after it was originally posted and when these changes were made.

It is unclear why the Agencies didn’t inform and still haven’t informed those people that they did not receive the entire environmental impact statement.

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