Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. These can range from flooding to terrorism and from pandemic ‘flu to chemical fires. Most employers carry out some on-the-job training and it's likely that you'll have the chance to learn from more experienced colleagues. The six Somerset local authorities work together in partnership to deliver their responsibilities under the Civil Contingencies Act (2004) and other supporting legislation. Entry without a degree will only be considered if you have extensive relevant pre-entry experience or a related professional qualification.There are a number of specialised courses for professionals working in the voluntary, health, public and other sectors.

General Responsibilities of the Policy & Resources Committee and … This briefing describes how the Secretariat is working with government departments to prepare for the potential disruption that may occur if the UK leaves the EU without a deal. The public sector have set pay scales that you can progress through but you may find higher salaries in the private sector.Working hours are generally 37 hours a week, although they can be longer in an emergency. As with consultancy work, these roles usually require a good level of experience in the field, as well as a business continuity qualification.You can also look to the individual council website for your area for opportunities. Somerset County Council are recruiting for a Civil Contingencies Officer on a 1 year fixed contract. If you have any questions about the role please contact Lesley Knight, Senior Civil Contingencies Officer (07786 856910) or Nicola Dawson, Civil Contingencies Manager (07796 610211). Masters courses are available in similar subjects to those listed above. Responsibilities. The Cabinet Office’s Civil Contingencies Secretariat (CCS) and works to enhance the UK's ability to prevent, prepare for, respond to, and recover from civil emergencies. Emergency Planning Officer: Kevin Murphy; Duties & Powers. The Civil Contingencies Secretariat sits within Cabinet Office and aims to increase UK government’s ability to respond to and recover from civil emergencies. Includes working in the Health Sector 2. You may be required to be on call at evenings and weekends on a rota basis.A relevant first degree is required for emergency planning/management officer roles and suitable subjects include:If you don't have a relevant first degree, you'll need to obtain a related postgraduate qualification. If you can't find a specific work experience opportunity, focus on developing the skills essential to the job.Practical experience, such as voluntary work for a humanitarian organisation, may also be useful.Emergency planning officers are employed by public bodies, including:Charities are also key recruiters of emergency planners and provide opportunities throughout the UK and overseas.On the commercial side, consultancies offer specialist risk management and business continuity management services to:Private employers range from small, specialist consultancies to large multinationals, offering business continuity as part of a package of services.Increasingly, private companies are taking on business continuity specialists to protect their operations in the event of an emergency, particularly within the financial services. Due to COVID-19 all interviews will be taking place virtually, for example over SKYPE. While these do not necessarily qualify you to move into emergency planning roles, they do support a move into work relating to emergency planning and continued professional development (CPD).You may also want to consider getting student membership of relevant professional bodies such as the Employers value relevant work experience and so a part-time job or a placement in an emergency planning role will be an advantage. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website.

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