This is a list of the top ten classic films with a social message. This was to ensure that Rob was not misrepresented, or endangered, in any way. Roundtable: Social Action Films that Matter. We will  give a copy of the film to Rob so that he may use it if he ever wishes to screen this film to people. The reasons for this are obvious; large productions will need to reach people all over the country if they wish to have a worthwhile effect.

We will get several shots of his carers and him walking around the house, playing with his dog etc, which we will use as cutaways during the film. For example, we will have to make sure that we do not portray Rob in a bad light as this would be  and poor representation. It has four...Transformation, whether physical or internalized, is the essence of all performance. I have worked recording sound on other projects before, so this role came fairly easy to me. It also connects to the gay community of north London. 2. They can capture your imagination and educate you about issues you might not know much about. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google BLOG. This short film is a good example of social action and community media. However we worked from a bullet pointed list of potential shots and topics we wished to cover with Rob. Rob was a young man when he started taking drugs and breaking the law. The edit was in keeping with expected protocol for this type of film, and did not seem awkward or disjointed. We plan to upload this film onto the internet in order for the  sites for example, Facebook, YouTube and Vimeo. HOME. LIVE AND STOP MOTION. I feel that I executed my role well. Throughout the film the audience will be hearing different aspects of Rob's story along side footage of his day to day life in his home. A great film uplifts while sending a profound message. Social media is the modern way to target your audience.

There were two shoots of the film, and I was available for one of them. Social Action within the media 'can broadly be defined as a practical action in the service of others, which is carried out by individuals or groups of people working together'. During the production we chose not to use storyboards as we hadn't seen the interior of his house and didn't know what shots would work best. This film goes to show that the media will go to extreme lengths to tell the story they wish to tell, rather than that of the truth, and how that it can negatively effect someone's life. So next time you’re going to settle down to a film with friends or family, why not watch one of these incredible films about social change.Do you want to stay informed about how you can help fight against extreme poverty?You agree to receive occasional updates about ONE’s campaigns. In honor of this special time, our team at A Small Good Thing has compiled an exciting list of films that shed light on social work, social workers, and the important themes and issues that social workers devote themselves to every day. OUR STORY. about his experiences with drugs and crime. It was my role to record sound for the interviews with Rob. The interviews gave us some really good dialogue to work with and I feel we made Rob feel comfortable throughout the production, which obviously helped capture him in a state of ease. Just imagine what would be possible if everyone in the country was aware of how unhealthy the mainstream media was for our future and started turning to independent sources in droves.Creating a better world really does start with an informed citizenry, and there's lots of subject matter to cover. This gave us a check list during the shoot, so that no subject matter was overlooked or omitted. Film de Darren Aronofsky de 2000 qui traite des addictions (drogue, télévision, argent sexe) American History X - 12ans ; Film de 1998 de Tony Kaye qui traite du racisme et de la xénophobie. I feel that overall the product turned out well for its target audience and conveys Robs message clearly and efficiently. The film is aimed towards people on a similar path to his own in hopes of      In this film we will be tackling the issue of drug abuse, breaking the law and vehicle safety, primarily in When creating this film we will be faced with several ethical considerations. 2600 10th St, Berkeley, CA, 94710, United States. Common subjects depicted in social action  media include: smoking, drug addiction, alcoholism, politics, green peace, racism, sexism and many more.

From all the documentaries above, it's evident that our society needs a new story to belong to.

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