At one time in the past; formerly. '..., Once upon a time, asking a woman if she has a job was quite a straightforward question.If you give something or someone the once-over, you quickly look at or examine them. once de troy • once troy • une once de. 3.
already; before; earlier; formerly; late; previously; erstwhile; a single time; at one time; away back; back; back when; but once; bygone; heretofore; in the old days; in the olden days; in times gone by; in times past; long ago; old; on one occasion; once only; once upon a time; one; one time before; one time previously; only one time; quondam; sometime; this time; time was; whilom formerly, previously, in the past, at one time, at one point, once upon a time, on a former occasion, on one occasion, one time, in one case, time was when, in days gone by, in times gone by, back in the day, in times past, in the old days, in the good old days, long ago archaic sometime, erst, erstwhile, whilom Synonyms for once. Word of the Day: rigmarole. once | definition: on one occasion | synonyms: in one case, one time| antonyms: present, future . "I'll put on the teakettle at once, Robert," said his mother, rising.Well, if you have any business, you may state it at once, as I am quite busy.See 'em once anyway, and see a little more of this country and these people.“Epidemic” vs. “Pandemic” vs. “Endemic”: What Do These Terms Mean?All Of These Words Are Offensive (But Only Sometimes)Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.Join our early testers! chat, goutte, grain, idée, irbis, liard, livre, miette, nuance, ounce, oz, panthère, panthère des neiges, parcelle, peu, poids, pointe. English-Synonyms dictionary : translate English words into Synonyms with online dictionaries
: My favorite annual event is Christmas because I eat my mother's great feast and get christmas presents from Santa Claus.[Comp.];[Bus.] 2. Le symbole oz vient de l’ancien terme onza (maintenant écrit oncia) signifiant once. once - WordReference thesaurus: synonyms, discussion and more. Synonymes once dans le dictionnaire de synonymes Reverso, définition, voir aussi 'oncle',onc',oncques',oponce', expressions, conjugaison, exemples Once definition is - one time and no more. at one time, formerly, in the old days, in the past, in times gone by, in times past, long ago, once upon a time, previouslydirectly, forthwith, immediately, instantly, now, right away, straight away, straightwaythis (very) minute, without delay, without hesitationconclusively, decisively, finally, for all time, for good, for the last time, permanently, positively, with finalityat intervals, at times, every now and then, from time to time, now and again, occasionally, once in a blue moonEnglish Collins Dictionary - English synonyms & ThesaurusIf something happens once, it happens one time only.I met Wilma once, briefly..., Since that evening I haven't once slept through the night..., Mary had only been to Manchester once before.`Have they been to visit you yet? See how your sentence looks with different synonyms. 3 once and for all conclusively, decisively, finally, for all time, for good, for the last time, permanently, positively, with finality 4 once in a while at intervals, at times, every now and then, from time to time, now and again, occasionally, once in a blue moon (informal) on occasion, sometimes locutions.
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