Then the 2080 Super.I dont think any card is worth $1,000 and I could never justify that kind of money. Here the RTX 2070 Super and the 2080 Super perform almost identically while the 2080 Ti is ahead by a good >20%. NVIDIA is also bumping up their memory clocks, to 15.5 Gbps, which helps with performance too.Overall, when averaged over our benchmarks at 4K resolution, the RTX 2080 Super Founders Edition is 8% faster than the original RTX 2080, which widens the gap to RTX 2070 Super to 16%, restoring the balance in this market segment. A 2080 ti would be a waste for a 1080p screen for example. Nvidia’s flagship GPU is expensive, but it's your only option for 4K/60 gaming with few if any visual compromises, or high refresh-rate 4K gaming if you don’t mind keeping graphics settings at high.

The high performance ray-tracing RTX 2080 Super follows the recent release of the 2060 Super and 2070 Super, from NVIDIA’s latest range of refreshed Turing RTX GPUs.

If money is no object, of course, you'll go for the RTX 2080 Ti, but if you'd rather spend a little less and grab yourself a CPU upgrade, or a truly massive M.2 drive and still have some spare change from the price of the Ti card then the RTX 2080 Super is a very attractive proposition, and you won't be compromising your gaming smoothness too much.In fact, the only negative we have about the RTX 2080 Super isn't related to the card itself but more how it shines a spotlight upon the pricing of the original RTX cards. Qualifying purchases of a GeForce RTX Super cards, or new desktop PCs powered by one of the cards, will include copies of two ray tracing-enabled games, Control and Wolfenstein: YoungbloodThe NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 SUPER is the direct replacement for the RTX 2080. But you can't blame NVIDIA for pioneering with technology. The pricier card just performs those tasks a little bit faster.Nvidia’s need to compete against AMD’s impressive Radeon RX 5700 series in the $350 to $500 price range puts the RTX 2080 Super in a tough spot. Now, the 2070 Super is slightly slower than the original 2080, and the 2080 Super is slightly faster. Or wait the higher end from AMD.Wanna send me that 1080 when you do pull the triggger? Thought I'd add something to this. None of the Super cards are meant to dramatically change NVIDIA’s product stack, and for the RTX 2080 Super, this is especially the case. I have a 1080ti with EVGA's hybrid cooler, and it'll sit at 60C all day long at 2GHz core/5.1GHz mem/120% power target, both in games and while folding. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts4790K 4.8GHz | 16GB DDR3 2666MHz CL10 | GTX 1080 | LG 32GK850G-BCookies help us deliver our Services. EVGA GeForce RTX 2080 Ti FTW3 ULTRA, OVERCLOCKED, 2.75 Slot Extreme Cool Triple + iCX2, 65C Gaming, RGB, Metal Backplate, 11G-P4-2487-KR, 11GB GDDR6 Could I afford a 2080 ti? This Subreddit is community run and does not represent NVIDIA in any capacity unless specified.Press J to jump to the feed. The new Super puts some welcome distance between a 2080-level card and the last-gen top-tier Ti.There isn't quite the same wow factor in terms of value as there is with the RTX 2060 Super or its 2070 Super stablemate - and I still consider the $499 2070 Super as something of a winner, sitting in the same ballpark as Radeon 7 or GTX 1080 Ti at a nice price point. Sure, a custom loop can do even better, but I'd hardly call that mediocre.1080ti owner here. It offers faster performance than a GeForce RTX 2080 Founders Edition at a price that is $100 cheaper. I’m still on my 1060 hahaWith a 1080, I'd honestly wait for the next gen (High-end Navi or 7nm Nvidia).Same boat.

The only worthwhile performance upgrade in my mind it the 2080ti but that basically might as well not exist at it's current price point. Is that worth it for a 20fps increase? We’ve seen online rumors of a possible RTX 2080 Ti SUPER model, but we haven’t heard anything from NVIDIA about that. It brings more performance to the table thanks to having more cores and higher clock speeds and the Founders Edition model is $100 less.

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