The study done by FiveThirtyEight last year found that movies that passed the Bechdel Test performed just as well at the box office as their failing counterparts. The ongoing inequality (according to the latest research, women are only playing 39% of stage roles in the UK, writing 32% of the plays and directing 39% of them) inspired the I’ve asked myself other questions too. All rights reserved. The comic strip that popularized the test was titled "The Rule," and it says that to pass the test the movie must have three things. When I first learned about this test I scoffed, thinking, "There are plenty of movies that would pass that test." I was determined not to reinforce the madly outdated idea that feminism can’t be funny, so I hope my play passes this test, at least.The questions don’t stop once a play goes into production – in fact, a director can make a huge difference by reinterpreting a play through a feminist lens, or casting gender-blind. How many of the cast are women, and what percentage of the dialogue do they speak?
©2020 Verizon Media. Are they respected in rehearsal? The ridiculously retrograde I’d go further: conversations about fancying or loving or sleeping with men can be feminist too.
(The Good Wife review: a legal drama that breezes the Bechdel testGravity (fail) and Twilight Saga (pass) … why the Bechdel test needs revised.Gravity (fail) and Twilight Saga (pass) … why the Bechdel test needs revised. Other questions to ask might be: how many of the creative team are women? The Bechdel Test -- created by Alison Bechdel in her 1985 comic, "Dykes to Watch Out For" -- is a well-known measurement of gender bias in movies. That’s true this year. The test became a regular topic of debate with my friends; many of us felt the test was somehow trying to trick us because of the seemingly impossible expectations it employed. Tap here to turn on desktop notifications to get the news sent straight to you.Sign up for membership to become a founding member and help shape HuffPost's next chapterWe made it easy for you to exercise your right to vote!Part of MultiCultural/HPMG News. There are plenty of flaws with the Bechdel Test, but it’s a crude way to measure the inclusiveness of a film (and we have 4,000 films rated on the metric). However, when we looked at the test from a more exclusive standpoint, our anger at the movie industry’s failure to adequately represent women started to develop. Does the play address issues of concern to women, and to feminists? The fact that a filmmaker’s gender correlates with the test, we can stop arguing about the merits of the Bechdel Test and start discussing Hollywood’s diversity problem (i.e., 85% of filmmakers are men...more on this later).
Are the actors asked to wear costumes that make them feel uncomfortable? Two female characters (preferably named), Who talk to each other, About something other than a man. Do the female characters have agency? Does the play support the status quo or does it invite the audience to imagine, to think, to make change?If the play is funny, do the women have any funny lines? W hen I discovered the Bechdel test – created by graphic novelist Alison Bechdel in her 1985 comic Dykes to Watch Out For – I found it a revelation.
Are they victims or do they have power or seize power? Add your voice! If this simple gauge of gender inequality in film has Twilight winning over Gravity, there’s obviously something wrong. All rights reserved.Important conversations are happening now. Do they have a strong arc? Do they drive their own stories (or, indeed, their cars)?
©2020 Verizon Media.
"But the sad truth is, this isn't surprising when taken into account who is voting for the movies nominated. I don’t believe it is un-feminist to ask how we can have relationships with men (because some of us do want to); to ask what makes a man a feminist and what we can expect from men; to ponder how we can achieve equality in our romantic lives. As a feminist playwright, I’ve found another solutionBut although the test is useful, I worry when it is the only thing used to measure the feminism of a film or a play (a use Bechdel never intended). Do they make choices? The fact that it can be used to highlight certain feminist issues does not negate the test's *actual function. Do their stories empower them or punish them? I thought about I slowly realized, "Maybe there aren't that many movies that pass the test. As I wrote my play How to Date a Feminist, I knew it would fail the Bechdel test because these questions are its major concerns.So I wanted to think about other ways of challenging myself to make feminist theatre. The
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