Next she demanded the entire territory of the French Congo. He declared that he could not accept the programme of reforms on his own, that the question was of international significance and should therefore be referred to an international conference. Morocco, on the contrary, was still wallowing in a state of medieval stagnation and feudal anarchy. The French conquest of Morocco took place in 1911 in the aftermath of the Agadir Crisis, when Moroccan forces besieged the French-occupied city of Fez. The reorganisation of the Russian army was moving very slowly and Russia was still unprepared for a war with Germany and Austria-Hungary. Despite the weakness of its authority, the Alaouite dynasty distinguished itself in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries by maintaining Morocco’s independence while other states in the region succumbed to French or British domination. General Robert Moinier declared a state of siege. The Foreign Legion, which the French maintained for service in the colonies, was recruited from declassed elements from all over the world, including many gamblers and criminals. The activities of this commission resulted in the conclusion of a new border treaty in Algiers on April 20, 1902, between France and Morocco. These capitulations, which were an inferior copy of the Ottoman Empire’s capitulations, later extended to a number of other Powers.Spain had also concluded an agreement with Morocco in the same year as France (1767) and had already become a capitulation Power by then. On 30 March 1912, Sultan Abdelhafid signed the Treaty of Fez, formally ceding Moroccan sovereignty to France, which established a protectorate.

The proteges were natives, subjects of the Moroccan Sultan, who worked in the service of French residents. Wilhelm II disembarked and set out for Tangier on a white horse, where he made a speech to the crowd of Moroccans that had gathered round him. France imposes its language as the main tool of communication besides Arabic in the local country in order to achieve its aims through building relationships with Moroccan people. Spain in turn occupied a cape in the Melilla area.The French landing evoked agitation throughout Morocco. In January 1944, the In the late 1940s and early 1950s, with political and nonviolent efforts proving futile, the Moroccan struggle for independence became increasingly violent, with massacres, bombings, and riots, particularly in the urban and industrial center, In the days leading up to the sultan's speech, French colonial forces in The general sympathy of the sultan for the nationalists had become evident by the end of the war, although he still hoped to see complete independence achieved gradually. The French army was still not prepared for a war with Germany and, secondly, her ally, Russia, was preoccupied with the war in the Far East and with incipient revolution. The sultan agreed to institute reforms that would transform Morocco into a In the months that followed independence, Muhammad V proceeded to build a modern governmental structure under a The French minted coinage for use in the Protectorate from 1921 until 1956, which continued to circulate until a new currency was introduced.

Colonel Gouraud embarquant pour le Maroc - avril 1911.jpg 1,024 × 1,449; 266 KB. The French minted coins with denomination of Under the protectorate, Moroccans were prevented from attending large political gatherings.French authorities also forbade Arabic-language newspapers from covering politics, which sparked claims of censorship.The first stamps of the protectorate appeared 1 August 1914, and were just the existing stamps with the additional overprint reading "PROTECTORAT FRANCAIS".There are approximately 1,514,000 Moroccans in France, representing the largest community of Moroccans outside of Morocco.

In the Spanish zone, the police were under Spanish supervision, and in the French zone, they were under French supervision. In any case, as a reprisal for the murder the French took over the whole of East Morocco including the town of Oujda.In August 1907, a new provocation was organised. The French conquest of Morocco took place in 1911 in the aftermath of the Agadir Crisis, when Moroccan forces besieged the French-occupied city of Fez. The new loan went, in the first place, to liquidate the floating debts which had accumulated once again, in the second place, to organise a police force in the free ports and, thirdly, to pay the indemnity. France flatly rejected it.

On July 20, 1901, France concluded a border treaty with Morocco for the formation of a mixed Franco-Moroccan Commission, which was to set up French and Moroccan posts all along the border and to hold an option among the population of the border regions. He then returned to his yacht and sailed away. In March 1907, a French doctor, Emile Mauchamp, was murdered at Marrakesh. The last resistance to the conquest of Morocco occurred in 1933–34. The population was already sensitive to foreign encroachment and in this case Europeans were actually violating a Moslem cemetery.

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