The end knob used for better grip, to keep the hand from sliding off the stick. u JyxcktvHjz0Ec- as%
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&l2dr^KPydLkfdNHkTDVh{Ab=Y#|n1kn". Face-Off B. Off-Sides C. Goal D. Slap-Stick
_____ 11. Touching the puck or ball B. Why do you think such color trends occur? A penalty shot is most commonly awarded if: A player, while in a scoring position, is fouled from behind and deprived of a scoring opportunity Defense, Wings C. Centers, Wings D. Centers, Defense
_____ 7. ____ cannot go forward of the centerline and ________ must stay on their offensive side of the centerline. Centers B. Wings C. Defensive Players D. Goalies
_____ 4. 2 0 obj Match. % 5 minute power play. 100% found this document useful, Mark this document as useful, 0% found this document not useful, Mark this document as not useful, Save floor-hockey-study-guide-and-worksheet For Later, To protect your goal while also passing the, While playing defense the player should have their, and they should position themselves between the net and. %
of the game and may not play in future games until the case is reviewed by league administrators. A foul, when the blade of the stick is higher than the player's waist. Canada in the mid 1800's. Floor Hockey Study Guide - Catherine M. McGee Middle School . . Face-offs also occur in a teams zone.GoalEach score is worth one point. Field Hockey Skills Ball Control You. The only player permitted in this area is the goalie. Charging C. Checking D. High Stick
_____ 10. lifting the puck above knee level results in a penalty. Match. A 1 player advantage due to a foul (i.e. Floor Hockey Study Guide . / You can catch the puck that is above your head with your hand but you must. The playing rules for hockey are divided into three basic categories: Violations that result in a face-off The proper way to dribble a puck is to have your hands apart on the stick and to, Do not sell or share my personal information. A hockey game is started by having a __________ in the center circle. )SlotThe area directly in front of the goalSudden DeathWhen two teams are tied at the end of a game and the first team to score wins and ends the game.Stanley CupThe name of the trophy awarded for winning the playoffs in the NHL
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]pU[#._45p/t$7J/Q{pyz.oU'uZ ?Ksy;kw-XMv}0"ykWidz~pSS8>Jc yV5o:79v]>PHS\OYn It is played at colleges as an intramural activity and in high school physical education classes. If the violation results in an injury to an opponent, a major penalty should be assessed. &. Match. Floor Hockey/ Hockey Study Guide 1. Keep stick on floor for passing and shooting Passing Cues 1. Center C. Defense D. Goalie
_____ 12. @ i k m w y . prevent the opposing team from having a good shot at the goal. 4 0 obj
A faceoff in the middle of the floor between the two ______ is used to start the game and restart the game after a goal is scored. 5 0 obj endobj
Being off-sides
C. Tripping D. Slap-Stick
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Download now of 3 Floor Hockey Study Guide Player Responsibilities: Defense: To protect your goal while also passing the puck to your teammates. 4. Floor Hockey Study GuideThe first indoor hockey games were introduced in 1962 in Battle Creek, Michigan. <>>>
Since then, it Floor Hockey Study Guide Floor Hockey is a distant relative of ice-hockey. how long is the sheet of ice that ice hockey is played on, is approximately two-thirds the size of a football field, usually between 185 and 200 ft long and about 85 feet wide, 20 minutes for each period at most levels, high school 17 minute periods and 12-15 minute periods at the youth level, what basic skills are needed in floor hockey, skating, passing, stickhandling and shooting. An assist is credited in the scoring record to the offensive player or players involved in the play immediately preceding a goal. %PDF-1.5
Always look to pass before shooting. View Test Prep - Floor_Hockey_Study_Guide__1_ from SOCIAL STU 2508 at Dundee-Crown High School. FLOOR HOCKEY STUDY GUIDE HISTORY Tom Harter, director of Civic Recreation in Battle Creek, Michigan, introduced the new game of floor hockey modified from its original game of ice hockey in 1962. %+V`Mcf^FH%KG((oKV"-8Wo2ZTLO\|YGda),z|4RG
\!ofKgBV,0O$mxGQ1XOE Uk&[rv)/-s97KQk`gUo7Er|s=_^{4.?_>H!QGhK)7pWCMw,a62V,[Y#V "hkC=$a9`q4;oMcdr/icYD 1:vv?bv;| OxG,[e4w1e-G4>Hzo@CHe`pJ^'Du|'~np:b4YA[s8b8G!{{&z^;=RI1}`N9EaAce3v v+,q^ _/A:U(&Dy}X6a}KjZLZ@9b2ga#S?k"'>N)Ksv^wW'eKi? The goalie must stay in the crease. <>
1 goalie, 1 center, 2 forwards and 2 guards (defensive players-cannot cross center line)
The game begins with a face off at the centerline. The act of the forwards skating back into their defensive zone to break up the opposing team's offensive play, Using the body to impede an opponent who has possession of the puck to break up or disrupt an offensive play. An extremely dangerous action characterized by a player checking an opponent directly from behind. what position is not allowed in p.e games, how long do you sit out for if you are charged with a foul, Given for a lack of control during play (i.e. An offensive player may not precede the puck across the blue line into the offensive zone. <>
Floor Hockey study guide. Created by. 3 0 obj
It is illegal to shoot the puck with only one hand on the stick. endobj
Floor Hockey Study GuideHISTORY AND FUN FACTS OF HOCKEY First people to play the game of Hockey were the North American Indians. x\[o6~bMQPI@v}H0g'9$EJ XwG>^?ZlO?/7W~;xMwMqq/JE-/_|Z[-8,XUyGD/~}GeGY?.bw/_x"4+c:TYJR:>a -\0ty=aQESiXk2 EN English Deutsch Franais Espaol Portugus Italiano Romn Nederlands Latina Dansk Svenska Norsk Magyar Bahasa Indonesia Trke Suomi Latvian Lithuanian esk Unknown %PDF-1.5
The puck may not be passed from a team's defensive zone to a player of the same team who is beyond the center red line. There also are variations that are played on foot - these are often used for training children to prepare them for ice hockey. FLOOR HOCKEY STUDY GUIDE Author: PC User Last modified by: SHJH Teacher Created Date: 10/14 . Types of Shots Used
SlapVery fast shot, knee-to-knee back swing and follow-through (no higher than waist level for safety purposes! also called when the stick is raised above the knee in an unsafe manner. Lifting. times and then beginning play. Basic Rules1. *wPp/9gCVo5,xj_FkLU#8hI(H%bA.KhhIP@}}(F3%c"UbHJW(9p {Qd
D.v When a team is playing with one or two fewer players than their opponent due to penalties. Which of the following is considered a personal foul and will result in a player having to sit out? Match. t Brings the puck down the floor and tries to score on the, A face-off is used to start the game, after a goal is scored and if a puck i. Ice hockey began in Canada in the mid 1800's. By 1900, it became the national sport of Canada. A face-off also begins play after a goal is scored. A scoring opportunity that occurs when there are no defending players between the puck carrier and the opposing goaltender. Terms in this set (14) High sticking: playing the high puck with the stick above the waist. %
Floor Hockey Study Guide HISTORY: The first organized league games of floor hockey took place in Battle Creek, Michigan in 1962. known as "Getting open". Second offense = out of the game. University of Maryland, University College, Southern Leyte State University - Main Campus, Sogod, Southern Leyte, attendance in treatment and mental clarity are compromised For clinicians, Take home exam from Emily Rascon Desantos.docx, Research Report Templete - Importance of cloud computing in EDucation Secor.doc, resident for all the years even if the stay in Singapore is less than 183 days, Now lets review what weve learned Depreciation means you calculate the loss of, carehousing in the communitysthere will be no recognition of the need for, Outline for an Informative Speech about a Favorite Animal or CreatureDeziraiWitt92322 (1).doc, 1000 250 or 25 of the outstanding shares calculated as new number of shares per, Part 3 Question 6 Multiplicative inverse of 8 mod 11 8x mod 11 1 x 7 Hence the, Developer Testing and Evaluation Manual Code Reviews Require the developer of. W.F. They used field toolswith curved ends. * Be responsible for covering your area or person. Floor Hockey Study Guide Vocabulary Cross Checking- using the stick sideways across the body of an opponent when making contact. XI * L 1M 0 aM I R a | R T 4L R 4L 5 5 Y 5 5 5 5 5 M M | 5 5 5 aM 5 5 5 5 R 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 2 R : Floor Hockey
Study Guide
Floor hockey evolved as an adaptation of ice hockey for play on the streets. Goalie B. A pass from a teammate that leads to a goal Blade The curved end of the stick, front and back, used to hit the puck Body or shaft The main part of the stick, used to hold and stickhandle Butt or end The end knob used for better grip, to keep the hand from sliding off the stick Centering the puck endobj
. FLOOR HOCKEY STUDY GUIDE DMS RULES The game begins or is restarted after a goal with a face-off. An action against an opponent's leg which causes the opponent to fall. Wings remain in the offensive half while defensive players stay in the defensive half. Used to allow the offensive team to work together to beat the defense. stream
The curved end of the stick, front and back, used to hit the puck. 7lWu?=!',p[R3) The goalie must release the puck within ________ seconds. In a face-off, two opposing players face each other with their sticks on the floor and as the ball is dropped between them and to pull the ball closer to your side. Tom Harter, Director of Civic Recreation in Battle Creek, is. ]98 ,a\C^Y{LlFAsP\kf`: Players can advance the ball with the feet but cannot kick it into the goal with the feet to score. Floor Hockey Rules of the Game Six players make up a team. Offensive players positioning themselves to block or shield the opposing goaltenders view of the puck. Learn. wY$cf{a{-;uo}>7ypoS6^iz=jVPz\noFJqP83H~,38T =_iYa8\omF48s4J The equipment needed for floor hockey includes: hockey stick, puck or ball, goals & _
Ice B. Pads C. Goalie Mask
_____ 2. <>
Canada in the mid 1800's. By 1900, it became the national sport of Canada. * Never pass the puck in front of your own goal on defense. Therefore, should a team receive a third penalty, When a violation occurs, the official will not blow the whistle to stop play as long as the non-offending team is in possession of the puck. HermioneGranger0411. endobj
Stick blade faces target 2. a The motion of shooting the puck with the puck directly against the blade of the stick. the area in which they are attempting to score. A restricted area, marked by a red semi-circle, in front of the timer's table which a player is prohibited from entering while the referee is reporting a penalty. FLOOR HOCKEY WORKSHEET _____ 1. Test. Floor Hockey Study Guide study guide by cwu_027 includes 21 questions covering vocabulary, terms and more. If no one is defending you, stick handle and possess the puck or ball towards the opponent's goal. The origins of floor hockey trace The crease is the area around the goal where only the goalie is allowed to enter. When a puck goes out of bounds, the last team that contacted it loses possession. This game is an adaptation of ice hockey with safety modifications made since no protective gear is worn by the players. By what year Hockey became the national sport in Canada. You may _______ throw the puck forward as long as it does not go past half court in the air. 1 0 obj
Original floor hockey rules were adapted from the National Hockey League rules. Sending the puck from the defensive zone to the other end to the other end. Floor hockey is a form of ice hockey played indoors. Learn. Impeding the progress of an opponent who is not in possession of the puck. Flashcards. An easy controllable pass is given to a teammate; they receive it and pass it back to their teammate, out in front and on an angle. Transfer weight rear to front as you pass 4. The key to good team play is good passing. &. stream
Positions are center, right wing, left wing, right defense, left defense and goalie. 2, 2 B. they have to make a decision. The following are penalties in floor hockey that result in removing the offending player from the game for 2 minutes and will result in a 2 point deduction from the skills test portion of your grade:
Charging, Elbowing, Slashing, Butt Ending
High Sticking, Tripping, Hooking
Guards (defensive players) playing over the center line (only when in gym)
A regulation hockey game has three periods lasting 8 minutes each with a 5 minute rest between periods. Shooting the puck out of the defensive zone or away from the front of the goal. Keep moving to create passing lanes and open shots. G GH 0 wH D M j M \ vG M vG l m H H j wH M | : Name_____________________________
Per _____ Teacher_________________
_____ 1. Checking an opponent with the elbow extended. Since then, it has become more popular in many other counties as well. Impeding the progress of an opponent by using the hand, stick or any other means. Floor Hockey Study Guide History Tom Harter Director Of. Term referring to a player scoring three goals in a single game. Test. Movement of a team in possession of the puck out of its defensive zone. Flashcards. Field hockey techniques rules skills lesson transcript study com what is floor hockey 5 important skills for field hockey beginners tips 5 field hockey drills to help you improve on the sport camps. Floor Hockey Study Guide. xX6+ QO0$1EU;S"e3]un,)N:^ w9O|'8IzA{}{|)~0zyy?NZ;qMh9 A sweeping motion with an accentuated back swing to shoot the puck. If assessed a match penalty, the offending player is ejected for the balance stream A team, when both teams have an equal number of players on the ice, may not shoot the puck from behind the center red line over their opponent's goal line (except if the puck goes into the goal). You may not score a goal by kicking the puck into the goal. is approximately two-thirds the size of a football field, usually between 185 and 200 ft long and about 85 feet wide. Violations that result in a player being sent to the penalty box for a specified period of time. is a faced paced game, and one of the only sports that allows player substitution during play. Created by. Using the blade of the stick to knock the puck away from an opponent. 3. Test. No player is allowed in the crease except the goal keeper. Five minutes. In hockey a hat trick refers to a player that scores three goals in a game. > _ # bjbj b b # 2 2 4 aM 2 5 5 5 L L L L L L L $ O ER d M 5 " 5 5 5 M M Y Y Y 5 2 DEFENSE - Defensive Players Xtn
+? A ball kicked or hit by the hand into the goal is NOT a score.Hat TrickScoring three goals in one game by the same playerHigh StickingPenalty called when a player lifts the blade above the waist on the wind-up or follow-through.HookingIllegal use of the hockey stick to hook another player this is a penaltyIcingWhen a player on the defensive side of the floor sends the puck down the length of the floor and it crosses the designated line without being touched by a teammate.OffsideWhen players move or cross into the attacking zone BEFORE the ballPenaltyConsequences given for roughing, high sticking, hooking, tripping, checking, or other misconduct fouls that are illegal.Power PlayWhen the team with all their players (full strength) has an advantage over the team charged with a penalty that now must play with less players (short-handed)RoughingPlay that endangers resulting in a penalty (tripping, checking, shoving, etc. All other players must begin outside the center circle. Play starts with a face-off at the center circle and after each goal is scored. Do NOT raise sticks above the waist to avoid face, hand and arm injuries! Floor Hockey History Floor hockey is a modification of the game of ice hockey. The National Hockey Association was formed in 1909 The Stanley Cup was created in 1893. 2. ___________ is called when a player lifts the hockey stick above their waist. A team consists of one goalie, ___ defensive players, ___ wings (right and left) and one center. 2 0 obj
Since then, it has become more popular in many other counties as well. . Terms in this set (27) Push Pass. File floor hockey study guide.pdf EN English Deutsch Franais Espaol Portugus Italiano Romn Nederlands Latina Dansk Svenska Norsk Magyar Bahasa Indonesia Trke Suomi Latvian Lithuanian esk Unknown It was first played indoors in 1875 in Montreal. Floor Hockey Unit Study Guide History of the Game Ice Hockey first originated as an outdoor sport during the 19th century in Canada. When redesigning garments, what are three possible changes to make? Match. The ball should precede offensive players across the center line. 4 0 obj
In writing, explain the reasons for your choices. -e-QX22yaRU7)M)[Y-yge`='q,X#$>H^9nE`^`bmQ=T&3O. _%g. <> Create time to make a good pass or shot by creating space, find an open area. Created by. %PDF-1.6 d!&,8J1GT)XUr\)3T/kXQ Y/wm(W}Qga#Gs( 0d>uitg,VH*;j'fI\F G{y*yHJ8T*;Vj6M9JmgT!:4Tc
t5VZG_S[Fwco7#_[>uu)D3![+e^ZYTS@7rG9+'"EmVJlK$(`Xe]A$2C;o]imuH- Test. _______ is short controlled taps of the hockey puck with the stick. Games begin with a face-off where a puck is dropped between two opposing, The crease is the area around the goal where only the goalie is allowed to. x[oARqb`7k)`Mz'
3CQ"eQpJ3?g>H,-RG2gP%*/x}?_/gi*Oy|O\;H.#%}6BHP>_]H+/213qxV=BHGgzyu+PGRS LJqs2d2_g{Q$W"kgD;X{cNFTyLs3;4pcV]G)Y{b&pj2k,d\=F Oox?~$"^me^=~\#)YpVJ3%( Q-OTM%25;aa!=-Ae!ft*AQ\j"> D>&Y@%5|b-m! A pass from a teammate that leads to a goal. It is illegal to use your stick to knock down a puck that is over your. Floor Hockey is a fast paced, non-contact game that closely resembles Ice Hockey. An attempt to score by a team which has a numerical advantage in players due to a penalty or penalties. Describe the working situation of someone who works in a sweatshop. The object is to score points by hitting the puck or ball into the goal or net. Nataya_Calhoun. Test. Puck in center of blade 3. A goal counts when a puck (ball) crosses the goal line. Dribble a create space. 3 FORWARDS - Offensive Players b. While playing defense the player should have their back to their teams net and they should position themselves between the net and the puck. <>
The main part of the stick, used to hold the stick. Using the stick to impede the progress of an opponent. CJ aJ h hT 5;>*CJ aJ hX] hT CJ OJ QJ ^J aJ #hT hF9 5CJ OJ QJ ^J aJ #hT hT 5CJ OJ QJ ^J aJ "h hT 5;CJ0 OJ QJ aJ0 (j h hkr OJ QJ UmH nH u " o 9 Learn. Study Guide Origin Floor hockey evolved as an adaptation of ice hockey for play on the streets. A. Wings, Defense B. Floor Hockey Study Guide PURPOSE: Floor hockey is fast-paced activity that emphasizes teamwork and sportsmanship, and can become highly competitive. View Floor Hockey Study Guide (1).doc from GENERAL General at Saint Viator High School. Common penalties include high-sticking, slashing, hooking, tripping, checking, and fighting. 2 0 obj
Match. Rules and Information 6 players on a team Positions: a. Test. players who guard the goal and attempt to block shots with stick, hand, or feet, etc. high sticking, roughing). Avoid EXCESSIVE BODY CONTACT for safety purposes
Do NOT use: Elbowing, Butt ending, Charging, Tripping, Hooking, Checking and Slashing! Face Off Circle: Learn. V The area where no player's feet or stick, except the goalie, is allowed during play. Games begin with a face-off where a puck is dropped between two opposing players. 9 (b2G'zHZ|?B/kq`+s)HXN%S0pTs/ECyG8[fX7{L
PF#$ oP4j &Ym>G9 <> Test. Rules
The object of the game is to hit the ball into the opponents goal. Does not terminate early for any reason. Flashcards. Also <>
i Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Floor Hockey originally evolved as an adaptation of (blank) for play on the streets., (blank), which was played on the pavements, used, modified ice hockey equipment, but this equipment did not hold up., In (blank), a few sport companies began developing plastic sticks and pucks that could be utilized both indoors and outdoors on . Pressuring the opponent when they control the puck in the neutral or defensive zone. High-sticking refers to a major penalty where one raises the blade of the, stick above the waist to knock a puck/ball out of the air. Substitution of players without the stoppage of play. x][6Nr;w%G$x7$"_qtfT$N>[/?[.=N/>p|5>Z;? One B. A team consists of one goalie, ___ defensive players, ___ wings (right and left) and one center. / Terms in this set (33) Ice hockey began in. Collect fabric swatches with different textures and design patterns. Floor Hockey Study Guide advertisement PLAYING AREA/FIELD DIAGRAM: PLAYING FIELD Crease: Designated area directly in front of the goal box. Social Skills & Etiquette
Good Sportsmanship Teamwork - Communication
ALWAYS Avoid High Sticking for safety! Face Off C. Rink D. Goal Box
_____ 9. A team shall not be shorthanded on the ice more than two players at any one time because of imposed penalties. guarding the team's goal and preventing the opposing team from scoring. Two minutes. endobj
In PE a high-stick is. Floor Hockey Study Guide. The goal area should be 2 feet by 6 feet and the goal box around the
goal should be 4 feet by 8 feet. {)~}7c%\8SksfnFLa;Oi?CMUv>gpoZ\l&(H=~0_9mh)X9zRh%g1i% Ixp!NpIW_a2EcqFlS?&zN[pi "8 4w21g" K{b-BFnpz =Jtc&*f_Igr@O0w,'Ws:)|:,l=q?`p%jg,F}^/'9ot&&(_iH7sb$,a-zBLmMEjS/:,uId8fP-+u@eJs~#7^t5}9P!`i;J}j3)_Ei)Q%!wz"Gwy45?-C72nQ@or|*}9 Learn. Shooting B. Dribbling C. Passing
_____ 8. Move the puck using your stick handling skills to evade defenders rather than just clearing the puck. goalie can use their hands to stop, catch or freeze the puck. Checking an opponent with the stick across the body. A shot on goal where the goalkeeper's vision is blocked by another player. Q`y+l"gFK=@U*$83Jy[cfD('aA+t. The moment the offending team touches the puck, play will be stopped. 1, 1 C. 2, 1 D. 1, 2
_____ 3. C Common penalties include high-sticking, slashing, hooking, tripping, When a puck/ball is covered, stopped, or held by a goalie it is called freezing, Players can quickly catch and then drop the puck/ball to the floor without, Goalies should typically clear the puck to the sides to prevent easy scoring. Test. The area in front of the goal in which the goalie is the only one allowed is called____________. By 1900, it became the national sport of Canada. Pass to a spot in front of the opponent's goal. A defensive player grabs or falls on the puck when it is in the goal crease. An offensive player may not enter the goal crease unless the puck is already inside this area. Crease. Floor Hockey Study Guide Safety Keep the blade of stick at least below waist level if not lower at all times including shooting and passing. Flashcards. THE GAME - Play begins with a face-off at mid court in the center circle. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. &F gd9 The object of the face-off is to pull the puck back to your side. Social Skills & Etiquette Good Sportsmanship - Teamwork - Communication Safety ALWAYS Avoid High Sticking for safety! G m G m m 2 B vG ` nD . stream Textures and patterns. !WristUsually used to lift the puck, no back swing but has follow-throughSnapHas a back swing but no follow-throughSlideMost common way of accurately passing the puck (ball), has back swing and follow-through
ForehandWhen a player shoots or passes with the bottom hand pushing the stick forwardBackhandWhen a player shoots or passes with the bottom hand pulling the stick forwardDribblingUsing both sides of the blade to control and move the puck (ball)Face-OffGames begin with a face-off between centers where the puck is dropped between them. Allowed in the goal is worth one point Hockey stick above the.. With your hand but you must center circle must stay on their offensive side the... Face-Off also begins play after a goal by kicking the puck when it is illegal shoot... That scores three goals in a player checking an opponent by using the hand or. Is approximately two-thirds the size of a football field, usually between 185 and 200 ft long and 85. Player scores 3 goals in one game stick is raised above the knee in an injury an. Be 4 feet by 8 feet l2dr^KPydLkfdNHkTDVh { Ab=Y # |n1kn '' stick... Injury to an opponent by using the stick sideways across the body an... 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