The two were carted off to jail, and Pearl soon realised that her status as a woman bandit gave her a certain degree of celebrity. Instead, Joe knocked them out and they took the unsuspecting men’s money. But she had a hankering for adventure that strict Victorian mores and the confining rules of womanhood could not contain. Hart was an abusive drunk, incapable of holding down a job, and Pearl was dragged along with him as they moved from one town to the other. But her freedom would be short as the law soon found her and returned her to the jail.Hart’s trial took place in Florence in November 1899 where she insisted that the court had no right to place her on trial, saying: “I shall not consent to be tried under a law in which my sex had no voice in making.” Though she admitted her guilt, she was still acquitted by the jury, most likely because of her story of robbing the stage only to send her mother money. However, it is likely much of the information came from; McLoughlin, Denis.We use cookies. Joe surrendered without a fight, but Pearl fought “like a wildcat”. Channelling the women she had seen in Chicago, she began to loudly In jail, Pearl remained a source of intense public interest. We're all about the quality, and support good writing and reading. As the posse quickly pursued the pair, Pearl’s legend began to grow throughout the west. On May 30, 1899, they carried out their plan, jumping in front of the stage with their guns drawn and ordering the driver to stop. Some say that she had got religion, and disrupted the other prisoners’ lives to such an extent that they threatened to Pearl’s eventual fate is uncertain. However, this was not lucrative enough, so the pair soon conceived of the idea of robbing a stagecoach.After careful planning, the couple decided to rob the stagecoach that ran between Florence and Globe, Arizona. And so Pearl found herself touring New York and across the northern states with a Wild West show, possibly even the same one that had first enthralled her on stage in Chicago. Afterward, she disappeared again until in 1924, when she visited the old courthouse in Florence where she was tried. Born in the 1870s in Lindsay, Ontario, Canada as Pearl Taylor, she eloped and married Frank Hart when she was a teenager. HeadStuff is all about putting buckets of interesting stuff in one place. If you want to know more about our chocolate chips, please visit our but Pearl’s sheltered upbringing had left her unprepared to deal with a man like him. Pearl Hart, who robbed a stagecoach on its way to Florence in 1899, is once again the subject of a movie currently in production. Our cookies are delicious. The sheriff had no trouble tracking the two inexperienced travellers, and they were captured as they slept four days later. The first was the World’s Fair of 1893. Then she vanished into the murkiness of historic rumor. Tried in a separate trial, her partner in crime, In the meantime, Pearl became even more of a celebrity while she was in prison and the warden, who liked the attention, accommodated her with a larger than usual cell as well as a few other perks. The first scheme they tried was a con called the badger game. A third has her living in San Francisco as an old lady in the 1950s. Like Belle Starr, Pearl Hart came from wealth and privilege. Pearl Hart committed one of the last recorded stagecoach robberies in the west. After taking about $450 and a revolver, the pair ordered the passengers back in the coach and Joe fired his gun in the air and told the driver to take off.But, for all their planning, the couple hadn’t prepared for the fact that they were not all that familiar with the surrounding desert hills.

Abandoning her son with her mother, she set out into the Wild West, fetching up in Phoenix, Arizona. Joe had always dreamed of robbing a train, but the two eventually plumped for the stagecoach that ran from Globe to Florence, the capital of Pinal County.

Still, every frontier comes to an end, and every list of tales has a last one. I’m currently working on a movie about Pearl Hart and was curious what your sources are here since you have some information not featured in other articles (example: her suicide attempts).This article was originally written during a time we consolidated sources on a single page, therefore I do not have the exact references. Pearl Hart, a petite and attractive young girl, would become one of the only female stagecoach robbers in the American West, and a celebrity in her own right.Born as Pearl Taylor of French descent in Lindsay, Ontario, Canada, she was one of several children brought up in a respectable middle-class family and received a good education.

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