Sompo's decision comes with Japan's insurance market expected to further shrink and with auto insurance accounting for nearly 60% of its total insurance sales. Sompo Japan Insurance De Mexico S.A. de C.V. started local operation in Mexico in 1998. Read more for key claims contact information and Risk Control resources.This website uses cookies. We plan to bring the remaining Sompo Holdings subsidiaries outside of Japan under the oversight and control of Sompo International by the end of 2020 under a newly formed This website uses cookies. Sompo Japan has been serving clients in Europe for about 50 years with offices in the United Kingdom, Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain and Turkey.

Sompo International Holdings Ltd., a Bermuda-based specialty provider of property and casualty insurance and reinsurance, announced recently that their global agriculture platform, AgriSompo, has entered into a strategic broking relationship with InVivo Group, a national union of  201 member cooperatives representing more than half of all farmers in France. You may opt-out of receiving cookies by changing your internet browser setting. AYA SOMPO combines International expertise with Myanmar’s youthful energy. Sompo International Holdings Ltd. (Sompo International), a global specialty provider of property and casualty insurance and reinsurance, was established in March 2017 as the result of the acquisition of Endurance Specialty Holdings Ltd. by Sompo has an extensive global footprint with nearly 80,000 employees in 228 cities in 30 countries and its core business encompasses one of the largest property and casualty insurance groups in the Japanese domestic market. Sompo Japan Nipponkoa has offices and subsidiaries in 28 countries, providing insurance services and risk management expertise. Sompo International is prepared for this challenging time, and is in a position of strength to deliver the security and protection we provide to our insureds and broker partners. By continuing to use this website, you agree to our Our broad reinsurance underwriting capabilities include property, catastrophe, casualty, professional lines, and specialty lines including agriculture, aviation and space, marine and energy, surety, trade credit, and weather risk.In addition to ensuring the safety and well-being of our employees and their families worldwide, Sompo International remains fully operational and committed to seamlessly providing the best service to our broker partners and clients as we all navigate this global crisis together.
It is the second-largest property insurance company in Japan only behind Tokio Marine, with market share of 19.3% in 2007..

You may opt-out of receiving cookies by changing your internet browser setting. Working through retail and wholesale brokers and MGUs, we service a broad range of clients from large multinationals to small businesses through our U.S., Bermuda and European platforms. It is this focus and dedication that enables us to anticipate and manage our clients’ risks, delivering tailored solutions to address their unique exposures.This website uses cookies. Sompo International currently employs over 1600 professionals worldwide, each bringing unique skills, talents and perspectives to the company. Please … The new organization will have a board of its own, led by John Charman as chairman and CEO. Sompo Japan Insurance Company of Europe, a corporate member of In April 2014, Sompo concluded the purchase of specialist Through its subsidiary Sompo Japan Insurance Company of America, headquartered in New York, Sompo Japan conducts property and casualty insurance operations in the United States and Canada. He will report to Sompo CEO Kengo Sakurada. "General Insurance Japan"), is a Japanese insurance company. Sompo International Insurance’s strength lies in our diverse specialty capabilities across products and in our global distribution network. Working through retail and wholesale brokers and MGUs, we service a broad range of clients from large multinationals to small businesses through our U.S., Bermuda and European platforms. Thailand: United Insurance … We offer both admitted and non-admitted underwriting options in the U.S., and in Europe we underwrite through our London-based and European subsidiaries as well as through our Lloyd’s syndicate, which provides us with access to key insurance markets around the world.Each of our teams is led and staffed by experienced underwriters and claims professionals with a depth of experience in the class or line of business in which they specialize.
Our Sompo International Insurance teams service clients from the largest multinationals to the smallest businesses through a diverse and global distribution network. Insurance and financial products and services are provided by licensed members of Sompo Holdings Asia. In South America, Sompo Japan's main base of operations is its subsidiary in Sompo Japan Nipponkoa has completed its acquisition of Bermuda-based insurer Endurance and will integrate it into its newly launched, fully integrated re/insurance platform in Bermuda, named Sompo International. Myanmar: PGA Sompo Insurance Corporation: web site. In December 2002, Sompo Japan acquired Taisei Fire & Marine Insurance. Our liquidity, capital position and solvency are strong, as evidenced by our ratings of A+ (Superior) from A.M. Best (XV size category) and A+ (Strong) from Standard & Poor’s.

We provide high-quality and responsive services, underwriting specialty risks with a focus on professional lines, property, marine and energy, agriculture, casualty and other specialty lines of insurance, including healthcare, global weather, and surety bond.With a global presence, our specialized Sompo International Reinsurance teams collaborate to deliver exceptional service to our clients across products and geographies.

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