The flower tube and its hairs relax enough for the insect to escape the way it entered, taking the pollen to the next flower it visits, ensuring the continuation of both the Dutchman’s Pipevine and the Pipevine Swallowtail species.Dutchmans Pipevine on fence at Bowman’s Hill Wildflower PreserveI just read the giant Dutchman’s Pipevine is too toxic for the caterpillars. Please research specific plants to make sure they’re a viable option for your region. There are a couple of other Aristolochias that are native in Texas, and with which you may have better luck. One was stuck on the side of the plastic containers I use to hold the leaves for food – I drill a very small hole and put the stems in the water..being careful to make sure the holes in the plastic lids have absolutely no openings in the water, they drown easily.
This chemical protection even survives metamorphosis and extends to the adult butterfly. The next day I was checking on it and noted 4 microscopic – almost invisible cats- just out of the eggs?
When the insect reaches the nectar source, it meets the sticky stigma of the female flower parts, depositing pollen brought in on its body from another Pipevine flower. Bother!!
The Pipevine Swallowtail is an uncommon butterfly in Wisconsin. The Pipevine Swallowtail’s nefarious plot begins after it hatches out of its egg. One overwintered, (chrysalis formed May 30, 2004) emerging on May 10, 2005, almost one year later.There is some indication that the Spicebush and Black Swallowtails are also distasteful, so the complex is partly Mimics: Eastern Tiger Swallowtail (female, dark phase), Black Swallowtail (female), Spicebush Swallowtail, Red-spotted Purple, Diana Fritillary. How so? They may do better in your growing conditions, so you can offer food throughout the season.
Dark brownish black (occasionally smoky red) with soft fleshy tentacle-like projections, usually red-orange dorsal warts over abdomen. Good luck!Ah!! It has the distinctive swallowtail shape, with tails extending from the lower wings. Our native critters depend on native plants.I would love to plant a Dutchman’s Pipevine in my yard. It feeds solely on Pipevines (Aristolochia sp. Also, you have to get lucky to see them.
34--wings in ultraviolet, 51--larva, 52--chrysalis Wagner, p. 77--photo of caterpillar, discussion of possible mimicry by caterpillar Wright, pp. I raise them in my lanai in central fl……………I found some bronish red spikes looking caterpillars on my shriveled up vine today ,will the vine come back ?lm in central Florida tooThe caterpillars won’t kill your vine. The reason for this is that many plants may be sold under the same common name, but only one plant is know by the Latin name. In the butterfly garden, pipevine is the sole food for the Pipevine Swallowtail. (This is original speculation by the author--PC.) Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. The leaves have these brown egg like spots all over them and I’m trying to figure out how to treat it! Flies all year in tropical Mexico. I’ve read that if you leave the caterpillars outside only 5% survive but if one brings them in (the sooner the better) 95% will survive.Hi Mabel, Pipevine Swallowtails are only very rarely seen in Minnesota, probably because the caterpillar food plants on which they depend, the Pipevines (The story on CBS This morning show about this butterfly’s endangered status was very enlightening (I have a trellace covered with this vine and recently has gotten a sickness. But! Good distinguishing characteristics are the lack of tails or iridescent blue-green coloration on the Polydamus.
The Pipevine flutters its wings incessantly while nectaring--I suspect this is part of its mechanisms for advertising distastefulness. The adult feeds on nectar, flapping the wings rapidly as it does so.
(See a sightings map here.) Caterpillar is quite distinctive, may be a mimic of the tropical onychophorans, called velvet worms. Pipevine is a Host Plant for the Pipevine Swallowtail Pipevine Swallowtails (Battus philenor) use Pipevine as a host plant. The Pipevine swallowtail spans from southern Connecticut to Central Florida, west to Arizona and south into Mexico. You can look for it at your local garden center, but when you shop, make sure you’re getting the plant you want by asking for it by its scientific name, Aristolochia macrophylla,in addition to its common name, Dutchman’s Pipevine. But it didn’t attract any butterflies. I just purchased a young Dutchman’s Pipevine. Thanks.Dutchman’s Pipevine is both – it’s wild and can be purchased for use in a cultivated garden setting. This species of Pipevine is too toxic for Pipevine Swallowtails: Is Aristolochia macrophylla poisonous to dogs and cats and humans? I might consider growing this vine just to attract the butterflies.Attracting the butterflies is a great reason to grow Dutchman’s Pipevine! Can hardly wait till see what tomorrow brings.
Contributors own the copyright to and are solely responsible for contributed content.Butterflies of America lists 5 subspecies, of which 2 are native to our area:For more details on the subspecies of the Pipevine Swallowtail, refer to the following:Iridescent blue/black pattern on upper surface is distinctive when fresh. Overwinters as chrysalis in temperate areas. I was hoping to see them lay their eggs, etc. If you look carefully at the tip of her abdomen, you can see a spot of orange – she’s just about to lay another.Pipevine Swallowtail Butterfly laying eggs on Dutchman’s PipevineSome butterflies have evolved a survival strategy that enables their caterpillars to feed on a wide variety of plants, but others, like the Pipevine Swallowtail, have chosen to specialize on a small number of plants that give them a particular advantage. Hate to see a dozen cats scrambling around looking for something to eat.You’re a bit west of the native range for A. macrophylla, and it does like rich moist soil in sun to part shade. Because right away the young caterpillar starts eating the poisonous plant Aristolochia, which is sometimes called pipevine, Dutchman’s pipe and birthwort.
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Is this a regional thing for this species?
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