Has a 3" barrel with brass bead front sight and the address col. Sam Colt New York USA markings. The 1860 Army .44 was a mainstay in the Civil War as well as the weapon of choice for Texas gunfighter John Wesley Hardin and other gunmen. These holsters feature a reinforced throat and hammer thong retention. It's been cut down and reshaped into a concealable pocket pistol. Description: Colt Model 1862 Police Engraved Percussion Revolver (Avenging Angel ) 36cal Bore VG plus, Mech Exc, Has Ivory Grips with Carved Eagle on the left grip. tooling pattern, tooled hammer strap retention and six cartridge loops on the face. Includes piercing videos and infor. Copyright 1995-2023 eBay Inc. All Rights Reserved. Cased Set: 1860 Army/1862 Snubnose Deluxe Engraved "Old Silver" More Details. April 26, 2019 in SASS Wire Classifieds. The five-shot conversion has spots to rest the firing pin between the case-heads so it is safe to load five rounds. This content originally appeared at text -Abe Lincoln. Thanks John! the "period" pistols I have available for creating custom leather: The gallary Webley Mark VI - 6". 4 3/4" "Civilian/Peacemaker", Remington of FFFg behind a fiber wad and a 173GR .451 ball theses Piettas will last for many years of steady shooting. The top two photos were taken with my holster drone and the bottom two were sent to me Frontiersman / Frontier Cartridge Duelist. Menu. to barrel gap with cyl. For additional information, see the Global Shipping Program, Pietta Factory 3" "Snubbie" or "Avenging Angel" 44 Caliber Percussion Barrel. document.write(theDate.getFullYear()) A forum community dedicated to all firearm owners and enthusiasts. I have both a Pietta and a Uberti so I could use either one. Our Price: $345.00 Compare. For any fan of the \"avenging angels\"" this is really a must have! Get the latest information about new products, special deals, news, top-rated items, promotions and more! Forum. Free Shipping 100% of reviewers recommended this product. He was a Champion Bronc rider of Wyoming. If you reside in an EU member state besides UK, import VAT on this purchase is not recoverable. Quickview. The manufacture date is 1972 (XX8). Grand Army /Frontier Plan on shooting it as well as display in my man cave. Dont think Pietta ever made a Walker February 28, 2014, 08:16 AM #17: gasmandave. Avenging Angel (1985) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. Button rifled .006" deep. My other Great Grandfather, Percy Hallen, rode for Buffalo Bill for a July 4th celebration in 1881-82 in Kansas. Information Line:1-731-885-0700, Product prices and availability subject to change without notice. I had a .38 S&W cylinder and barrel that I made last year mounted on a steel 1860 Army frame, but I thought the brass frame might be a . I fitted the Pietta "Avenging Angel" type snubbie with. GWII DLX ALCHIMISTA III .357MAG 4 3/4" . They will not take returns on blackpowder guns. Smokey Dave Copyright 2019 sassnet.com This did require some fitting but the whole process only took about an hour. 2) use a fine sand paper to slightly 'rough up' the TG surface. The gallary below shows some examples of the leather products created for these pistols. For privacy reasons, do not use your full name or email address for nickname. RH0214 Dixie Pietta Remington 1858 Belt Pistol. Since the conversion was based on a Pietta cylinder it dropped right in, but the breech-plate wanted to rotate excessively. According to some other BP boards Cabela's will have the Pietta 1860's on sale in the next coming week/s. ", This is a surprisingly great shooting pistol. Guns Pistols Colt Percussion Revolver Pre colt navy avenging angel period snub nose | 198 | 108 | Lc | 109.3894ms, 1851 colt navy "avenging angel"period snub nose. What I did with it was to remove the loading-lever, shorten the barrel to 3-1/2"* and re-contour it to resemble the 'Avenging Angel' belly-guns favored by early Mormons. Taylor's does not recommend shooting ammunition rated above 850 fps in this conversion cylinder or using it with a brass frame model. About Me. It's very interesting the way they came to be, and how they got their name. They divorced on June 26, 1845. it features a floral border The manufacture date is 1972 (XX8). He was endowed in the Nauvoo Temple on January 5, 1846. Outdoor Hub, LLC (d/b/a Carbon Media Group), 30800 Telegraph Rd, Suite 1921, Bingham Farms, MI 48025 USA. I have for sale a 3" 44 Caliber Pietta 1860 Belly Gun -- Also called an Avenging Angel. The holster is mahogany View cart for details. Accessories nipple 6mm X .75 (our stock number NP1355-steel). S & W Model 3 - 5" " Schofield". More Details PIETTA SEMI-AUTO SGN CASE (HARD) Price: $50.00 More Details. Made of European walnut with satin finish. I'll pmthe linkto you, and you can post it if you want. of FFFg behind a 148-150gr bullet, and Unique is significantly less violet than BP so it ought to be fine for the occasional range outing and some casual plinking. My Great grandfather was one of the Mormon Avenging Angels. The recoil shield has been milled with a channel for loading/unloading cartridges. Shipping: $25.00. Yes, they are a cool part of history. Pietta Factory 3" "Snubbie" or "Avenging Angel" 44 Caliber Percussion Barrel | eBay 1858 Remington Black Powder Revolver Shoulder Stock - Pietta Sponsored $139.95 + $9.95 shipping 44 Caliber 8-inch Pietta 1860 barrel with Kirst Ejector in Nice Condition $180.00 + $14.00 shipping Established in Gussago, Italy in 1963, Pietta was instrumental in pioneering the historical firearms category. Get it fast they do not stay in stock long. Weighs 2 lbs. RH0140 Dixie Pietta Remington New Model Army Revolver - Oversize frame and grips. Today, Pietta is dedicated to providing its customers with the highest quality, replica firearms of the past and innovative, modern firearms of the present. it features a fully Submerge the TG in a container of vinegar, after a couple of hours the lacquer coating will have dissolved. It features a cavalry flap closure with a Peacock tooled and then hand painted on the front Outlaw, The (1943) -- (Movie Clip) It Was Him Or Me - TCM.com, www.tcm.com//Outlaw-The-Movie-Clip-It-Was-Him-Or-Me.ht, The Ask the Pros & What's It Worth? * Cyl. DAKOTA II 45LC 5 1/2" Price: $520.00 Rated: More Details. All hand stitch no rivets veg tanned leather 8-9 oz. THSS TSRA NRA Life Finished today- Pietta 1851/.44 with a modified barrel inspired by the 'Avenging Angel' guns popular with early Mormons and the grip and frame modified to reflect the size and shape of the 1849 Pocket model. For spare cylinder order our stock number CY0503. A true big bore snubbie. This holster was built for a Colt 1851 Navy with 4 3/4" Barrel. The brass gun already had a decent trigger so there was no need to fool with that, and the cylinder locks up tight with no side-play at all. Here's the particulars about the pistol. Avenging Angel Pocket Gun. Sounds good! They can be a good value for the money if you get the right one. http://www.theopenrange.net/articles/Tuning_the_Pietta_Part_One.pdf, http://www.theopenrange.net/articles/Tuning_the_Pietta_Part_Two.pdf, http://www.theopenrange.net/articles/colt_cap_and_ball.pdf, http://www.cabelas.com/category/567338580.uts?CQ_page=0&CQ_view=grid&CQ_ztype=GNP. This Mexican Loop holster was made for the 1858 Remington. This has become my favorite and most reliable carry gun. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission, which supports our community. Copyright 2019 sassnet.com This content is syndicated and does not necessarily reflect the views or positions of The Liberal Gun Club, Girl Scouts of Northern Illinois Air Rifle Team, Talking About Guns Across the Political Spectrum, CMPs Junior Rifle Club Welcomes Introductive Training and Fun. "When you are going through Hell keep going!" 1 in 30" twist. I have this Avenging Angel pocket pistol that I'd like to trade for a .45 Colt conversion cylinder for a 1860 Army. S & W Model 3 - 7" " S chofield". By using this site, you agree to our Terms of Use. Sort by: 1858 Remington Brass Sheriff .44 5 1/2" CW Price: $285.00 Rated: .44 CALIBER BRASS FRAME 5 1/2" BARREL Checkered Wood Grips TEMPORARILY OUT OF STOCK! 11 Because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil. Recommended load is 22 grains of 3F black powder, .451 round ball, .44 revolver wad. This holster was built for a Colt 1851 Navy Snub Nose with 3" Barrel. (Not that you'd probably need it. Something went wrong. Navy-size Plow Handle grips 44 Caliber 3" factory barrel with good bluing "CL" = 2013 Manufacture Roll Engraved cylinder with good bluing and Slix nipples Load with an off-gun cylinder loader or brass/wooden dowel Cap Rake & action by Coffinmaker The 8" is a standard Pietta 1860 .44 with a Walt Kirst gated "Saber River" engraved Konverter and ejector rod. Reenacting: CW & IW Six shot - .446 chamber diameter. I'm the author of The Piercing Bible: The Definitive Guide to Safe Body Piercing, the first comprehensive, mainstream reference book on the subject. My understanding is they get about 550-600 fps with 30 grain bp load with round . 3) now place the dry TG on a flat rock ( because the rock dosen't degrade) inside the same platic container which should have 1/4" of . (normal on Pietta). "Never trust quotes from the internet." Cabelas wouldn't do an exchange or return and the Pietta didn't want t deal with it, but they did send me a new set of screws to replace the ones I stripped while taking it apart. Features blued steel cylinder, backstrap, triggerguard, hammer and trigger. This 1851 Marshal Engraved Octagon Barrel 44 caliber s .Click for more info Seller: Stephen Harris Area Code: 601 $545.00 Pietta Revolvers PIETTA 1873 GUNFIGHTER GEN II GI#: 102221297 $460 for the pair including shipping. TV Shows. Manufactured by Pietta/Italy. Description: Colt Model 1860 Army Percussion Civilian Revolver (AVENGING ANGEL) 44 cal ,Bore Exc, Mech Exc tight as new ,crisp action, Original wood grips with 40% original varnish VG plus to near exc worn left side bell. Accepted Payment Methods: Returns: No Returns. Weighs 2 lbs. 1858/1875 - 7 1/2" "New Model Army". Here's the particulars about the pistol. , Dixie Gun Works. Pietta 1861 Navy Thunderer UNBOXING 21,493 views May 10, 2016 255 Dislike Share Save popojoeexplode 3.61K subscribers I unbox Pietta's "Avenging Angel" 1861 Navy Thunderer and make a. I will be adding a conversion cylinder should be fun. Can get by without polishing action parts. Rear sight - V notch /hammer nose. For additional information, see the Global Shipping Program, This amount includes applicable customs duties, taxes, brokerage and other fees. Mine has as smooth and slick an action as you could want in a single action revolver and it's a natural for point shooting and close up social work. No worries- I simply soldered on some sheet-brass to the bottom and trimmed it to size, then ground it to fit the frame precisely. Ignition is percussion - #11 caps. Here's some examples of holsters made for the 1873 Single Action Army and similar Examples of holsters for Smith and Wesson Model 3 Schofields. The angel wings tattoo covering my back is the FIRST and to date, only tattoo to be issued a registration by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. We're sorry, midwayusa.com requires JavaScript and it appears to be disabled. This topic is now archived and is closed to further replies. & Y. and Amoskeag), Remington 1858 New Model, .36 Navy and .44 Army, Colt Walker, 1st Model Dragoon & Whitneyville Hartford, Colt Baby Dragoon, Wells Fargo and Pocket Revolvers, M1859,1863 & 1874 Sharps Rifles and Carbines, Bags, Boxes, Lock Covers & Powder Storage. Time will tell of course- Im very much looking forward to getting it out to the range this weekend! Selling mycut down steel frame Pietta .44 Colt Army revolvers due to non use. Many of the "A strong body makes the mind strong. The butt has been re-contured and the grips thinned out. Here's an example of a Bandolero Rig made for a gorgeous 1875 Outlaw by Uberti. Site by One Dog Media, Copyright & Disclaimer 1996- I personally would handle the specific gun before you buy rather than getting one sight unseen. I've performed approximately 50,000 piercings since beginning my career as a professional in the 1980s, when I managed Gauntlet, the first piercing specialty studio in the United States. Price will be around $200. One piece grips, checkered bird's head. Front sight is brass bead. However with the recommended load of 15-20gr. The Fora platform includes forum software by XenForo. Pietta Firearms is the replica/historical firearm category leader in quality, dependability, and craftsmanship. . GWII DLX Alchimista Jr .357Mag 3 1/2" Price: $845.00 More Details. Be careful that the conversion kit doesnt violate your state law. For spare cylinder order our stock number CY0503. The Smiths are carry guns.a Performance Center Wyatt, and a Model 36 that I've had for many years. It features "Navejo inspired" tooling Quickview . $225.00 This conversion cylinder converts steel frame Pietta 1851 & 1860 Navy & Army revolvers from .44 black powder to .45LC/.45Schofield smokeless ammunition. * All internal parts were clean with no flashing etc. 7 lands - .440 and 7 grooves - .452. I have had mine for over a year now and I am well pleased with it. Just got mine today waited months for this to come back into stock. So in yesterday's mail a pair of Pietta 1851/.44s arrived. I love mine it is a nice looking and feels great in the hand can not wait to shoot. It's had a new front sight bead installed. I learned this one the hard way. This holster is a cross draw with a hammer strap fastened with a Sam Browne stud. - Winston Churchill, "If you can't explain it to a six year old, you don't understand it yourself." 1851 colt navy "avenging angel"period snub nose. Manufactured by Pietta/Italy. Western Holsters for a Colt 1860 Army Snub Nose with 3" Barrel. Inspected and found the following: * Fit and finish very good. This is my 2nd review it has been over a year and this is simply my favorite gun. SOLD - $3,495.00. By continuing to use our site, you accept our use of cookies. As a previous reviewer mentioned i have rarely ever seen a gun come out of the box with such a fine action as this one. A buddy of mine asked if I would convert a brass-framed 1851/.44 to an Avenging Angel for him, and since it is technically a non-firearm I said sure. S & W Model 3 - 8" " American". also some beautiful reproductions available from companies such as Uberti and Pietta. CAS, SASS, Cat: Sharpshooter I have this Avenging Angel pocket pistol that I'd like to trade for a .45 Colt conversion cylinder for a 1860 Army. I just read Cabelas return policy. gasmandave just sold two pietta 1851 colt belly guns in .44 cal to members of this forum. Product Details This fully functional replica, the Pietta Model 1860 Army .44-Caliber Black Powder Revolver, is fashioned after 1 of the most popular cap-and-ball, single-action revolvers ever made. It features a reinforced throat and hammer thong retention, Holsters-Western Styling for Today's Revolvers, Holsters-Western Styling for 1911s and other Semi-Autos, Holsters-"Pancake" and Slotted Belt Loop Styles, Holsters Custom Made for the Revolvers of the Old West, Colt 1873 SAA - So in yesterdays mail a pair of Pietta 1851/.44s arrived. Judah MacAbee SASS #64095 Life Powered by Invision Community. even at distances normally engaged by pistols with longer barrels. Come join the discussion about optics, hunting, gunsmithing, styles, reviews, accessories, classifieds, and more! You can learn more about the cookies we use and why we use them by viewing our Privacy Policy. with a natural colored letter "P" and hammer thong. Posts: 223 . Description: HERE IS A NICE RARE 1851 COLT NAVY .36 CAL PERIOD CUT DOWN ,SO CALLED THE "AVENGING ANGEL" OR "MORMAN AVENGER".ONE OF THE FIRST SNUB NOSE BELLY GUNS.NOT SURE IF COLT DID IT OR A REAL GOOD GUNSMITH.IT HAS SEVERAL INSPECTOR MARKS.GUN IS SLIGHTLY PITTED AND A USED LOOK.BUT VERY TIGHT,NO . Fitted just this afternoon with a Kirst gated conversion in .45 Colt. This amount is subject to change until you make payment. Here's some examples of holsters made for the 1873 Single Action Army and similar revolvers. Many Mormons cut their handgun barrels to an inch or so to make them more concealable. By using this site, you agree to our Terms of Use. A little polishing and it was good-to-go. This is a legal precedent for the United States and also the world! He married Luana Beebe on February 2, 1832, in Jackson County, Missouri. By No other body art (or any aspect or feature of a human body) has ever received such recognition by the U.S. Patent and Trademark . It started life as a Euroarms 1851 Navy Sheriff model, in .36 Cal. ), Muzzleloading Modern & Replica Pistols (flint), Muzzleloading Modern & Replica Pistols (perc), United States Patent Firearms Revolvers/Pistols, Century Arms International (CAI) - Shotguns. 1860 ARMY STEEL SHERIFF .380 BLANK REVOLVER, Cased Set: 1860 Army/1862 Snubnose Deluxe Engraved "Old Silver", DLX "Grande Californian" .357Mag 4 3/4" CF, THE "GAMBLER'S ROYALE" .357MAG 4 3/4" ULTRA BLACK, GWII "Liberty" .357Mag 5 1/2" Ultra Ivory Liberty Eagle Grip, "U.S. GRANT" .357MAG 4 3/4" ULTRA BLACK GRIP, GWII "Paladin II" 45LC 7 1/2" (Black Grip). Artisan Crafted in Hemet, CA, USA Learn more about this item |regenC|MC Set || Li Mc miss || || LP Mc miss ||, Antique (Pre-1899) Rifles - Flintlock Misc, Antique (Pre-1899) Rifles - Matchlock/Wheellock Misc, Century Arms International (CAI) - Rifles, Muzzleloading Modern & Replica Rifles (perc), Winchester Rifles - Modern Bolt/Auto/Single, Winchester Rifles - Pre-1899 Bolt/Single Shot, Century Arms International (CAI) - Pistols, Colt Automatic Pistols (.25, .32, & .380 cal), Colt Single Action Revolvers - Modern (22 Cal. Our Price: $395.00 Compare. It's not my choice for long range shooting but for normal distances it's quite accurate.". Right draw holster. Pair of .44 Army "Avenging Angels" sold Pair of .44 Army "Avenging Angels" sold . I don't want to post something without permission. Thanks for your consideration. Be sure to follow up on your promise to give us a range report. Barrel is .44 caliber, blued, 3", octagon - .710"od. Fitted just this afternoon with a Kirst gated conversion in .45 Colt. by the customer. Ste., 1-D, Santa Ana, CA 92705 | 800-430-1310 | 949-261-6611 | Fax 949-756-0133. My advice is to go ahead and get a off gun reloading press such as the one Black Dawg sells or make one. Colonel in Texas Army. Naturally I needed to cut a loading-port in the frame for loading and unloading, but this was quickly and easily accomplished with a 1/2 sanding drum on my flex-shaft tool. I have owned a few Pietta guns and the quality can vary from piece to piece. Union City, TN 38261, Outside of the U.S.:1-731-885-0700 I have both a Pietta and a Uberti so I could use either one. var theDate=new Date() I bought one of them. I'll trade straight across for your .45 Colt conversion cylinder to fit one of my 1860 Army pistols. Jumped right onto Cabelas after I read your comment. Looks like the Pietta 1860 is now on sale at Cabela's for $209.99 + free shipping with code: 7Holiday. This amount includes applicable customs duties, taxes, brokerage and other fees. Other bits of fitting were required here and there, and I turned a new rebounding firing-pin as the other had always been a bit short and occasionally caused light strikes. on Orders Over $75 Get Code. Pietta 1851 Avenging Angel Review 11,866 views Jun 6, 2021 260 Dislike Share Save Terry Tayor 174 subscribers Opening, or first review of the Pietta 1851 Colt Navy snubnose revolver in .44. Just like it says. The other is a Taylor's exclusive 3" inch barrel 1860 snub nose with a humped backstrap Thunderer style bird's head grip. Pietta 1858 Remington Black Powder Revolver 44 Caliber 8" Barrel Steel Frame Blue List Price: $438.00 Our Price: $403.99 Pietta 1878 Deluxe Coach 12 Gauge Side by Side Shotgun 20" Barrel Blued and Walnut Pistol Grip Our Price: $1069.99 $921.49 You Save: $148.50 (13%) SHIPS FREE This is an example of a holster for the Colt 1862 Pocket Police. . to frame cylinder arbor fit was correct. Manufactured by F.LLI Pietta. These have Navy Grips, Slix Shot Nipples, Hammer Faces braised up, Fluted Cylinders, Stripped and Refinished Grips and antiqued metal finish. He married Christina Olsen in 1870. 1412 West Reelfoot Avenue on the face, full pig skin suede lining and "long strap" snapped retention. The cartridges shown are dummies. Tell us about your load (bullet weight & powder) I'm a fan of the 45 Colt caliber. Enter Your Email to Receive Exclusive Discounts and Promotions, EMF Company, Inc. 1900 East Warner Ave. Normally one does not do a cartridge-conversion on a brass frame- with full-power charges these can stretch after as few as a hundred rounds. Each of these fine pistols deserve to be wrapped in custom leather. Still family-owned, Pietta is known the world over and its firearms are still manufactured and the companys owned manufacturing facility. revolvers. As to the species of exercises, I advise the gun. face. Features blued steel cylinder, backstrap, triggerguard, hammer and trigger. below shows some examples of the leather products created for these pistols. Stain: Mahogany Antique up to 2" belt width. * Trigger pull out of box was 1.75 lbs. Location: Upstate SC. HERE IS A NICE RARE 1851 COLT NAVY .36 CAL PERIOD CUT DOWN ,SO CALLED THE "AVENGING ANGEL" OR "MORMAN AVENGER".ONE OF THE FIRST SNUB NOSE BELLY GUNS.NOT SURE IF COLT DID IT OR A REAL GOOD GUNSMITH.IT HAS SEVERAL INSPECTOR MARKS.GUN IS SLIGHTLY PITTED AND A USED LOOK.BUT VERY TIGHT,NO WOBBLES,ACTION IS GREAT.SOLID BRASS STRAP WITH S#6941X AND AN "S"MARK.FRAME 2965X AND A "E" MARK.BARREL IS SMOOTH WERE CUT DOWN.LENGHT IS 1 3/4" WITH SIGHT.SERIAL #6892x WITH "S"MARK AND AN"A" MARK WERE ROD WENT.MISSING BOTTOM FRONT TRIGGER SCREW/SCREW ABOVE WEDGE.CYLINDER SERIAL# XX44.A VERY NICE GUN ALL IN ALL.I LIKE THE HISTORY OF BELLY GUN THAT THIS GUN WAS MADE INTO. * Barrel assy. I bought it solely for use with a conversion cylinder and it has been perfect for that function. This topic is now archived and is closed to further replies. This will help with the next steps. folks that lived during the mid to late 1800s depended on their "shooters" as they went about their day to day activities. Senior Member . He married Mary Ann Neff on May 3, 1854; she died in childbirth. Overall I am very pleased with product. It started life as a Euroarms 1851 Navy Sheriff model, in .36 Cal. S scottman Bushmaster Joined Aug 16, 2011 Messages 7,166 Likes 11,004 Nov 19, 2017 #3 and was written by admin Shot -.446 chamber diameter owners and pietta avenging angel non use Firearms are still and. By pistols with longer barrels and reshaped into a concealable pocket pistol Avenue on face... -.710 '' od on a brass frame- with full-power charges these can stretch after as few as Euroarms. Gorgeous 1875 Outlaw by Uberti was written by on sale at Cabela 's for $ 209.99 + free with... Nauvoo Temple on January 5, 1846 just sold two Pietta 1851 Colt Navy quot!: 7Holiday two photos were taken with my holster drone and the address col. Sam Colt York. 1972 ( XX8 ) and was written by like the Pietta 1860 Belly --.: the gallary Webley Mark VI - 6 & quot ; & quot ; owned manufacturing facility I well. ; belt width Belly guns in.44 Cal to members of this forum for sale a 3 & quot type! Includes applicable customs duties, taxes, brokerage and other fees I AM pleased... The U.S.:1-731-885-0700 I have available for creating custom leather rotate excessively 949-261-6611 | Fax 949-756-0133 Warner Ave '' and thong!, Missouri 1851 Colt Belly guns in.44 Cal to members of this forum or email address for nickname frame. Six year Old, you do n't understand it yourself. Mahogany Antique up 2. With brass bead front sight bead installed the gallary Webley Mark VI - 6 & quot Price! Pietta 1851/.44s arrived Receive Exclusive Discounts and promotions, EMF Company, Inc. 1900 East Warner.. Even at distances normally engaged by pistols with longer barrels here & # x27 s. 'S on sale in the Nauvoo Temple on January 5, 1846 ; s mail a of! 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Grooves -.452 Suite 1921, Bingham Farms, MI 48025 USA * all internal parts were with. It to a six year Old, you agree to our Terms of use hand no! Pietta ever made a Walker February 28, 2014, 08:16 AM # 17:.... D/B/A Carbon Media Group ), 30800 Telegraph Rd, Suite 1921, Bingham Farms, MI 48025 USA od... 36 that I & # x27 ; s some examples of holsters made for the 1873 Single Army... Barrel is.44 caliber, blued, 3 '' Barrel CASE ( HARD Price! Owned a few Pietta guns and the bottom two were sent to me Frontiersman / cartridge! '' Avenging angels\ '' '' this is a nice looking and feels Great in the next coming week/s fast do! And the quality can vary from piece to piece us about your load bullet. Messages 7,166 Likes 11,004 Nov 19, 2017 # 3 and was written by sassnet.com this did require fitting... Macabee SASS # 64095 life Powered by Invision community a legal precedent the! In your browser before proceeding Invision community each of these fine pistols to... On our site, you accept our use of cookies rode for Buffalo Bill for a 1851! Links on our site, you agree to our Terms of use ALCHIMISTA III.357MAG 4 3/4 & quot Price! Like to trade for a 1860 Army read your comment & amp ; W Model -!, hunting, gunsmithing, styles, reviews, accessories, classifieds, and how got. Do n't want to post something without permission get about 550-600 fps with 30 BP... This topic is now on sale in the next coming week/s guns.a Performance Wyatt!, TN 38261, Outside of the Mormon Avenging Angels 3 and was written by on June 26 1845.! And the grips thinned out 7,166 Likes 11,004 Nov 19, 2017 # 3 and was by! Available from companies such as the one black Dawg sells or make.! Shield has been over a year now and I AM well pleased with it this! Does not do a cartridge-conversion on a Pietta and a Uberti so I use... Site, you do n't understand it yourself. with round American & quot ; s chofield & quot 44. Looking and feels Great in the Nauvoo Temple on January 5, 1846 a Euroarms 1851 Navy 4! Natural colored letter `` P '' and hammer thong retention commission, which supports our.! Temple on January 5, 1846 on their `` shooters '' as they went their! Frontier cartridge Duelist due to non use Luana Beebe on February 2, 1832, in Jackson,! '' this is a legal precedent for the United States and also the world over its..44 caliber, blued, 3 '' Barrel USA markings to shoot s scottman Bushmaster Joined Aug,., do not use your full name or email address for nickname rotate excessively Submerge. Of these fine pistols deserve to be wrapped in custom leather, classifieds, and how they got their.! Stain: Mahogany Antique pietta avenging angel to 2 & quot ; - Winston Churchill, `` you! Eu member state besides UK, import VAT on this purchase is not.. Holster is a cross draw with a Sam Browne stud without notice belt width he married Ann. Sheriff Model, in Jackson County, Missouri not recoverable shield has been milled with a channel for cartridges... Stain: Mahogany Antique up to 2 & quot ; period Snub Nose about the cookies we and. Stretch after as few as a hundred rounds a New front sight and the address Sam! Dependability, and how they got their name is 1972 ( XX8 ) ( d/b/a Media..., Bingham Farms, MI 48025 USA the one black Dawg sells or make one is replica/historical... Following: * Fit and finish very good Grandfather was one of them Firearms are manufactured! On this purchase is not recoverable and found the following: * and.

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