The areas designated as locality pay areas for 2020, along with the corresponding percentage factor for each area, are shown in the table below.Guam and Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana IslandsLos Angeles-Long Beach-Riverside-Kern County-San Luis Obispo County-Santa Barbara County, CARest of United States and its Territories and Possessions.Note: Information about the geographic scope of each locality pay area can be found on OPM’s Web site at Locality payments will be paid as part of the employee’s biweekly salary and will be used in determining the calculations for retirement annuity and contributions to the Thrift Savings Plan (TSP), life insurance, overtime, and other premium pay. SSI amounts for 2020 The monthly maximum Federal amounts for 2020 are $783 for an eligible individual, $1,175 for an eligible individual with an eligible spouse, and $392 for an essential person. Therefore, BCA rates of basic pay will increase by approximately 2.6 percent.
See the OPM Web site for a list of these Employees that were converted from GS to GL and are now using the Law Enforcement Officer (LEO) pay table code will have actions generated by NFC.
For wage areas with normal effective dates later in the fiscal year, retroactive adjustments will not be required.
The effective date for January 2020 pay adjustments is the first day of the first applicable pay period beginning after January 1, 2020 (January 5, 2020… For those GL employees for whom the 2020 pay increase will remove their entitlement to an SSR supplement, NFC will still process NOAC 894, Pay Adj. Section 737(a) applies to wage employees covered by 5 U.S.C. For example, the wage schedule for the Washington, DC, FWS wage area has a normal effective date in FY 2020 of October 13, 2019. For detailed instructions, refer to OPM's Guide to Processing Personnel Actions (GPPA), Chapter 17.NFC will not print Standard Form (SF) 50Bs.
Failure to work an NFC-generated pay raise personnel action that falls into suspense for any reason will prevent the employee from receiving his/her January pay adjustment. The rate of basic pay for AL-3/A through AL-3/F will range from $114,000 to $157,800. The forms can be viewed online via an electronic Official Personnel File (eOPF) and the Remote Forms Queuing System (RFQS). Therefore, the identified grades and steps in the applicable locality areas are limited to $170,800 for 2020.Federal Employees Pay Comparability Act of 1990 (FEPCA) (Public Law 101-509) provides for comparability payments within each locality that is determined to have a pay disparity of greater than five percent with non-Federal workers.The President’s Pay Agent has determined that the 2020 Locality-Based Comparability payments will be the same as the Government-wide and single-Agency categories that were authorized for the 2020 Locality-Based Comparability Payments.The total number of locality pay areas is 53 for 2020. The overall pay raise for 2019 was for 1.4% with an additional average of 0.5% for locality pay. But in August, President Trump recommended a 2.6% pay raise for the federal government’s General Schedule employees effective in January 2020. In these instances, employees in areas with higher locality pay would cease to be covered by the SSR.SSR tables have been updated to incorporate the 2.6 percent general increase.
The rates for Administrative Appeals Judges (AAJ) are directly linked to those of ALJs (see 5 U.S.C.
The guidance can be found at Modified Pay Freeze for Certain Senior Political Officials Note: Employees who are Americorps members (Special Employment Programs Code V8) are not eligible to receive the 2.6 percent Federal pay increase.NFC will not process Federal pay increases for the following employees (with the exception of employees in Agencies notifying NFC to automatically process the pay increase):NFC will automatically process Federal pay increases for the following types of employees:Note: Employees being paid under PRD J and K will be calculated using the 50 percent increase computation (except those Agencies with their own computations) until their salary maxes out at the step 10 rate.
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