Use Batman's wave pistol to destroy it (picture). Destroy it with rocket (picture). In this way you will defeat Catwoman. Use ACCELERATOR SWITCH to power up the door, giving you access to the minikit.Also on the second floor of the cell block is another chamber that needs broken open, smash the wall next to it with SUPER STRENGTH and pull the switch to open the cell. Keep a special eye out for an awesome secret area in this level! Table of Contents. To the left of the goop, on the other side of the wall, is a citizen getting his butt kicked. Destroy it with Lex, use bricks to build lever, pull it, jump on the platform on the right side and use Bat to destroy blue bricks. Move to the flower on the floor with Poison Ivy and use it to transport on the right side. Download Game Guide PDF, ePUB & iBooks. #07 - In the labyrinth where you are fighting with Bane, move to the corridor on the bottom. #09 - In the left part of the labyrinth is corridor with grid on the floor. Batman: Arkham Asylum Game Guide & Walkthrough. A secret room was placed within the warden's office, which was filled with concept work and initial ideas. 61. Free iOS App iPhone & iPpad. 7. Destroy two green tubes (picture) and after that use hook on the handle.
Move forward and get on the top of the wall. 0. You can also find him on YouTube as Disney Dan! Third one is on behind two walls on the left, fourth one on the left fringe wall and the last one in the bottom part of the labyrinth.#05 - In the vertical bottom corridor of the labyrinth. #06 - In the left top corner of central part of labyrinth you will find a blue wall. When it gets to the ground put bat suit on Batman. #03 - Use Batman or Penguin to destroy big statue with hat. Game Guides & Walkthroughs. Start heading forward and use rocket launcher to destroy big statue standing on the wall to your right. Break into Arkham Asylum with Batman and Robin to track down the Joker & send him packing into the Phantom Zone in Level 3 of the LEGO Batman Movie Story Pack – Arkham Attack!Keep a special eye out for an awesome secret area in this level!Minikits – High Security Access, Cargo Hook, TARDIS Dock, Accelerator Switch, Super Strength, Sword Switch, Laser, Fix It, Magic, Acrobat, Vent AccessUse the HIGH SECURITY ACESS terminal at the start of the level to open the iron bars, releasing a handful of Arkham staff, inside the closed off area, find the minikit pieces and assemble them to collect.Snag the piece of cargo with a flying vehicle that has CARGO HOOK from the center of the room near the large computer and deliver it to the small platform above the server room you will eventually blow up with a cool radio puzzle. LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes Game Guide & Walkthrough LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes Game Guide & WalkthroughIn this mission you will have to eliminate some opponents in vehicles. Post Comment.
In the meantime use Robin to jump on the pole holding by large statue with hat and use bricks to build platform with power suit for Batman. Before you start doing that wear power suit, destroy silver bricks on the right side and build a platform with power suit. #04 - You have to freeze water and destroy 5 objects (the best way to get to them is to use flying character). You are not permitted to copy any image, text or info from this page.This site is not associated with and/or endorsed by the Warner Bros Interactive Entertainment or Traveller's Tales. In this way you will eliminate the Bane. Continue along the corridor until you get to the silver wall. The room remained hidden for six months following the game's release until Rocksteady themselves revealed that it was in the game.
Now use Joker on the electric device, get back on the left side, pull the handle and take minikit. LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes Game Guide & Walkthrough LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes Game Guide & Walkthrough#01 - At the beginning move to the left and use Lex to destroy black bricks. ... Arkham Asylum Antics;
The Arkaham Asylum is Gotham City's psychiatric hospital. Heroes from the DC Universe join up with the Caped Crusader to root out evil in LEGO Batman 2: Super Heroes. If you go to the left you will find spikes and nearby is black statue. Inside use SWORD SWITCH to open the small container releasing the minikit.On the bottom floor of the cell block next to Poison Ivy’s cell, use the VENT ACCESS spot to slide into the closed off cell and grab the minikit!On the second floor of the cell block in the far back corner you will find a TARDIS dock, use it to travel through dimensions and onto the desk of a TT Games employee who is building with LEGO.Destroy the three small brown buildings on the desk and rebuild the pieces into the three roof sections of the large LEGO building.
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