Well, “Good afternoon” in Russian is "Добрый день".Let's say your name is Mondly, you are traveling to Russia and meet someone on the street.
The Russian language is notoriously difficult to remember and pronounce. in Russian.Russian speakers are known to be really friendly, so it wouldn't be unusual to make a Russian friend during your travels.
Consider the following 75 Russian phrases a survival guide for your time in Russia.
Let's dig in!If you find yourself in Ukraine it is always polite to say “Hi” every morning because Russian speakers are really sociable.
Here, Nikolayevna is the patronymic, but depending of the father’s name it can have 3 different endings: “-yevna”, “-ovna” or “ichna”.Learning a new language is a perfect way to boost your IQ. 2. “Good morning” in Russian is "Доброе утро".But what if it's later in the day and you want to greet someone from Saint Petersburg? This is popular among East Slavic languages. Learn a Few Essential Spanish Phrases Before Traveling to Mexico
Russian Basic Phrases - greetings, thanks, apologies. Transliterations are in the Scientific transliteration of Cyrillic (See these phrases Russian slang is not only used by young representatives of our culture but also by older people. Pick a few phrases and memorize them the best you can. Счастливо and Удачи are used interchangeably and literally mean "with happiness" (Счастливо) and "good luck" (Удачи). Ты луч солнца в пасмурный день! "Join over 1 million people enjoying our occasional language tips, special offers and more.Russian phrases and expressions you can learn today Transliterations are in the Scientific transliteration of Cyrillic (more details). One way to do it is to address a Russian by his or her formal name. A patronymic is a name derived from the name of the father or an ancestor.
for most of them. In no time, your brain will make new connections and associations and you’ll feel that learning Russian was one of the best choices you ever made.Once you start learning a few basic sentences in Russian you will have the knowledge to start your first Russian conversation. Где гостиница? In 75 Russian Phrases Every Language Learner Should Know Click the green icon to listen. Maia Nikitina is a writer and Russian language translator. Depending on the father’s name, the endings for the patronymic can be “-ovich”, “-evich” or “-ich”. You may also hear Здрасте as part of several Russian idioms that all mean that something has arrived in a surprising and not always welcome way. Many people believe Russian to be one of the toughest languages to learn. Deshalb haben wir für euch die wichtigsten russischen Phrasen, Redewendungen und Vokabeln gesammelt, sodass ihr euch vor Ort ein wenig verständigen könnt.
27 Basic Russian Words and Phrases That Are Vital to Learn For Beginners.
Gdye gasTEEnitsa? The Russian recordings are provided by the good people at
"The drag-and-drop and visuals make it a lot more fun and easy than just reading flashcards. Let’s go over some common sentences in Russian you can learn right now. FR: About us | Home | User agreement | Link to us : Basic Expressions Russian Greetings .
11. Transliterations are in the Scientific transliteration of Cyrillic (more details).
Each phrase is pronounced slowly first, then at normal speed.
For example, a Russian named Alexei which has a father named Nikolay would be called Alexei Nikolayevich or Alexei, son of Nikolay.
Russian Audio: To help you learn Russian this lesson has sound. Yes, Russians have formal names consisting of someone’s first name and his or her patronymic. Without a question mark, Простите is used as "excuse me" if you need to leave or are trying to get past someone. For example, by knowing as little as 100 words you will understand 50% of any text in Russian. Depending on the father’s name, the endings for the patronymic can be “-ovich”, “-evich” or “-ich”.On the other hand, a Russian woman named Anna having a father named Nikolay is called Anna Nikolayevna or Anna, daughter of Nikolay. One way to do it is to address him or her in an informal way. ThoughtCo uses cookies to provide you with a great user experience. Our lists include everything you need to know to greet people, ask for directions, order at a restaurant, shop, and get around. you can provide recordings, please Other collections of Russian phrases (some with audio)If you need to type in many different languages, the If you like this site and find it useful, you can support it by making a donation via
So, why not learn a few basic Russian phrases and expressions to enhance your general knowledge and become happier in the process?There’s an infinite number of sentences in the Russian language that make learning Russian feel overwhelming. Starting with the easiest and most common Russian phrases, you will feel confident in your ability to learn a new language.
Learn These Words and Phrases in Danish Before You Visit Denmark Each phrase is pronounced slowly first, then at normal speed.
Jump to phrases Note: Russian uses different endings depending on the quantity. To introduce yourself you can say "Меня зовут Мандли" which means "My name is Mondly" in Russian.Now that you have introduced yourself, a Russian speaker would respond "Рада познакомиться" which means "I'm pleased to meet you" in Russian.At this point, it might be polite to ask the person you are having a conversation with "Как дела?"
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