[155][156][157][158][159][160][161] The death of Antonio Crdenas Guillen also caused a spiral of violence in Reynosa, Tamaulipas a number of days after he was killed. Due to the Gulf Cartel's territory in northern Tamaulipas, primarily in the border cities of Reynosa and Matamoros, they have been able to establish a sophisticated and extensive drug trafficking and distribution network along the U.S.Mexico border in South Texas. [111] He was believed to be in charge of the gang's operations in 12 municipalities in Veracruz, including Acayucan, Minatitln and Coatzacoalcos, known as the state's most violent towns. The gunmen also rescued El Michoacano's brother, Mariano Maldonado Meja, and other gunmen. During the early 1960s at San Quentin Prison, Luis "Huero Buff" Flores and Rudy "Cheyenne" Cadena established a blood oath for members of the Mexican Mafia. [35][47] However, in November 2002, Decena was killed in a military action at a restaurant in Matamoros, Tamaulipas,[48] allowing Heriberto Lazcano ("Z3") to take control of the group. [257], On 9 May 2011, the Mexican government, along with Sedena, disarmed all police forces in the state of Tamaulipas, beginning with the cities of Matamoros and Reynosa. According to the federal indictment, Mexican Mafia members exert their influence in both federal and state prison systems through either violence or the threat of violence. [122][123] Tamaulipas was no exception; according to PAN politician Santiago Creel, the PRI in Tamaulipas had been protecting the Gulf-Zeta organization for years. [30] Another indicted member was accused of having plotted the death of an anti-gang activist who served as a consultant for the film American Me. Nicola Gratteri, zar antimafia de Reggio Calabria", "Pick your poison: Drug gangs now dominate where guerrillas once reigned", "Gulf Cartel vs. Los Zetas One year later", "La ley del silencio en Reynosa slo la rompe Twitter", "La guerra Golfo-zetas, en 11 municipios tamaulipecos; nueve son fronterizos con EU", "Los Zetas y el crtel del Golfo se pelean por Monterrey", "La batalla del crtel del Golfo y "Los Zetas" por la Huasteca", "Two Zetas executed in Brownsville, Texas", "Enfrentamientos entre el crtel del Golfo y Los Zetas paralizaron Nuevo Laredo", "La guerra del crtel del Golfo y Los Zetas, maana 24 de febrero se cumple un ao", "DEA: acuerdan 3 crteles alianza contra Los Zetas", "Sicarios de los Beltrn Leyva y Zetas atacan a gente del Chapo en Sonora", "Violence the result of fractured arrangement between Zetas and Gulf Cartel, authorities say", "FBI 2011 National Gang Threat Assessment", "A Profile of Los Zetas: Mexico's Second Most Powerful Drug Cartel", "US labels Venezuelan vice-president a drug kingpin", "U.S. Imposes Sanctions on Venezuela's Vice President, Calling Him a Drug 'Kingpin', "El Ejrcito decomisa el mayor arsenal hallado en la historia de Mxico", "In Drug War, Mexico Fights Cartel and Itself", "Top Gulf Cartel leader arrested in Reynosa", "Mexico: Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt over Anonymous' #OpCartel", "Combating Transnational Organized Crime", "Narcotics Rewards Program Target Information", "FEDERAL GRAND JURY INDICTS LOS ZETAS LEADER IN MONEY LAUNDERING SCHEME", "Anonymous vs. Zetas Amid Mexico's Cartel Violence", "Drug Violence Swamps A Once Peaceful Mexican City", "After a Kidnapping, Hackers Take On a Ruthless Mexican Crime Syndicate", "Mexico Week: U.S. is Mexico's primary energy trade partner amid shifting trade dynamics", "mex200313.e_092020.pdf | Department of Justice", The Evolution of 'Los Zetas,' a Mexican Crime Organization, Equine Crime A Horse Farm of a Different Color, Cartel: The Coming Invasion of Mexico's Drug Wars, El Narco: Inside Mexico's Criminal Insurgency, Manhunt of Joaqun "El Chapo" Guzmn (20012014), The Covenant, the Sword, and the Arm of the Lord, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Los_Zetas&oldid=1153811665, Paramilitary organizations based in Mexico, Organized crime groups in the United States, Articles with dead external links from March 2023, Articles with permanently dead external links, Articles with dead YouTube links from February 2022, Articles with dead external links from May 2019, Short description is different from Wikidata, All Wikipedia articles written in American English, Pages using infobox criminal organization with rivals parameter, Articles with unsourced statements from July 2013, Articles with unsourced statements from August 2022, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Drug trafficking, human trafficking, arms trafficking, murder, rape, kidnapping, racketeering, extortion, arson, hacking, video piracy, prostitution, theft, In the American crime drama television series, This page was last edited on 8 May 2023, at 13:35. Membership is for life, the only way out is death. [194] Along with the market in the United States, the drug market in Europe is among the most lucrative in the world, where the Mexican drug cartels are believed to have deals with the mafia groups of Europe. [49] He was to be replaced by scar Malherbe de Len and Ral Valladares del ngel, until their arrest a short time later,[50] causing several cartel lieutenants to fight for the leadership. According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, Mexico is responsible for 10% of all of United States petroleum imports and plays an even larger role in exporting to nations in South America. [353], Illicit drugs also are smuggled into and through Texas via commercial aircraft, cars, buses, passenger trains, pedestrians, and package delivery services. For the most part, the arms trafficking circles of the Gulf Cartel operate directly across the border in the United States, just like most of the criminal groups in Mexico. [1][2], Aurelio Cano Flores was born in Tamaulipas, Mexico on 3 May 1972. [250] Consequently, the federal government did not hesitate to assign the Mexican Army and the Federal Police to vigilate the prisons until further notice; they were also left in charge of searching for the fugitives. Tiroteo en discoteca de Puerto Vallarta. The high level of legitimate travel and movement of goods and services between border cities in the U.S. and Mexico facilitates the drug business in the area. Blankstein, A., & Linthicum, K. (February 17, 2011). [177] Crdenas Vela had held a grudge on Flores Borrego and the Metros because he believed that they had led the Mexican military to track down and kill his uncle Antonio Crdenas Guilln on 5 November 2010. [2], The Mexican Mafia and the Italian-American Los Angeles crime family collaborated in skimming money from Get Going, a taxpayer-funded drug treatment program. [96] Lieutenants that were once loyal to Crdenas began following the commands of Lazcano, who tried to reorganize the cartel by appointing several lieutenants to control specific territories.Morales Trevio was appointed to look over Nuevo Len;[97] Jorge Eduardo Costilla Snchez in Matamoros;[98] Hctor Manuel Sauceda Gamboa, nicknamed El Karis, took control of Nuevo Laredo;[99] Gregorio Sauceda Gamboa, known as El Goyo, along with his brother Arturo, took control of the Reynosa plaza;[100] Arturo Basurto Pea, alias El Grande, and Ivn Velzquez-Caballero alias El Talibn took control of Quintana Roo and Guerrero;[101] Alberto Snchez Hinojosa, alias Comandante Castillo, took over Tabasco. Moreover, the Mexican drug traffickers often use small boats to transport drugs through the coastal areas of South Texas, usually operating at night to prevent them from being spotted by law enforcement officials. [167][168] The cartel also has important areas of operation in Guatemala,[169] where their operations are reported to have begun as early as 2008. Inform a sus hermanos Benjamn, Eduardo y Javier y todos acordaron el ataque. [204] In the midsts of violence and panic, local authorities and the media tried to minimize the situation and claim that "nothing was occurring", but the facts were impossible to cover up. [51] Hugo Baldomero Medina Garza, known as El Seor Padrino de los Trilers (the lord of the Trailers), is considered one of the most important members in the rearticulation of the Gulf Cartel. [334] The Economist mentioned in 1997 that the drug money from the Gulf Cartel in the Rio Grande Valley was perhaps moving about $20billion, and that around 15% of the retailers' gains were from drug money. [356][357][358], On 21 July 2009, the United States DEA announced coordinated actions against the Gulf Cartel and Los Zetas drug trafficking organizations. [81][82], On 9 November 1999, two U.S. agents from the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) and FBI were threatened at gunpoint by Crdenas Guilln and approximately fifteen of his henchmen in Matamoros. [341], Prostitution network [86], The former leader of the Gulf Cartel, Osiel Crdenas Guilln, was captured in the city of Matamoros, Tamaulipas, on 14 March 2003, in a shootout between the Mexican military and Gulf Cartel gunmen. los emes cartel. Court documents indicated that Garca brego was bribing several law enforcement officials, prosecutors, and politicians on both sides on the border to keep himself impune and untouched. A member must protect another member from harm. Within the United States, Los Zetas are using social media as a method of communication between the two countries and are also using the sites as a method of recruiting young aspiring members who in their perception see the actions of the cartel as glorified and are able to ask how they can join. [159] On 7 November 2011, 650 policemen were released from their duties because they had either failed or refused "corruption control tests".[160]. A member must always treat another member's family with respect and kindness. Aryan brotherhood. [4] As other organized crime groups subsequently copied the Zetas' brutal and superfluous methods to ensure they could survive, this resulted in the violence in Mexico escalating to much higher levels and to new forms. [264] The federal government is also constructing three military bases in Tamaulipas: in Ciudad Mier, San Fernando and Ciudad Mante. [59], In 1997 the Gulf Cartel began to recruit military personnel whom Jess Gutirrez Rebollo, an Army General of that time, had assigned as representatives from the PGR offices in certain states across Mexico. Bloods and Crips are the new enemies. In addition to the more common drugs like marijuana and cocaine, the DEA has reported Los Zetas have also provided support in the fentanyl trade. [317] --> [22][26] In February 2010, Los Zetas broke away and formed their own criminal organization, rivalling the Gulf Cartel. High-ranking members of the Mexican Mafia who are locked in private cells for 23 hours of each day are still able to communicate with their associates, through methods which range from tapping in code on prison plumbing pipes to smuggled letters. The film was co-produced, directed and starred in by actor Edward James Olmos, who allegedly received death threats by members of the Mexican Mafia for what they considered an unflattering depiction of the gang. On 24 February 2010, gunmen onboard hundreds of trucks marked C.D.G, XXX, and M3 the insignias of the Cartel clashed with Zetas gunmen in the northern cities of Tamaulipas. [309] La Jornada mentioned that before the rupture with Los Zetas in 2007, the corridor of Reynosa, Tamaulipas was often used for human smuggling. Prior to his arrest on 10 June 2009, he was operating as the Gulf Cartel leader in Camargo, Tamaulipas and coordinated heroin, cocaine, and marijuana shipments to the United States. [162] Moreover, his death also generated a turf war with Los Zetas in the city of Ciudad Mier, Tamaulipas, resulting in the exodus of more than 95% of its population. According to the media outlet, Baltazar Hinojosa brother in law, owns a shell company created by the law firm, where its board of directors' members is his wife and three daughters. [9], Cano Flores was arrested by the Mexican federal police on 10 June 2009 while in possession of a firearm, a magazine device, and 30 rounds of ammunition. [1], The U.S. Department of State was offering up to US$5 million for information leading to his arrest and/or conviction. [240], On 25 March 2010, in the city of Matamoros, 40 inmates escaped from a federal prison. [42] Two men from the Rio Grande Valley were charged before the drug lord's arrest for laundering more than $30million for Garca brego. [31], Garca brego's arrest was even subject to allegations of corruption. Antonio Crdenas Guilln, Jorge Eduardo Costilla Snchez, Heriberto Lazcano Lazcano and 15 of their top lieutenants, have been charged in U.S. federal courts with drug trafficking-related crimes,[359][360] while the U.S. State Department announced rewards totaling US$50million for information leading to their capture. Los Zetas have caused terror throughout Mexico for the past two decades. These harder drugs are shipped to the cartels through partnerships with China and other Asian countries, before being distributed out across the Americas. [210], On 10 November 2014, a document from the Mexican government was released to the media and claimed that Los Rojos faction of the Gulf Cartel was planning to ally with Los Zetas. [14] He was the highest drug lord of the Gulf Cartel to be convicted by a U.S. jury in 15 years. [42] Some of these former GAFE members reportedly received training in commando and urban warfare from the Israeli and U.S. Special Forces. [181], Some experts have found it difficult to argue that the Gulf Cartel does not impose a direct threat to the state since they "do not seek political change", and that they only want to be left alone with their business. [65][66] Samuel Flores Borrego, a lieutenant of the Cartel, killed Zetas lieutenant Sergio Pea Mendoza, alias "El Concorde 3", due to a disagreement over the drug corridor of Reynosa, whom both protected. [201] In addition, the Obama administration made a very modest effort by way of support for the struggling country although "former drug czar Barry McCaffrey told Congress that Merida, was 'a drop in the bucket'", and that the United States "cannot afford to have a narco-state as [their] neighbour". Los Zetas Following a bilateral law enforcement investigation named 'Operation Black Jack', executed by the ATF, DEA, ICE and the FBI, three Zeta safe houses were identified in Mexico and raided by Mexican federal security forces, releasing more than 40 kidnapped individuals,[36] and making the largest weapons seizure in the history of Mexico; it included 540 rifles including 288 assault rifles and several .50-caliber rifles, 287 hand grenades, 2 M72 LAW anti-tank weapons, 500,000 rounds of ammunition, 67 ballistic vests, 3 anti aircraft weapons and 14 sticks of dynamite. Los Zetas have also carried out multiple massacres and attacks on civilians and rival cartels, such as: In addition, sources reveal that Los Zetas may also be responsible for: By 2011, only 10 of the original 34 zetas remained fugitives,[90] and to this day most of them have either been killed or captured by the Mexican law enforcement and military forces. Both the Mexican and U.S. government increased their efforts to apprehend Crdenas Guilln. Guzman and Lazcano were eventually able to convince 34 GAFE operators to leave the Mexican Army and form the core of Los Zetas. The last method Los Zetas use to influence western nations is through criminal rule in prison systems. [315] The newspaper La Vanguardia mentioned that the Gulf Cartel receives "large sums of money by extorting businesses" all around Tamaulipas. [172] The clash between these two groups started in Reynosa, and then expanded to Nuevo Laredo and Matamoros. [351] Due to its multifaceted transportation networks and proximity to major production areas right across the border in Mexico, Texas is a major hub for drug trafficking. Posted on . [35] This project included the use of tanks, airplanes and the National Guard "as a preventive measure upon the possible collapse of the Mexican State" to protect the border from a Zetas attack and receive an eventual exodus of Mexicans fleeing from the violence. Kidnappings [153] The National Public Security System (SNSP) has condemned the low police salaries, and demanded that state and municipal authorities create better payment programs for policemen so they can have a fair wage for themselves and their families. [163], Arturo Guzman was initially tasked by Cardenas to recruit 20 men to murder his rival Rolando Lopez Salinas. [208] The complexity and territorial advantage of Los Zetas forced the Gulf Cartel to seek for an alliance with the Sinaloa Cartel and La Familia Michoacana; in addition, Stratfor mentioned that these three organizations also united because they hold a "profound hate" for Los Zetas. Stealing oil from PEMEX and selling it illegally has been one of the many funding activities of the Gulf Cartel. [326], Theft The candidates from the Cartel were Guilln and Jorge Eduardo Costilla Snchez, while Los Zetas wanted to hand the leadership to their own head, Lazcano. [112], It is unclear which of the two the Gulf Cartel or Los Zetas started the conflict that led to their break up. However, Ezekiel died in a shooting with the Mexican Marines in Matamoros, Tamaulipas in 2010,[273] and Costilla Sanchez became the sole head of the cartel until his arrest in September 2012. "[233], On 5 June 2016, citizens from Tamaulipas elected a governor from the opposition party, Fransico Javier Garcia Cabeza de Vaca member of Accion Nacional (National Action). Monterrey who was arrested in January 2012 for working in a kidnapping ring within the Gulf Cartel. Los Zetas o Crtel de Los Zetas fue un crtel y organizacin terrorista mexicana, considerado como el crtel ms poderoso y sanguinario de Mxico, cuyas actividades delictivas iban desde el narcotrfico, piratera, terrorismo, extorsin, secuestro, homicidio, trata de personas, hurto de combustible, robo de bancos, camiones de valores, lavado de. Los Emes, or in English "The Ms", refers to the first letter of the surname of the crime family who lead the group, the Maldonados. [150][151][152][153][154] Although not confirmed, KVEO-TV, several online sources and witnesses, along with one law enforcement officer who preferred to keep his name anonymous, mentioned that more than 100 people died that day in Matamoros. [127] The death of Antonio allowed for Costilla Snchez to become the co-leader of the Gulf Cartel and head of the Metros, one of the two factions within the Gulf Cartel. [25] The origins of Los Zetas date back to the late 1990s, when commandos of the Mexican Army deserted their ranks and began working as the enforcement arm of the Gulf Cartel. [183], The Gulf Cartel has important cells operating inside the United Statesin Mission, Roma, and Rio Grande Cityfor example, and their presence is expanding. [citation needed], In 1998, United States federal authorities indicted 22 members and associates of the Mexican Mafia, charged under the federal Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act with crimes which included extortion, murder, and kidnapping. (2003), cert. There is a female unit known as the Panteras, or panthers. [79], Upon the arrest of the Gulf Cartel boss Crdenas in 2003 and his extradition in 2007, the panorama for Los Zetas changedthey started to become synonymous with the Gulf Cartel, and their influences grew within the organization. [235] While his election did not have that much substance in a public policy perspective, its rhetoric of a peaceful transition, enabled him to defeat by double digits the candidate from the ruling party, Baltazar Manuel Hinijosa Ochoa. Combating gangs: Federal agencies have implemented a central american [, United States v. Shryock, 342 F.3d 948 (9th Cir. Los Zetas (pronounced[los setas], Spanish for "The Zs") is a Mexican criminal syndicate, formerly as one of the most dangerous of Mexico's drug cartels. [77] The group operated similar to Los Zetas, but with less complexity and success. United States District Court for the Southern District of Texas, List of Mexico's 37 most-wanted drug lords, "The Mexican Press and Civil Society, 1940-1976: Stories from the Newsroom, Stories from the Street", "Mexican cartels funneling shipments to Italian mafia through Texas", "Cocaine Comrades: The Balkan Ties of a Fallen Colombian Drug [Trafficker", "Monte Escobedo, Zacatecas: Cartel del Golfo Burns Captured Combatants", "La lucha entre 'golfos' y 'zetas' desgarra a Tamaulipas", "El crtel del Golfo echa a Los Zetas de Tamaulipas", "U.S. AND MEXICAN RESPONSES TO MEXICAN DRUG TRAFFICKING ORGANIZATIONS", "Mexico's Drug Trafficking Organizations: Source and Scope of the Rising Violence", "A Line in the Sand: Confronting the Threat at the Southwest Border", "Falleci el fundador del crtel del Golfo", "FBI Adds International Drug Dealer to "Most-Wanted" List", "Reputed drug lord's brother under arrest", "At Drug Trial, Mexican Suspect Faces Accuser", "Juan Garca Abrego Top Ten Most Wanted Fugitives", "Mxico detiene y entrega a Estados Unidos a su principal narcotraficante", "Mexican "Gulf Cartel" Leader Juan Garcia Abrego Convicted on U.S. Drug Charges", "Mexican Drug Cartel Chief Convicted in U.S.", "Legendary Juan Garcia Abrego in U.S. custody", "Garcia Abrego is U.S. citizen, officials insist", "Juan Garcia Abrego arraigned in U.S. FBI fugitive could spend life in prison", "Pea: Garcia Abrego hurt by huge bust Agents seize $22 million load of coke", "El Profe welcomes Garcia Abrego's downfall", "Texas-Mexico Borderlanconfrontads: The Slide Toward Chaos", "Historia y estructura del Crtel del Golfo", "Desplazan a los Garca brego en liderato del crtel del Golfo", "Relegan a familia de Garca brego en crtel del Golfo", "Mexico Agrees To Extradite Drug Suspect To California", "Detectan a poderoso capo del Crtel del Golfo", "Indagan a familiar de El Seor de los Trileres", "Desde las entraas del Ejrcito, Los Zetas", "DEA: acuerdan 3 crteles alianza contra Los Zetas", "Los Zetas and Mexico's Transnational Drug War", "Los 'grandes capos' detenidos en la guerra contra el narcotrfico de Caldern", "Video Interrogatorio de Jess Enrique Rejn Aguilar "El Mamito", "Los Zetas called Mexico's most dangerous drug cartel", "Texas jury convicts alleged Mexican cartel hit man", "Organized crime and terrorist activity in Mexico, 19992002", "The Mexican Drug War and the Thirty Years' War", "Army troops capture a Zetas cartel boss in northern Mexico", "Mexico's Drug War: Soldiers versus Narco-Soldiers", "Saldo por el combate al narcotrfico: muerte por un negocio millonario", "Cartel boss: Everyone from cops to strippers worked for me", "Weekend shootouts in northeastern Mexico kill at least 9", "El origen de 'Los Zetas': brazo armado del crtel del Golfo", "DEA agent breaks silence on standoff with cartel", "Grayson: Zapata slaying will have repercussions", "$2 Million Reward Offered Leading to the Arrest or Conviction of Drug Traffickers", "Cae Osiel Crdenas: Se enfrent a tiros con el Ejrcito", "Nuevo auto de formal prisin a Osiel Crdenas", "Lderes narcos pactan en La Palma trasriego de droga", "Osiel Cardenas-Guillen, Former Head of the Gulf Cartel, Sentenced to 25 Years' Imprisonment", "Sentencian a Osiel Crdenas Guilln a 25 aos de prisin en Texas", "Maneja Osiel mafia desde la carcel, prueban", "Desertor del Ejrcito, nuevo lder del crtel del Golfo: informes castrenses", "Detienen a un lder del Crtel del Golfo en Tabasco", "Miguel Morales Trevio, Z-40, un narco violento ya est en la mira", "Cartel leader believed slain in Reynosa violence", "Confirman militares enfrentamiento con narcotraficantes", "Revelan que desertor del Ejrcito mexicano liderea Crtel del Golfo", "Capturan al lder de los 'Zetas' en Tabasco", "Mexico Gulf Cartel leader Mario Ramirez Trevino captured", "United States of America v. Cardenas-Guillen", "DEA agent talks of 1999 Matamoros standoff with Osiel Cardenas-Guillen", "Extradition: Past cases highlight limits", "New U.S. attorney no stranger to Houston", "Mexican drug lords decry U.S. prison conditions", "Assets from drug boss go to Texas law enforcement", "Trafficking defendant: I was a DEA informer", "U.S. turns over custody of Cardenas-Guillen helicopters to businesses", "Mexico's Cartels Declare War on the Zetas", "Gulf Cartel split with Zetas made public", "Mexican cartels strategize to win hearts and minds", "Otro Crdenas Guilln hereda la organizacin", "Authorities: Gulf Cartel, Zetas gang up on each other as arrangement dies", "War between Gulf Cartel, Zetas marks year anniversary", "Ejecucin de "El Concorde" deton guerra en Tamaulipas", "The Gulf-Zeta Split and the Praetorian Revolt", "Mxico: Los Zetas rompen con el Cartel del Golfo", "El crtel de los Zetas tiende acuerdos de "no agresin y colaboracin", "Gulf Cartel lieutenant's associates enter plea agreement", "Ejrcito, Armada y PF van tras El Coss, segundo heredero del crtel del Golfo", "Another Cardenas-Guillen inherits the organization", "Se lanza la PGR por ms lderes del crtel del Golfo", "Operativo contra Tony Tormenta dej 8 muertos", "Tres militares, 'Tony Tormenta' y un periodista", "Operativo de seis meses llev a abatimiento de Tony Tormenta: Secretara de Marina", "Cae "Tony Tormenta", lider del cartel del Golfo", "In the aftermath, UTB-TSC works to protect students", "Reputed Gulf cartel leader killed in Mexico shootout", "Secretara de Marina, detenciones en tierra", "Detonaron ms de 300 granadas en el operativo contra Tony Tormenta", "Muere Tony Tormenta luego de ocho horas de tiroteos con efectivos federales en Matamoros", "Top Mexican drugs lord killed in fierce gunbattle with military", "Muere Antonio Cardenas Guillen, alias "Tony Tormenta," lider del cartel del Golfo", "Video indito del la muerte de Cardenas Guillen, "Tony Tormenta", "Mexico Border War Live Battle! [16], By the 1980s, Garca brego began incorporating cocaine into the drug trafficking operations and started to have the upper hand on what was now considered the Gulf Cartel, the greatest criminal dynasty in the US-Mexico border. [345] In 2008 in the state of Michoacn, the Gulf Cartel was reported to have controlled the counterfeit business, where it produced and sold millions of fake CDs and movies. They preferred to take military-style control of territory, holding it through sheer force and exploiting its criminal opportunities. [212] However, remnants still exist in Tamaulipas. [332] Top leaders of the Gulf organization, like Juan Garca brego, Osiel Crdenas Guilln, Jorge Eduardo Costilla Snchez and Antonio Crdenas Guilln, among others, have been charged by the U.S. government for laundering millions of dollars. And although there wasn't any visible confrontation between the two, the intensity of the situation was clear through the background noises of grenade explosions and automatic gunfire. Ray and Marlene Wells were also shot execution style in their home in Belvedere Park. Law enforcement believes that La eMe presently is not presided over by a single leader. [333] Bank accounts inside the United States also launder millions of dollars for the drug lords of the Gulf Cartel. Following the incident, the gunmen responsible for the kidnapping were reportedly handed over to the authorities and the cartel made a public apology.[365]. [27], The Mexican Mafia is the controlling organization for almost every Hispanic gang in Southern California, and some gangs located in Central and Northern California, with their vassal gangs being called Sureos. At first, estimates mentioned that 148 inmates had escaped, but later counts gave the exact figures. [108] Crdenas has been isolated from interacting with other prisoners in the supermax prison he is in. The Gulf Cartel, along with their rival group Los Zetas, have been the two drug cartels with the most kidnappings in all of Mexico, and "more than half of the country's kidnappings are attributed to them. By 1977, Get Going founder Ellen Delia was determined to expose the infiltration of her beloved program. Posted on March 22, 2023 by . [362][363] He was arrested with a female companion identified as Miriam "M" and is accused of being responsible for recent violence in Tamaulipas[364], In March 2023, a splinter faction from the Gulf Cartel called the Scorpions Group publicly accepted responsibility for an incident where four Americans were kidnapped, which ended in two of the victims being killed. The penalty for refusing orders or failing to complete an assigned task is often death. [26] On 14 January 1996, Garca brego was arrested outside a ranch in Monterrey, Nuevo Len. Last edited on 19 February 2023, at 23:34, Conspiracy to distribute more than five kilograms of cocaine and more than 1,000 kilograms of marijuana (21 U.S.C. [198], Also in 2012, the United States posted a $5,000,000 reward for information leading to the successful capture of Miguel Trevio Morales. The Mexican criminal organizations like the Gulf Cartel launder money through counterfeiting, since they are free from taxes and more accessible to people who cannot buy original products. Is often death 2 ], Garca brego 's arrest was even subject to allegations of.. In 15 years convicted by a single leader May 1972 exact figures Going founder Ellen Delia determined! He is in 2012 for working in a kidnapping ring within the Gulf Cartel is a female unit as. 948 ( 9th Cir # x27 ; s brother, Mariano Maldonado Meja, and other gunmen influence... Dollars los emes cartel the past two decades 342 F.3d 948 ( 9th Cir these two groups started in,... 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