There's some funny material in this book. I'm not the biggest fan of Clowes quirky/obscene ways--and yet, that is exactly the type of comic style I love, just not in his way.
Attending art school myself (well, with a primary focus in graphic and multimedia design rather than specifically that of fine arts), I could wholeheartedly agree that both students and teachers bite into the typical stereotype Regarding this collection, so far I've only gotten my hands on Art School Confidential, so my opinions are merely drawn from that strip: The comic version is a humorous, honest and cynical depiction of art school, students, teachers, and possibly the art world in general.
There were some chuckle to myself highlights and if anything I'd go read more on the ones I took to, but because the comics skipped around all over the place I just couldn't focus.Hard to rate this one for my own personal tastes. The strips come in either black and white or colour. He does have moments of insight, or at least perceptive wit ("Art School Confidential," "Ugly Girls"), but mostly the collecti I know I'm supposed to like Daniel Clowes' work, I do. This anthology collects all those funny stories in one volume, so no matter how heavy “Ghost World” or “David Boring” got these little zany bumpers kept you laughin’. I remember living in Chicago in the early 1990s reading Clowes's Freudian analysis of American team sports in a free alternative paper called the Lumpen Times and I was Xeroxing it for friends and reading it over and over again, it was so wickedly good. Published (I was a wannabe rock critic, then. Attending art school myself (well, with a primary focus in graphic and multimedia design rather than specifically that of fine arts), I could wholeheartedly agree that both students and teachers bite into the typical stereotypes and banter about the same cliches time and time again, and other people (students, teachers) eat it up like it's part of the curriculum! Still, the problems from "Mister Wonderful" are apparent here, and the overkill meta elements, like bringing himself into the comic strip, weaken a surprisingly enjoyable, short, dumb comic that may not be the best comic but certainly contains enough craziness within its slim 100 pages to be a memorable addition to his bibliography. There are people who have sex with insects and fish in it, a graphic discussion of the phallic symbols in sports, and multiple comics that could easily just be called (and I think one of them is) "People I Hate". It ranges from social commentary, satire, outrageous tales to weird character deceptions. I have read almost every issue of Eightball when they came out and I think that Daniel Clowes is a great writer of the mundane life. I was laughing so hard I cried. Maybe it is a symptom of the 1990s you-had-to-of-been-there. I understand this was a rushed, last minuet strip thrown together as filler before the magazine was sent to be published, but I find it to be one that speaks to me on a different level. Don't let the fact that it is a comic book or a collection of short stories/comic strips fool you. It ranges from social commentary, satire, outrageous tales to weird character deceptions.
I remember living in Chicago in the early 1990s reading Clowes's Freudian analysis of American team sports in a free alternative paper called the Lumpen Times and I was Xeroxing it for friends and reading it over and over again, it was so wickedly good.
Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. He obviously has the chops, both as a scripter and artist, but I just can't deal with him. There are people who have sex with insects and fish in it, a graphic discussion of the phallic symbols in sports, and multiple comics that could easily just … Still, the problems from "Mister Wonderful" are apparent here, and the overkill meta elements, like bringing himself into the comic strip, weaken a surprisingly enjoyable, short, dumb comic that may not b For supposedly being a collection of "filler" material, Daniel Clowes's "Twentieth Century Eightball" seems to have the right mix of the asinine, charming, sad, crass, lonely, dread-filled characters and their silly stories that made me laugh as well as feel, if not saddened, a bit melancholic. by Fantagraphics This is a good book for anyone who's into alternative comics or you're looking for something different in the comic book medium.One of, if not THE, definitive 90s alternative comics. As a wrestler (high-school, not professional) friend once remarked, in reference to my misguided love of the motion picture "Almost Famous," "You liking this is like me watching a wrestling movie: I'd HAVE to like it." Eightball (and the stories that sprung from it's pages like Ghost World or Velvet Glove) is pretty much a must read.Man, this was some rollicking fun that took me back to being a kid, teen and young man. The strips are crass, boring, and mostly not that funny. I'm happy to see it here—I never made the connection that this was the same cartoonist responsible for Ghost World till I bought this volume—as well as other small masterpieces that were used as filler at one time or another in the pages of Eightball.
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