Ambazonia Terrorist “Commander” of Njikwa “#SNWL general Capo Kumkumised 25 Jul 2020 The comanda of amba terrorist camp in Njikwa yesterday kukumised and his assistant commander, a Nigerian by name Okoro, while the commander is called general Capo. You cowered with your tails between your legs and vamoosed to Buea, you all are not fit for purpose! Ambazonia terrorists Beheading a woman in Muyuka, SW region of Cameroon, 11 Aug 2020
Thanks to the professionalism of the uniformed security forces of BEAUTIFUL CAMEROON .I, KumKum Massa is a proud Cameroonian, born and bred in NW Region of Cameroon, although I have spent the last two decades travelling the world, from Asia (UAE, Qatar, Bahrain), South America, North America (USA and Canada) as well as several countries in Africa, Europe and the Caribbean. Absolutely scandalous!! Some of those that are not conniving with the amba “SNWL” terrorists, abandoned their villages and subjects at the drop of a hat because of them. The current phase of the fight back against amba terrorism is “kumkumization” or killing of those who have refused to drop their guns, leave the bushes, and go to a DDR Centre. Seven of the Amba Terrorists are again Jukum, from Nigeria.
Chiefs and Fons who are conniving with amba “SNWL” terrorists must be unmasked and dealt with accordingly, for they are, in legal parlance, co-conspirators of amba terrorism that has been unleashed on the populace in the most brutish and savage ways. If really, you could summon the wrath of the gods of Lebialem on these terrorists, then what are you waiting for? If you wnat to see the pictures, go to by 1400 cameroon time today, I would have uploaded the photos.. #ComedyRevolution In total, 2 Amba were Kumkumised completely, and 23 pupils rescued.. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. And Chiefs and Fons in Cameroon are paid a monthly salary by the Government of Cameroon. There are limitations to what he and the Cameroonian Defence and Security Forces can do without help from the populace and, especially, from Chiefs and Fons.Jon is a proud Cameroonian, who has assisted MKPD on this platform since early 2019, by writing and sending for Publishing on via email. Thus, conniving with amba “SNWL” terrorists or playing wilful ignorance and still collecting the salary is disingenuous and outright thievery. Recently, Ateasong Beltus went to Alou-Fontem to sensitize the population, and he did so at a great risk to his person and members of his family. Chiefs and Fons should be required by the government to provide intelligence to the BIRs.Mr Biya is doing all to bring the amba madness to an end, and he should be adequately supported by the populace, and Chiefs and Fons who are the very ones he is fighting for. Your gods are useless and using wrath from gods to frighten off terrorists like Ayeke is nonsense. I like to hear and see sweet news like this from my brave military of my beloved nation ……….ONE CAMEROON. The military has refused to allow photo evidence of the 11 dead Ambazonia Terrorists.
Dangerous Ambazonia terrorist injured in the right leg, receiving medical attention in NW Region hospital KumKum Massa I, KumKum Massa is a proud Cameroonian, born and bred in NW Region of Cameroon, although I have spent the last two decades travelling the world, from Asia (UAE, Qatar, Bahrain), South America, North America (USA and Canada) as well as several countries in Africa, … Should they be prosecuted for treason? Our Ancestors have turned their bag on you Ambafools. Ambazonia Terrorists target civilians in MOKOLO market, with an IED. Kings fought wars and defended their people, “Your rantings and ravings from your hideout in Buea will not help in crushing these devils or lucifers into nothingness. I heard Fontem got its name from the Fon then telling his subjects to shoot the enemies. Chiefs and Fons who are conniving with amba “SNWL” terrorists must be unmasked and dealt with accordingly, for they are, in legal parlance, co-conspirators of amba terrorism that has been unleashed on the populace in the most brutish and savage ways. The truth is that there are black legs infiltrated in Amba terrorists groups with high compensation in order to locate their hideouts.
My brothers drop your guns and save your… Excellent job from our soldiers let’s Almighty God be your guidance to save our beloved Country Cameroon from these barbaric devil so called ambazonia terrorists. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! The recent kidnap of 60 children by the so-called “General” Ayeke and his cruel and vicious terrorists for solely hefty ransoms, has warranted the revisiting of the issue of Chiefs and Fons and/or the villagers working secretly with the “Shit-No-Wipe-Lass” (“SNWL”) Terrorists. SHAMEFUL!!! Should they be prosecuted for treason? Chiefs and Fons should be required by the government to provide intelligence to the BIRs. All your plans will fail and your Odeshi can’t work on our Cameroon soil.. All bad luck is yours.Go to hell… Ambazonia Terrorists have murdered Ismaila Bi Sadou Yaro in Binka, NW Region of #Cameroon Ambazonia Terrorists of Eric Tataw’s ANA group exposed.
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