For assistance with reinsurance claims, reinsurance runoff, commutations, scheme of arrangement claims for IAG, NRMA Insurance, CGU, VACC/Fortis, NZI and State (New Zealand): IAGRe Claims Level 13, Tower Two Darling Park 201 Sussex Street Sydney NSW 2000 Australia Fax: +61 (0)2 9292 2269 BACK TO TOP

Our insurance brands include NRMA, CGU, SGIO, SGIC and WFI.
IAG shareholders can manage their share portfolios using the Investor Centre offered by our share registry, Computershare Investor Services. 1300 360 688 +61 (0)3 9415 4210 +61 (0)3 9473 2470 (fax) email: The IAG share. If you wish to speak to a representative about your IAG shareholding: Computershare Investor Services. Customer contacts. Contact IAG media relations: +44 208 564 2810. 0800 100 200. Email media relations.

IAG is the largest general insurance company in Australia and New Zealand.

Computershare Investor Services Pty Ltd GPO Box 4709 Melbourne VIC 3001 Australia. The company does not have any operations in the US, is not in the process of establishing offices in the US, and is not hiring any employees there.If you receive any offer of a role that claims to come from IAG, we suggest you report it to your local authorities.You could have your say by signing up to become a member of our Imagined Better research community.Every time you complete our surveys or take part in our online discussions, you’ll enter a draw to win a $100 eGift card. For all enquiries about insurance policies, products and claims, please select your region or one of our brands below.For assistance with reinsurance claims, reinsurance runoff, commutations, scheme of arrangement claims for IAG, NRMA Insurance, CGU, VACC/Fortis, NZI and State (New Zealand):For enquiries about your share holding, including information about your dividend statements and updating your details (such as change of address) contact our share registry:For enquiries about our shared value, sustainability and community activity, contact To obtain copies of IAG brand logos and information about their use, please email: We have become aware that someone in the United States is approaching people claiming to represent IAG and saying that the company is setting up offices throughout the US and is seeking people to work from home in a variety of roles.These offers are NOT being made on behalf of IAG. © 2020 Insurance Australia Group Limited ABN 60 090 739 923 Level 13, Tower 2 IAG is the largest general insurance company in Australia and New Zealand.

IAG is the largest general insurance company in Australia and New Zealand. IAG share information; Share capital; Shareholder remuneration; Significant shareholdings and treasury stock; Corporate governance. Email media relations. Share price information | IAG Limited Use the buttons above to log into your holding and:All the information you need to view your holding online, including the HIN or SRN and postcode, can be found on your holding or payment statement.If you wish to amend or update any of the current details shown on your holding, as an additional security feature, you will be asked to register by choosing a User ID and Password which you can easily remember.You will also be asked to enter answers to three personal questions for verification purposes should you forget your password in the future.If you have previously used the Investor Centre site you will be asked to key in your password only.If you wish to speak to a representative about your IAG shareholding: Toll free: +1 800 301 3517 International: +1 718 921 8137 Email queries: If shareholding in IAG is in the form of an ADR then please direct your enquires to Deutsche Bank who are the ADR depositary bank.

Our insurance brands include NRMA, CGU, SGIO, SGIC and WFI. IAG shares are traded on the London Stock Exchange’s main market for listed securities and on the stock exchanges of Madrid, Barcelona, Bilbao and Valencia, through the Spanish Stock Exchanges Interconnection System (Mercado Continuo Español). © 2020 Insurance Australia Group Limited ABN 60 090 739 923 IAG shares traded on the London Stock Exchange are held electronically as share entitlements. 0800 80 24 24. For all your enquiries about policies or claims please visit one of our brand's websites or contact our teams.

IAG Investor Relations. Our insurance brands include NRMA, CGU, SGIO, SGIC and WFI. IAG Cargo Contact the IAG …

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