3 C4 My coworkers would say that I am the kind of person who stands up for my convictions. x��00يiF �0 䧔 • I declare that I will provide, in this form, information that is upto-date, accurate, complete, and - honest, to the best of my knowledge and belief . <<20AD248E58D4294B9ABE552E0AE69479>]>> %PDF-1.4 %���� Measures of integrity have consistently been shown to be good predictors of work-based performance across a range of roles and settings. startxref 0000001140 00000 n @Z���� 0 0000007427 00000 n x���A 0ð4�v\Gc���������z�C 4449 0 obj <> endobj 0000007915 00000 n DIRECTIONS: The Sandoval County Detention Center has developed a comprehensive and intense officer selection process for its detention officer applicants. x��][��q͋����+ri��d[�(���m���H H���Γ0 ���S}�ꮞ3��@ q4�����. %%EOF INTEGRITY AND LIFESTYLE QUESTIONNAIRE . x�b```b``ee`a`�(b�e@ ^�H��� C��B,Oty����|x�Ѡ��!���(����Ɗg�V�3T�0�{�n�^A��� =J=��%\eΰ2R貜�ے�(�6C��D�Ƴ3��,�g�(+q,69p��E�ݘ��@&K����$��4�y�������� Personal Integrity Questionnaire Read the following instructions CAREFULLY! employees spanning all levels of job responsibility, 16 job functions, 13 industry sectors and 5 thresholds of organizational size . <> Questions: C3 If I knew my company was engaging in unethical or illegal behavior, I would report it, even if it could have an adverse effect on my career. 0000003675 00000 n 0000007474 00000 n D1 When I agree to do something, I always follow through. For each of the following, provide two examples of integrity in the context of workplace or career skills. 5 0 obj 0000001390 00000 n
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This questionnaire is interested in how you perceive integrity. It is expected that you will answer all questions accurately, completely and honestly. V{^';��@W'���x� }�������r����+�� ���� ��̏� ���'�j���l����'L�j&%Vc�����=~~���i��>9��3�Dmő�N�eP:,�u0O4�Gq��,a%sɗu�(n5��W�܃A��� endstream endobj 4467 0 obj <>/Size 4449/Type/XRef>>stream [ ��˨L����aF���WX�Y�� 0000000714 00000 n Honesty, Integrity and Lifestyle are areas that are scrutinized closely in considering police officer applications. BC V4K 3E1 Phone: 604.946.4411 deltapolice.ca Honesty, Integrity and Lifestyle are areas that are scrutinized closely in considering applications for employment and CONFIDENTIAL WHEN COMPLETE Delta Police Department – Integrity & Lifestyle Questionnaire Rev. It focusses on practical support for nations, by assisting them in their defence reform efforts and by helping them meet their international obligations. )G�bdu�J�(+00�% qF0t�:�L0S �DW ��& a��֏̄� ]��Af�/����.~�����_.�?�YNچϋ��r�FO���yZt,�������C���k��÷�_�V���|�����'���ReVߑoX,���]�>���ֈɬ�p+�4+'�;�%�d&�� �&c�a��7 0000005862 00000 n One should be positive and one should be an example of how integrity is violated in the same setting or situation. 0000006850 00000 n 1.1. ecutive SummaryEx. trailer
xref 0000004458 00000 n The KPMG Integrity Survey 2013 results . 0000002222 00000 n 0000005161 00000 n • I complete this Integrity Lifestyle Questionnaire voluntarily, based on my desire to pursue employment or volunteer opportunity with the Vancouver Police Department. 0000006331 00000 n This questionnaire is designed to acquaint you with certain standards, which MAY OR MAY NOT DISQUALIFY YOU AS A CANDIDATE DURING THIS SELECTION PROCESS. Each question is asking if at anytime, anyplace, anywhere, at any age, for any reason, both in civilian life or in military life, domestic or abroad, you have ever committed any of the following acts. I �����4Q��O*����#gr5�H.8 ��T&�?���� Ė��! 0000002686 00000 n %�쏢 4455 Clarence Taylor Crescent Delta .
Integrity & Lifestyle Questionnaire . 0000003221 00000 n
0000000016 00000 n 0000001901 00000 n stream This questionnaire pertains to your lifestyle and integrity. 0000003754 00000 n Integrity Questionnaire There are many ways to define integrity in the workplace. 0000001711 00000 n 4449 20 | Integrity Survey 2013. Personal Integrity Questionnaire, continued, Page 5 EVENT HISTORY SECTION: Please answer YES or NO to each of the following questions.
are based upon responses received from more than 3,500 U .S.
Introduction to the Questionnaire This integrity self-assessment tool has been prepared within the framework of the Partnership Action Plan on Defence Institution Building (PAP-DIB). 0000003445 00000 n
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