How do you say your beautiful in twi language? "Do you want to dance with me?” is a key phrase for making your move. Learn more about our I have a feeling we’ll be seeing a lot more of Ava and Leah in the years to come.Please help us improve LittleThings by taking our short survey. 4. With a 2-year-old son and a set of twins, life was simply too hectic.

Go to table of contents. 10. Jaqi originally signed the girls to a modeling agency when they were 6 months old, but she ultimately decided it wasn’t the right time. Aaron Carter. How do you say beautiful in twi? '”Jaqi originally signed the girls to a modeling agency at 6 months old but decided it wasn’t the right time.With a 2-year-old son and brand-new set of twins, she said it was hard enough to get out of the door!When the girls turned 7 years old on 7/7/17, Jaqi took it as a sign. As their Instagram following keeps growing, Ava and Leah Clements are being called the most beautiful twins in the world.

She knows that the time may come where they want to do something else, and she’s ready to support them 100% when it happens.The negativity of spectators isn’t the only downside to the business, as Jaqi has learned.

1. Judge nothing … She felt they were ready to try again with a modeling agency.“Aside from the fact that I’m a huge believer in signs and have been told by almost everyone that 7 is a lucky number, I just had a feeling that this year was going to be a fun and exciting year for them,” she said.This is the first photo Jaqi posted to Instagram, and she couldn’t believe the chain of events that followed.“I presented my idea to the girls that, if they were up for it, in addition to their dance classes and swim team practices they had every week, they could give modeling a try.”Since Ava and Leah have always loved being in the spotlight, Jaqi and her husband weren’t at all surprised when they expressed an immediate interest in modeling.As the days passed, Jaqi noticed more and more people following the twins’ Instagram account.Strangers across the world are in awe of their beauty, sisterly connection, and knack for capturing a moment together.Some have even described Ava and Leah as “the most beautiful twins in the world.”It had been over six years since Jaqi first attempted to find a modeling agent.Much to her surprise, this time, she heard back from almost every single one, asking to set up a time to meet the girls.Jaqi was stunned when the Instagram account hit 15,000 followers…Just a couple months later, Ava and Leah had over 700,000!The girls are now signed with two modeling agencies.They’ve won contracts with various children’s clothing brands and magazines and even shot six jobs in the span of one week!For the Clements family, modeling has become a family affair.The twins’ older brother, Chase Robert, has also been signed to the same agencies.Jaqi and her family have turned traveling the world into a full-time job. While Megan has two blue eyes, Morgan has one blue eye and one that’s dark brown, which is an even rarer … Without the rising intonation "Wo pɛ sɛ wo sa" is a declarative sentence that means "You want to dance." added by BradC. Aaron & Nick Carter. Show off your rhythm and impress your crush by asking them to dance with you. It is pronounced like the English “eh.” To say you are beautiful in the Twi language, say “wo ho ye fɛ.” “fɛ” is a Twi language adjective that describes beauty. She posted the first photo of the girls on Instagram and had no idea their profile would go viral. The Clements twins became Instagram stars overnight, and modeling agencies began clamoring for the chance to sign them… Jaqi Clements and her husband were so excited to start a family.Two years after the birth of their son, Jaqi learned she was pregnant again. Asked by Wiki User 4 5 6 Answer. Source: Teen Idols …

added by BJsRealm. As we grow old, the beauty steals inward.

Note: The letter “ɛ” is unique to the Akan language.

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