I think it should be Viola Desmond Day every year.You Might Be From New Brunswick If... joins national best-seller You Might Be From Nova Scotia. Oooooh . Cartoonist has met the enemy and he is us The social media scolds bagged some big game last week, extracting an apology from cartoonist Michael de Adder for an innocuous cartoon (above). The cartoonist was calling out Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his cronies for their treatment of former attorney general Jody Wilson-Raybould. The NS Government had the ability to make the third Monday in every February Viola Desmond Day, but instead designated it Heritage Day. Judith Baxter on The U.S. Election Cartoons; Michael de Adder – Four images you’ll only get if you are Canadian – Palmer's World on de ADDER; Barbara Hodkin on Tony Blair; Paul MacInnis on Halifax Regional Police Cartoon; Kelly on The First Painting I Ever Painted; Archives. But now we find out that Margaret Trudeau received the $250,000 over four years and over 28 speaking engagements. Reader: Hi Sir. Plus two editorial cartoon collections, covering de Adder’s work from 2000 to 2013. "There's no accountability to them … Most of them are crappily done in five minutes and quickly distributed." Tweets by deAdder Prime Minister Justin Trudeau testifies at parliamentary committee amid ethics probe Did this story inform or enhance your perspective on this subject? She was REIMBURSED for all travel expenses as per the agreement all speakers for WE were. See more ideas about Michael, Political cartoons, Editorial cartoon. . Fan of your work…usually. March 5: Socking it to Trudeau The SNC-Lavalin thread starts taking its toll on the prime minister. Cabinet Shuffles background: url (../images/header.jpg) no-repeat; Aug 25, 2020 - Explore LINDA HOOD (2 of 2)'s board "ART - Michael deAdder", followed by 172 people on Pinterest. Editorial Cartoons (de Adder's Take) de Adder's Take. . Do the math. The NS Government had the ability to make the third Monday in every February Viola Desmond Day, but instead designated it Heritage Day. Last year it switched from celebrating Viola Desmond [2015] to Joseph Howe [2016].

Sorry you must be at least 19 years of age to consume this content. . 1 being least likely, and 10 being most likely 1 being least likely, and 10 being most likely De Adder isn't convinced.

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