I get it. If nothing else, Death of a Nation makes it clear that the lies are bigger than ever, and we can't afford to pretend they're going to stop any time soon. | 133 out of 187 found this helpful. In the end, they assassinated him. ist ein 2018 erschienener US-amerikanischer politischer Dokumentarfilm über den amtierenden Präsidenten der Vereinigten Staaten Donald Trump und die Demokratische Partei der USA Handlung. Once again, D'Souza falls back to a crooked mirror of historical distortion in an attempt to defend racism, xenophobia, and general incompetence, this time connected to that of President Trump. The historical re-creation scenes are kind of low-budget, and some of the connections and assertions that the film makes are rather tenuous and generalistic; but that's somewhat to be expected given the complexity and enormity of the topics. Mind blowing how retarded RepubliKKKans are! Can Trump-and we-come together and save America for the second time? | We won’t be able to verify your ticket today, but it’s great to know for the future.Theater box office or somewhere else Quality Flix
This might seem like an enormous oversight, even for a guy who somehow did not realize that he was retweeting messages that included the hashtags #killthejews and #bringbackslavery, but D’Souza has a simple explanation for this—nothing changed, Democrats and progressives continue to be racist monsters and Republicans—the same group actively trying to block black voters from getting to the polls—are the real anti-racists.The ensuing film is D’Souza’s usual stew of cherry-picked facts, overt omissions, inept historical reenactments, slanders, innuendos, stuff taken from his earlier movies, shots of him walking pensively through empty areas and clips from other and better movies. This, D’Souza states, is exactly the same thing that Lincoln, the first Republican elected President, faced when he took office and was opposed by a Democratic party that was indeed largely behind slavery and segregation. Permalink.
"Death of a Nation" combined historic reenactments with D'Souza interviewing both scholars and political activists to argue these two positions. He interviews white nationalist As badly as “Death of a Nation” fails as history, it's even worse when judged on cinematic terms; he and co-director In theory, “Death of a Nation” is the kind of cheesy and exploitative pseudo-documentary that exists for no other reason than to allow D’Souza to grab more money from the gullible, using arguments about race that ring hollow when coming from the guy who once wrote "Peter Sobczynski is a contributor to eFilmcritic.com and Magill's Cinema Annual and can be heard weekly on the nationally syndicated "Mancow's Morning Madhouse" radio show. The assertions are ridiculous nonsense and the acting is not much better. The guy is triggered!
Answer years of Fox Snooze... just make it up, look indignant and trigger your audience... then lie again... That is the D'Souza model and it is on display throughout this film.
Often unfocused with too many generalizations, oversimplifications, and a very weak central thesis comparing Donald Trump to Abraham Lincoln. Anyone can walk into a library, open a book and fact check this film.
Perhaps realizing that he has gone to the well with pinning the Civil War and slavery on Democrats, D’Souza expands here to talk about the influence that the Democratic party had on a budding young Austrian by the name of Adolf Hitler, who, according to this film, learned everything he knew about genocide, directly from Jacksonian Democrats. Whoa, Keanu As soon as Donaldov Trumpie starts making his rip off merchandise in the USA instead of China. Please click the link below to receive your verification email. Tweet. Was this review helpful? Directed by Dinesh D'Souza, Bruce Schooley. However, D'Souza is knowingly stoking fires and accelerating resentment within his core, secluded audience. | Rating: 4.25425345388/10 If this film is a documentary Donnie putting his hands on Ivanka's back side and saying he would date her is cute.
Ignore Hitler's antisemitism, anti-communist, anti-homosexual actions, castigation of foreigners as evil and stealing work from "real proud Germans," rescinding of personal liberties, an independent press, and checks and balances, and his general anti-democratic policies, you still have a man whose ideology was built upon white supremacy and a racist belief in genetic superiority. 148 out of 227 found this helpful. This movie was utter propaganda. | Rating: 1/5 It was only a month ago that explosives were sent throughout the mail with the attempt to eliminate Trump's perceived enemies. 120 out of 165 found this helpful. "fake news." By creating an account, you agree to the Sidney Poitier’s 7 Most Memorable Performances It is that bad. In theory, “Death of a Nation” is the kind of cheesy and exploitative pseudo-documentary that exists for no other reason than to allow D’Souza to grab more money from the gullible, using arguments about race that ring hollow when coming from the guy who once wrote "Was slavery aracist institution? Film Review: Dinesh D’Souza’s ‘Death of a Nation’ Dinesh D'Souza goes over the top — of hate, and of truth — in his latest documentary, a radical-right screed that equates liberalism with Nazism. Was this review helpful?
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