In a nation with a population of almost 13 million people, 94% of the people identify themselves as Muslim and, of those, 95% are affiliated with one of the four major Sufi orders in the country. Wherever you go in the streets, you see the pictures of the Marabous (leaders of Sufism), and most of the shops here are named after these leaders. Sufism has different schools and ways, and it exist in many different countries with different levels. In Senegal, where Islam is the religion of almost 95% of the population, Sufism exists immensely in the country. Here, for the most part, there is no Islam outside of Sufism, so, finally, we compromised that I choose one.“The Sufism and its leaders have a very important role in the lives of the Senegalese”, as some of my Senegalese friends state. For nearly a millennium, there has been an Islamic presence in Senegal. A very original project that sheds light on the relations between Sufism and democracy in Senegal, West Africa, and globally by combining successful, high-quality articles from history, anthropology, sociology, political science, and religious studies.
But when I told them that I am Moroccan and Muslim, they were surprised and the following interest was which Tariqa I follow, which I answered by none. I came across this via a Google search on tariqahs in Senegal and it was interesting to understand just how significant they are in the lives of Senegalese Muslims! These children may engage in harsh work in the countryside, or beg for donations in urban areas.

Islam's influence in the area began with the conversion of King of During the 17th and 18th centuries, Islam was used as a structure of power and militarism. However, some Marabous surpass this role and act as if they have the exclusive right to communicate with Allah, i.e. As Mbacke’ states, the administration's “ultimate aim was to dominate minds” in order to take over the nation, and they saw Islam as standing in their way.More Senegalese Sufis identify with the Tijaniyya order than any other. And that goes through a deep understanding of oneself that leads to the true understanding of the Divine. They often organize or play significant roles within daairasThough rare, women can even become spiritual leaders or marabouts within the brotherhood. Especially common are praise songs honoring individual Sufi leaders, as well as work having to do with the controversy of spiritual leaders involving themselves in politics. They associate this practice with parents' inabilities to raise their children, economic strain, or uncontrolled fertility. The social contract -the formal and informal system of exchange - established between the Sufi clericals and the state, has been credited for the political stability of the postcolonial state. Getting to know that I am a Muslim with no Tariqa was nonsense to the community.
You can perceive that even during the first day in this country. It is also practiced by a growing number of native Senegalese, including the Since the 1970s, and especially with the arrival of the The importance of Sufism is evident in Senegal's modern popular culture. Sufism, the type of Islam practiced in Senegal, is based on the teachings of an ancient form of Islamic mysticism. Nearly every Senegalese singer has a song incorporating themes of Sufi history. N'Dour describes the album as an explora… These groups meet informally to sing religious songs, pray, engage in other types of devotion, and discuss the history of their brotherhood. This practice has sparked a response from UNICEF and other human rights organizations, who argue call these practices child abuse. Sufism and Religious Brotherhoods in Senegal is the English translation, or, as the book's editor put it, the "Interpretive translation," of a work that first appeared in the form of a brochure, then an edited volume in French in 1995. Nearly every Senegalese singer has a song incorporating themes of Sufi history. ​When I first arrived to the village where I am currently serving, people thought that I was an American Peace Corps volunteer. everyone should go through them to reach God, which some people, unfortunately, believe in. In the 17th century, Islam became the religion of the elite and merchant classes.During the 18th century, the French began to colonize the nation. These Western organizations often claim this problem is new and on the rise. Therefore, the Marabous tie the link between Muslims and their religion.

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