If so, what are some of the solutions you would suggest? Below are the marks of a growing follower and disciple of Jesus.– A follower of Jesus desires to encounter God through the deeper study and application of God’s Word.– A follower of Jesus embraces people and values relationships on a deeper level so everyone can grow together.– A follower of Jesus engages and serves the world around them and in their community, through local partners or God-directed opportunities.– A follower of Jesus expands God’s Kingdom through development and multiplication of disciple-makers, possibly to lead more groups at Faith Promise.The Faith Promise Blog is a collection of blog posts and resources written by the Faith Promise staff team and volunteers. I met her for lunch, and we hit the Bible bookstore.

She prays for me. What do you say to the Jehovah’s Witness people who come to your door?

I would love to hear about how you handle your accountability time. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. We had class together all day on Saturday — two four-hour courses back to back with a 90-minute lunch break in between. It’s so freeing to be able to share and revel in loving God together in this crazy world, online and otherwise.Stephanie, you have the gift of encouragement. She hopped in my car to go grab a bite to eat a few times, and as the weeks went by we learned a little bit about each other. filmmaker Morgan Neville shares why the world created by Fred Rogers isn’t corny — it’s “essential.” READ MORE. Find Out More. I daresay there are more neighborhoods where people never get to know each other and all kinds of darkness lurks unnoticed. She will have “an eye” for things that you might miss — letting her in will make your heart a more inviting place to visit.Oh, Lyli…as I began reading this I could not take a breath as I read and read to the end.
Won’t You Be My Neighbor? We pray it encourages you to reframe your reality. If the person answers, "I don't like my neighbors," the person in the middle asks, "Who would you like to be your neighbors? She hopped in my car to go grab a bite to eat a few times, and as the weeks went by we learned a little bit about each other.

:^) Thanks for this post! Neighbors, family members, band mates — a whole community stood close by but never really knew a man. I am so thankful for the gift of her friendship.“I want to open my doors wide and let the sun shine in.” Amen! If any family is too small for a whole turkey, invite them to share some of yours!This coming week is Thanksgiving. She was blossoming right before my eyes. Won’t You Be My Neighbor? I taught in a private school. I was delighted to find her a Spanish-English Bible with parallel texts in two languages. I listen every week. And for so many years! Thanks so much for the list of accountability questions; I downloaded a copy so I can use them with friends myself!She is a blessing, Lisa. She was in love with my Savior. What can your small group do for your communities that demonstrate God’s love?As we move forth in the community this week, let’s not limit who our neighbor is. I am sure you have a lot to add to this post.Those are such great questions. Patsy from Friends who are a decade old and who know how to go deep…sounds like my kind of girl.She’s a keeper — we are total temperament opposites in every way, so having her in my life is good for me. Discussion Questions; Groups; Getting Started. The one left without a seat becomes "It." Yes, He had times alone where He rested and prayed, but the majority of His life He shared with friends.I love it when I come across such God-loving bloggers and their posts. SUBSCRIBE TO RECEIVE WEEKLY FAITH FUEL IN YOUR INBOX.YOU’LL GET A FREE COPY OF “4 SUREFIRE WAYS TO IGNITE YOUR FAITHand access the practical resources in the Fatih Fuel Library for members. I am still in Texas. 722. She believes in me.This past week, I sat on my couch with eyes glued to CNN absorbing the horrifying details of a monstrous injustice. She helps me to see things with a different pair of eyes.I love a good God story, too! Check out this guide, developed with the Fred Rogers Center, featuring a statement from filmmaker Morgan Neville and questions to help you kick off conversations of your own. I’m going to start praying for one right away.It is so true, we need friends to come inside where we live, both physically and spiritually. I don’t know that I’d call it an accountability partner, what I need is an “encouragement partner”, a Christian who cares enough, and has time enough, and is compatible enough in interests to hear who I really am, and for me to hear who she really is, without disparagement or discouraging words from either side.

Intentional accountability — I think we have coined a phrase!Great post, Lyli!

This plan is based on Pastor Kris Brown's July 2020 message, "Won’t You Be My Neighbor?" [SPOILERS] Discussion. what a beautiful story. Thank you so much for writing your heart here for my heart was so ready for yours. May 13, 2013 by Lyli . […] of the tough questions I have to answer when I meet with my spiritual accountability partner is “Are the ‘real you’ and the ‘visible you’ […][…] wise accountability partner, Brenda, brought me a visual reminder to place on my desk to help me stay the course. She wanted to buy a Bible. She asked me if I could help her.

722. For a decade, darkness grew and poisoned a neighborhood without anyone taking notice.I don’t want to make that same mistake. Main Idea: We must have real love for our real neighbors, right now! Make sure everyone in your group has a place to celebrate Thanksgiving this week.

I taught English. She taught Spanish. Moderator of r/movies Archived. Discussion 10: Won't You Be My Neighbor? I also have an accountability partner I meet with every couple weeks and she has been such a blessing my life.

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