There are also clear signs that they intervened in politics in other Maya areas as well. At one point in time, Teotihuacan was rivaled by another basin power, Cuicuilco. There is definite agreement, however, about their iconography. For an optimal view of our website, please rotate your tablet horizontally.Teotihuacán is one of the world's most impressive archaeological sites. The city was then finally abandoned.Photo tours and information: Contemporary arts, cultural heritage, archaeological sitesAstounding palaces and bathhouses built by Umayyad princes in the Jordanian desertThe oldest large-scale human figures, more than 8500 years old, found near Amman59th International Art Exhibition, 23 April - 27 November 2022. Large areas of the metropolis were ravaged by fire. It began as a new religious center in the Mexican Highland and a large population was drawn to the city over a few centuries. The city and culture, which can be referred to as Teotihuacan or Teotihuacano, is thought to have been established around 100 BCE, with major monuments continuously under construction until about 250 CE.

Also, the denominations of the Pyramids of the Sun and Moon as well as the "Avenue of the Dead", can be traced back to the Aztecs.At the beginning of the 2nd century A.D. an overall concept for the urban planning of Teotihuacán was realised. Even the Aztecs in nearby Tenochtitlan knew give evidence to the social structure and residence pattern of It can be assumed, however, that at the beginning of the 2nd century at the latest – when the overall urban planning was realized in Teotihuacán – the fate of the city lay in the hands of an individual leader.

Artistic Director: Cecilia Alemani.This website uses cookies. The dominant cultural position of Teotihuacanin Mesoamerica came to an end in the 7th century. From: Teotihuacán are bis 650 n. Chr.
closely related. The reasons are still unclear; its destruction possibly came about as a result of an invasion or an internal rebellion. The most important deposit of obsidian in Mesoamerica is found near the city. The southern end of the ensemble, of which only a fraction has been excavated and studied, is dominated by what the Spaniards called the "Citadel", containing the Temple of Quetzalcoatl, the Feathered Serpent, and the Rain God, Tlaloc, which is decorated with 365 sculptured heads of these divinities.The names of the gods that were worshipped in Teotihuacán are not known. Teotihuacan, as the city is called, is a Náhuatl name that means “the place where the gods were created” and was given by the Aztec centuries after it was abandoned in the 7th century. of plumed serpents built into the walls were built for religious

There are two main pyramids, Tlaloc and Quetzalcoatl are among the most important deities in Teotihuacán. Ceramics were also highly prized export goods, particularly the splendidly decorated, cylindrical tripod vessels. Teotihuacán im Zentralen Hochland von Mexiko/Bundesstaat México ist eine der bedeutendsten prähistorischen Ruinenstädte Amerikas, die vor allem für ihre Stufentempel wie etwa die große Sonnenpyramide bekannt ist. He was the patron saint of house and hearth. that Teotihuacán had a social structure divided by class. worship. Their cultural influences spread throughout Mesoamerica, and the city carried on trade with distant regions. Very little is known of the people who built Teotihuacan, and as a result much of our knowledge of the site, its art, and … There were public buildings, administrative quarters, and various residential areas. moved in with their husband's family after marriage. 2,300 m, hence almost on the same level as the Mexican capital, which is only 50 km far.

to the amount of religious artifacts and buildings in the city. have been foreign communities living within Teotihuacán. The pyramids, temples and palaces were coated with stucco and decorated with murals in brilliant colours. The city of Teotihuacán was the most complex and populated urban centre in the period between the 3rd and the 6th centuries – a cultural and economic "superpower". It may have lasted until sometime between the 7th and 8th centuries CE, but its major monuments w… The seat of government was most likely located at different places: in the monumental Xalla building compound located to the north of the Pyramid of the Sun and in the living quarters of the Citadel flanking the Pyramid of the Feathered Serpent. IP-Numbers are anonymized but your consent is still required. More about and opt-out option: Edited extracts from press information, published for the exhibition in Berlin, July - October 2010 In the 4th century a radical change must have come about: the huge sculpted serpent’s heads of the Quetzalcoatl Pyramid were smashed and a large platform was erected on one side.

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