Please bring him out to stand trial now that Pa Kabbah is no more alive. A man who brought the rebels into the city without making any proper arrangement; they committed a lot of atrocities. Such amnesty is against the constitution of Sierra Leone and international law.Section 63(1a) of the 1991 Constitution accords the president the Prerogative of Mercy. President Bio flip-flops on ministerial reappointment over stolen Chinese rice School in Sierra Leone takes centre stage at the World Education Week Johnny Paul Koroma dead and Laid to Rest. Competent sources in Binkolo say former AFRC military junta leader, Maj. Johnny Paul Koroma who had been sick for some time died at night on 10 August 2017 and was buried in his home village of Binkolo on 11 August 2017 after a low key ceremony.A high-power delegation of unnamed senior officials reportedly travelled from Freetown to Binkolo to grace the funeral on August 11.Details of the protracted illness that claimed Paul’s life were not available. A campaign has started by some Sierra Leoneans imploring the president to pardon or grant blanket amnesty to former war lord – Johnny Paul Koroma.Some proponents of the case for pardon are arguing that ‘for true peace and reconciliation for our people and the country, set Johnny Paul Koroma free or grant him blanket amnesty for any crimes he might have committed, so that we can turn to a completely new page.’‘Let us appreciate the fact that, we cannot always solve our problems by retaliation, especially if we desire to be forgiven for our own trespasses,’ they claim.The campaigners want president Koroma to set Johnny Paul Koroma free or grant him blanket amnesty. May 2017. He will go down just like the others. In 1989 he returned to Sierra Leone and was promoted to Section Commander then subsequently to Company Commander. On 27 May 1997, the AFRC, founded by members of the armed …
As Parliament approves Kangaroo Mining Agreement 29.
[ August 30, 2020 ] Was he tried by a Sierra Leonean Court and imprisoned in Sierra Leone?The answer is no. Johnny Paul Koroma was the leader of the Armed Forces Revolutionary Council (AFRC) and a senior leader within the alliance of the AFRC and the Revolutionary United Front (RUF) in Sierra Leone.
Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Aug 2017. Other articles where Johnny Paul Koroma is discussed: Sierra Leone: Civil war: Johnny Paul Koroma seized power. He should therefore not do anything that will compromise the maintenance of law and order in Sierra Leone.If he grants Johnny Paul Koroma pardon or amnesty, he will impede the proper functioning of the police, who are saddled with the task of arresting people who have been accused of committing crimes.In other words, he will not be rendering assistance to appropriate and lawful agencies in the maintenance of law and order.If the president grants a pardon to Johnny Paul Koroma, he will be acting in violation of international law. Can Johnny Paul Koroma invoke the amnesty before the Residual Court?Any amnesty granted by the President to Johnny Paul Koroma will have no legal effect before RSCSL, as article 10 of the Statute states that an amnesty granted to any person falling within the jurisdiction of the Residual Special Court in respect of the crimes referred to in Articles 2 to 4 of the present Statute, shall not be a bar to prosecution.It must be pointed out that if, for example, the president makes use of his Executive Power to grant any amnesty, Johnny Paul Koroma cannot invoke it before a court with an international character.The UN Special representative made it crystal clear at the signing ceremony in 2002 of the Special Court for Sierra Leone that the amnesty clause in Lomé Agreement “shall not apply to the international crimes of genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes and other serious violations of international humanitarian law.This standpoint of the UN Representative was later buttressed by a landmark decision, made by the Appeals Chamber in The Prosecutor v. Morris Kallon and Brima Buzzy Kamara case.Moreover, the grant of an amnesty for international crimes therefore, is not only in breach of international law, “but is in breach of an obligation of a State towards the international community as a whole.”The Chamber further argued that amnesties granted by Sierra Leone, therefore, cannot cover crimes under international law, as they are subject to universal jurisdiction and by reason of the fact that “the obligation to protect human dignity is a peremptory norm and has assumed the nature of obligation erga omnes.”In this article I have argued that any amnesty or pardon granted to Johnny Paul Koroma by the president, will violate national and international laws.Moreover, any grant of amnesty to Johnny Paul Koroma will not have any legal effect before the Residual Special Court, as amnesties granted under national law shall not be a bar to prosecution under international law.Its not the duty of Alie Kabba to produce witnesses for the prosecution – say legal expertsSierra Leone – When violence becomes the last refuge of the incompetentJohnny Paul will never be granted amnesty. In May 1997 the country experienced yet another coup as Maj. Johnny Paul Koroma seized power. Sierra Leone’s journalists condemn spread of hate messages on social media Social media use and abuse in Sierra Leone
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