Islamic Prayer For Exams; ... done some bad work whose forgiveness or confession he or she cannot make against god within time he or she has before death. !!
St. Thomas Aquinas is the patron saint of students, so it’s a good idea to invoke his intercession before and during study, as well as before tests and exams. This one test will seem like the end of the world but as time goes on, you will completely forget about it. [dua in arabic version is shared with us by a sister , kindly make dua for her, may Allah bless sister for sharing this imp dua in arabic] Dua Before Studying : “Allahumma infa’nii bimaa ‘allamtanii wa’allimnii maa yanfa’uunii. Innaka ‘ala ma-tasha’-u qadeer wa anta hasbeeya wa na’mal wakeel”“Allahumma la sahla illama ja-‘altahu sahla anta taj ‘alu al hazana eza ma shi’ta sahal.”“Salla-l-laahu alaa Muhammad wa aal-e Muhammad. Let me know how your finals go and if these I sometimes struggle to get my 5 daily prayers in, which by the way, relieve half of my stress.
Please do dua for me.
Ameen Ya RabbDear sisters/ brothers, thank you very much for your help in finding our right path in our lives. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Don’t worry there our specialist will have such kind of Islamic prayer which can release the soul and pardon him or her for his or her bad deeds. Farudduhu ‘allaya inda hajati elahi. Please keep me In your duas brothers and sisters, it’ll be very appreciatedPlease make sure you do a Khatam of Darood-e-Tanjeena. What kind Duah should I make to find the right job for myself? Allahumma inii as’aluka fahmal-nabiyyen wa hifzal mursaleen al-muqarrabeen.
I normally recite this all throughout my exam. “Allahumma infa’nii bimaa ‘allamtanii wa’allimnii maa yanfa’uunii. I was depressed for a while both before and after the exam, but now in college, the SATs don’t even matter.
SalaamPlease brothers and sisters pray for me to do well in my exams and I get the grades I want. These are prayers written by him for clarity in study. Those are all fine and dandy, but honestly, who has the time for 30 minutes of meditating? Tell them to fear Allaah, and tell them of the ruling on what they are doing and on the money they earn from that. There's also a collection of bible verses to help with the pressure of tests, and a meditation on psalm 121. It is super short and easy to remember.Here are 4 more ayahs from Surah Taha that translate to “O my Sustainer! I am feeling very anxious and nervous. In order to help other students like myself, I’ve compiled a few duas, verses of the Quran, and hadiths that help with exams. Extremely Inspiring Revert Story of Aminah Assilmi . Nevertheless, I have faith in Allah T’Allah and I’m 100% sure he will grant everyone success.
Exams can often be stressful and difficult times!
Allahumma inni as’aluka yaa mudhakkira-l khayr wa faa’ilahu wa-l-aamimira bihi dhakir-ni maa ansaani-hi-shaytan.”“Ya sayyedas-sada-te, ya mojeebad-da’vate, ya rafe’ad-darajate, ya vali-yal hasanate, ya ghaferal-khati’ate, ya mo’ti-yal mas’alate, ya qabi-lat-tavbate, ya same’al-asvate, ya ‘alemal-khafiyate, ya dafe’al bali yate.”The Prophet (sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam) told the following dua to be recited in stress, studies, exams and trials[kindly share these duas in ur website,or group/page with The Muslim student puts his trust in Allaah when facing the tests of this world, and he seeks His help whilst following the prescribed means, in accordance with the words of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him):Advise those who buy or sell questions or post them on the Internet etc., or who prepare cheat notes. I have myself tried it. This was a prayer said by Prophet Musa (Moses) before he spoke to the Pharaoh. Allahumma ijal leesanee ‘aiman bi dhikrika wa qalbi bi khashyatika. Innaka ‘ala ma-tasha’u qadeer wa anta hasbun-allahu wa na’mal wakeel.”“Allahumma inni astaodeeka ma qara’tu wama hafaz-tu. Please pray I get the top grades. Whoever posted this may allah bless them with jannatul firdos.allahummah ameen. I don’t know, what’s the reason but it’s about two years I can’t find one. Salamaleykum worahmotulai Please my dear brothers and sister pray for me in my upcoming exam and my past unseen result. I’ve had 2 major presentations and an exam just this week, and it’s only Wednesday.There are so many things people have told me they do to keep themselves calm and relaxed such as meditating and doing yoga. I have a very tough exam tomorrow so please remember me in your duas and pray that the exam is easy for me and I am able to answer all of the questions properly, gaining the full marks! And of course inshallah all the others in the same position as me achieve what they want.Pls make dua for me I’m starting my exams tomorrow ……shyukranFill in your details below or click an icon to log in: I LOVE MY PROPHET :: This is preview of new timeline cover for facebook ! Please keep me in your prayers.Plz my sisters n brothers in Islam,pray for me please,am starting my exam todayI’m getting my results soon. On this page you'll find a short prayer to help with an exam test, as well as a calming video with a request for peace of mind . am medical student and have exam soonPlease make dua for me, I have taken GCSE exams and am expected to get all A’s and A* but I keep doubting my success as i know I haven’t tried as hard. Open up my heart and make my task easy for me, and loosen the knot from my tongue so that they might fully understand my speech.” (Quran-20:25–28).
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