For many, the exam is one of the most daunting parts of police training. Whether you are filling out incident reports or merely reading other reports,

The ordinance authorizes the police to ticket any truck in the city not displaying a permit.On May 2nd, Officer Brown saw a truck go by him in the town without a permit displayed. Do not refer back to the passage to answer the following questions.The city has a policy that searches can be conducted on an employee's locker, desk or city-owned vehicle at any time, with or without the employee's presence. Codes associated with some of the stations have been written below them.A station can have more than one code associated with it, as some stations have more than one line passing through them.Officer Brandon is reading a report about crime occurrences in his patrol area.All kidnappings happen between Rose St. and 7th St., all robberies happen between First St. and Almo St., and all drug deals occur on Hale St.Most kidnappings happen on Fridays, most robberies happen on Thursdays, and most drug deals happen on Mondays.Most kidnappings happen between 3 PM and 10PM, most robberies happen between 8 PM and 3 AM, and most drug deals happen between 10 PM and 4 AM.Officer Brandon will most likely be able to decrease the number of robberies if he were to patrol:We can prepare you for the popular police exams in the United States and Canada that are provided by assessment companies, as well as local exams, with our practice packs.

Which of the following states his position in another way?Jane’s monthly income in the year 2010 was $48,200, where 14% of her salary was withheld for income tax. The city policy applies to city employees. The City Controller tries to establish that his desk is not coverd by the city policy because he's an elected official, or, in other words, not a city employee. To enter the city, delivery vehicles must first obtain a special permit from the office of licenses and permits and display the permit on the front windshield.

Proven test taking study guides and practice exams for thousands of entry-level law enforcement exams. The more John is on what floor?The witnesses said that ______ staying at a local motel.Read the following passage once and answer questions 15 - 17. Please fill out the form below and we will contact you soon. You should use the subjective form "I" instead of the objective "me". John is on what floor?The witnesses said that ______ staying at a local motel.Read the following passage once and answer questions 15 - 17. Remember – you need to at least score With the right study approach and practicing as many police math questions as possible, there is no reason why you cannot ace this part of the police officer exam. Whether your goal is to simply pass, score a good result, or stand out by acing the exam, the practice exams below will help you take the exam with confidence. Free Police Exam Practice Questions Although there isn’t one specific police officer exam used across the board for all departments, this free test sample will give you an idea of the types of questions you are bound to face. Codes associated with some of the stations have been written below them.A station can have more than one code associated with it, as some stations have more than one line passing through them.The map below is a scheme of subway lines in the city.Each line is marked by a different color and is associated with a different letter. We are confident that, through our police exam questions, you will ace the police written test!Candidates must prepare for all types of police question. There was no imminent threat to the destruction of evidence since the City Controller was away at a job site.

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