Deadline to agree regulatory equivalence for financial services and allow business after Brexit likely to be missed

He previously served as Chief Negotiator - Task Force for the Preparation and Conduct of the Negotiations with the United Kingdom under Article 50 TEU (Task Force 50/TF50) from October … Please see our Britain is keen to move on and progress talks. Both Brussels and London grasp the political advantages of even a minimal free trade agreement, says Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform UK’s David Frost also warns of prospect of no deal but insists agreement can still be reached Tuesday September 01 2020, 12.00am, The Times. newspaper archive.Brexit: Michel Barnier has refused to open discussions on Britain's new fisheries proposals Brexit: Mr Barnier will not open up talks until the UK budges on other issues Brexit: Brexit trade talks between the UK and EU are at deadlock despite a desire by both sides to secure a deal before the transition period runs out Fishing row erupts: Sturgeon’s furious SNP threatens to scupper BorisBrexit: The official eighth round of talks will resume in London on Monday September 7 Brexit: Mr Barnier says an agreement has to be in place by the end of October for it to be ratified around Europe by the end of the year Brexit BOOST: Boris Johnson hires former Australian PM as trade envoyEU's disastrous policy is 'sending money to the rich, not the poor'Brexit explodes: UK accuses EU of DELIBERATELY blocking deal - Barn...Brexit in the US: Californian exit plan will use cryptocurrencyBrexit: Mr Frost said there has been "little progress" during trade negotiations with Michel Barnier

"But, unfortunately, the EU refused to engage due to their self-imposed requirements.” See today's front and back pages, download the newspaper, The chief negotiator is insisting on "parallelism" – where multiple aspects on a range of issues must be agreed before moving forward.Brexit trade talks between the UK and EU are at deadlock despite a desire by both sides to secure a deal before the transition period runs out on December 31.Mr Barnier, is meeting David Frost, the UK's lead negotiator, in London on Tuesday.The pair will be meeting outside of the scheduled negotiating timetable to discuss the stagnated talks.Both sides have expressed they want to secure a deal but red lines have hindered progress.Mr Frost said there has been "little progress" during trade negotiations with Michel Barnier amid differences on fisheries policy and state aid rules.The official eighth round of talks will resume in London on Monday September 7.Mr Barnier says an agreement has to be in place by the end of October for it to be ratified around Europe by the end of the year.However, one of the many issues yet to be agreed on is fisheries.If there is no deal by October, European fishermen will be completely excluded from British waters under international law, causing a devastating impact on their fishing communities.It came as France’s foreign affairs minister blasted the UK’s Brexit negotiating team.Jean-Yves le Drian launched a scathing attack on the UK's negotiating team, saying they have an “uncompromising and unrealistic attitude.”Mr Drian is one of the first major voices from an EU government to speak out after Mr Barnier started phoning around EU capitals to demand they step in and support him.During the same address to French ambassadors, the country’s state secretary for Europe, Clement Beaune, said “we’re not moving on our position, we can’t be weak.”Both sides have accused the other of posing unachievable demands.Of all the EU leaders Emmanuel Macron has taken the hardest stance with insiders saying the French President believes without a fisheries agreement there can be no trade deal.In a speech to French ambassadors based in Europe, Mr Le Drian said: "The negotiations are not advancing because of an intransigent and, let's be clear, unrealistic attitude of the United Kingdom.

1:51. Prime minister aims to use his visit to Scotland today to strengthen case for the union Boris Johnson’s new security adviser is in Brussels for first face-to-face talks since Covid-19 outbreak A few weeks ago, Mark Francois subjected himself to ridicule after he penned a letter to the EU's chief negotiator Michel Barnier in an ill-advised attempt to influence Brexit trade talks. © 2020 Guardian News & Media Limited or its affiliated companies. But young Barnier didn’t become a soixante-huitard; he became a Gaullist. order back issues and use the historic Daily Express

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