We need to know only a few main points for mining the asteroids and they are pretty straight-forward. They are distinguished from the spectrally similar E-type asteroids and P-type asteroids by their moderate albedo of 0.10 to 0.18. The LL chondrite meteorites are especially interesting for platinum mining because, although the LL means “Low iron content and Low total metal” they nevertheless are wonderfully high in platinum content. finer resolution spectra, or non-spectral data such as densities would be very useful).
Also would the aluminium be present in a purer form rather than the oxides on Earth, potentially making it cheaper to mine? Although asteroids orbit the Sun like planets, they are much smaller than planets. Since chondrites are undifferentiated they also contain primitive metals, sometimes as much as 40% by mass. S-type (silicate) are silicate-rich asteroids and more commonly found in the inner part of the belt. When mined, asteroids yield ore which, when refined, produces minerals of various types that serve as the basic building blocks of almost every craftable item. These asteroids are interesting for mining because a pure metal asteroid is a lot of metal and can be made into a lot of spacecraft. M-type asteroids are among the least studied asteroids in the solar system. He has 30 years experience with NASA where he co-founded the KSC Swamp Works. The relationship between asteroids and meteorites remains a puzzle. However, for now the spectral classification based on the two above coarse resolution spectroscopic surveys from the 1990s is still the standard. C-type - More than 75 percent of known asteroids fit into this category.
So here they are.This class include asteroids that look dark through a telescope and have spectra indicating they are composed of carbon compounds.
The resulting difference in magnitude is called the These classification schemes are expected to be refined and/or replaced as further research progresses. They are therefore called carbonaceous asteroids and are believed to be made of the same sort of material as the carbonaceous chondrite meteorites. One is Type C, another is a certain subcategory of Type S, and another is Type M. Type C is probably the best all-around asteroid for mining in the early stages of space industry because it provides lots of water for rocket fuel, which can be sold to NASA or others to do various space missions. Or better yet we would go after an M Type asteroid.M Type asteroids are moderately bright and are usually metal but sometimes metal-stone mixtures. Most of them live in the main asteroid belt —a region between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. Relatively bright with an albedo of 0.10- 0.18. S-type asteroids dominate the inner asteroid belt. Image credit: NASAUnderstanding the asteroid spectra is complicated by something that occurs in space known as There is no need to go into too much detail.
He is now with the planetary science faculty at the University of Central Florida. Some estimates are that we can get over 20% of the mass of the asteroid out in the form of water. Purpose of Use. They formed in the outer portions of the asteroid belt closer to the frost line where it was cooler so carbon compounds could condense. Main article: Mining Asteroids are large irregular chunks of rock that can be found in many places throughout New Eden. "SCTU"). Astronauts visiting a Near Earth Asteroid. That could be important if we plan to bring the mined metals back to Earth to sell on the terrestrial metals market. They also contain hydrated minerals so we can get lots of water out of them. That might be a good strategy for initially starting up space industry. They are believed to have come from the cores of differentiated planetoids that were later broken apart. All asteroids are rocky remnants from 4.6 billion years ago. These asteroids take up most of the outer layer of the asteroid belt and are about 75% of the visible asteroids seen.
If we can find a way to reduce the launch and landing costs, then this could be a quick revenue stream to support the space mining company. The composition of C-type asteroids is similar to that of the sun without the hydrogen, helium and other volatiles. That will be a good strategy if we can lower the operational costs so that it becomes economic. However, if we plan to use the metal in space then there is no need to go after just platinum.
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Asteroids are small, rocky objects that orbit the Sun.
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