If you want to change your health for the better, I had to change what I was doing and the greatest change was joining an online group a physician led group and I am seeing the results and by mid July my plan is to have reached my goal weight and my cholesterol and blood pressure will be where it should be. My faith keeps me going; my family encourages me with their support; and my own determination to get better helps me tremendously when those nagging moments of doubt start creeping in. Breathingchest hurts. idea what it could be. Anesth Analg. The first phase of heart surgery recovery can last from 6 to 8 weeks. Give it some more time and then see a neurologist if you continue to have issues. I just went thru a cabgx4 and now trying to recover. I found this blog and am 3 weeks post op with a new On-X valve and gel weave ascending aortic graft. Going into my fourth month post Quad ByPass and Aorta repairs, rehab about to end and this month I feel to have hit the wall a bit. Go in next month for an evaluation. It was a long recovery.. I later learned the numbness was an effect of the Ibuprofen I had been taking. I have been surprised at the way this surgery has impacted me emotionally and physically. Had 2nd surgery on Jan 14th to fight infection caused by violent coughing which broke two sternum staples. I take a 2 hour nap in the afternoon and sleep about 9 hours a night. Pace maker implant 20 years ago after running the New York marathon with a fever and ended up with pericarditis. 2018 Apr;104:124-129. doi:10.1016/j.cyto.2017.10.003, (14) Matsuoka H, Suto T, Saito S, Obata H. Amitriptyline, but Not Pregabalin, Reverses the Attenuation of Noxious Stimulus-Induced Analgesia After Nerve Injury in Rats. I have also had numbness on my right breast since my surgery on 2/14 of this year. Cant stand any material touching it. Cardiologist tried to fix me with stents three times before they gave up and recommended surgery. I am 62 years old and had triple bypass surgery on July 5. Amongst other things, like leg pain, rib pain, chest pain, I too am very tired. I had to take 2 tablets 4 times a day. Hi Vanna, Yes it is normal of getting tired and dizziness. My cardiologist And surgeons use teleconference. Body aches all over. So, Im doing chemical stress test and rarely get feedback when I ask questions from Cardiologist #2. I am sore STILL , the breast bone, the ribs, the pec muscles, and my legs. God bless! Cleveland Clinic cardiologists suggest this: "You'll do most of your healing - about 80 per cent - in the first 6-8 weeks after surgery". As with any surgical procedure, open heart surgery requires incision care to avoid infection and minimize scarring. Im just tired of the whole thing, Hi hope this finds everyone doing really well I just had surgery on April 4 of this year . Heart beat is 130.blood My MVR by open heart surgery is due this month.i am worried.what to do?? It is a major operation during which the surgeon will open the chest to access the heart. The Surgical Team at Ft. Walton Beach Medical Center was nothing short of Fantastic! ), then I have some good days & dont get too tired. Mary A. Hello Mary. My scars healed quickly and are hardly visible today. Due to covid 19:virus lock down my husband dropped me off at hospital and picked me up 5 days later. (10) Recknor JB, Mallapragada SK. Some one may be watching you and gaining strength from you. Apply lidocaine patches to minimize pain and itching near your incision site. I am still a chronically Ill with Coronary Artery Disease, Pulmonary Oedema Patient with Advanced Renal failure needing medications BUT I have a life, although different to my best, a life, and a good life ahead. -Occasional numbness & tingling in the last 2 fingers & sometimes the entirety of both my hands. Sleep is still somewhat of an issue, because of rib and shoulder discomfort. Pain. OB/GYN. I just couldnt get strong enough. Hi Marry, I am Vanna 29 years old. My condition was geneticborn biscuspidtwo cusps instead of threecaused problems I thought would be resolved once the op was done. I feel like an invalid. Everybody, hang in there. All the doctors want to do is feed my anti-depressants. 45 days after my Surgery I took my first flight journey back to the country where Im working and started working. Started feeling myself slow down about five years ago. That will help increase your stamina. I said to myself after my extremely difficult and unforgettable homecoming and initial recovery period that I would never wish such a dreadful roller coaster of emotion on any poor soul. Sitting up was an effort, for days and weeks. Have always been very active and in pretty good shape. chest never felt like ribs were cracked. I am 56 years old I had a bicuspid aortic valve replaced. Around 6-8 weeks are expected for the bone to heal properly (without any complications), while recovery from an open heart is variable from person to person. The worst for me is the back and arm pain. . After coming home from hospital I didnt need pain pills. I acknowledge with all the complications & now ongoing health issues I never had before, there has got to be a reason why. Cardiologist said I have vertebral basilar insufficiency and recommended vascular surgery. I found him! Sudden numbness or weakness in arms or legs; One sided facial droop or slurring of words; Sudden, severe headache; . Hoping that will change in the spring when I can get outside more. Feel like my life revolves around watching the clock to take meds. I hope to feel better every day. I tire easily. It is normal to feel sore all over. Not helpful! Feels like a burning scratching feeling inside. I am thin. 2015;2:156-64. doi:10.4103/2347-9264.160878, (2) Liang JQ, Chen C, Zhao H. Revision Surgery after Percutaneous Endoscopic Transforaminal Discectomy Compared with Primary Open Surgery for Symptomatic Lumbar Degenerative Disease. How Rare is Finding a Romantic Relationship for Rare Patients? I hope this one goes away. Cant remember, cant think, cant sleep, cant drive a car. I made it home on 14% heart function. Neurohospitalist. Greetings from South Africa. 5 months later and Im suffering from a bit of depression and pain in my right upper arm and shoulder. My legs can ache going up a flight of stairs and get short of breat and sternum pain. Contact him now on his email: drabakaspelltemple@gmail. Talked to my cardiologist who wasnt concerned but I know Im not the only person to experience this and he didnt say it happens after bypass surgery sometimes. This surgery is the pits! Time heals all wounds. It makes the breast swollen, tender, warm, and red. It has gotten some better but not completely. Feel beat. I had a quadruple bypass 5 months ago. I think I find my self having what I call Panic Attacks just out of the blue. I still have some trouble with memory loss which I am told is normal. Also my br. Most people spend 3 to 7 days in the hospital. This surgery will require a . I am still struggling with breathlessness really badly. My struggle is with pain between my shoulder blades. I still have nights where I cant breathe and my left arm and left leg are numb, I have regular nausea, I am weak as a kitten but can do all my household chores myself now including lawns, wash dog and fix car. Take care. She no longer wears the brace, has gotten sensation back, and has limited pain. Was super fit, non drinker, non smoker, conscious of my food intake and now.. BOOM! Learn about Regenexx procedures for spine conditions. Post-operative cognitive dysfunction (POCD) can also cause memory loss. It was OVER, I was DEAD and a day later (off meds), I was still alive, three days Later I could shallow breathe, one week later I had an echocardiogram which said my EF was 45?? The biomedical engineering handbook (third ed.). Thats what I was told by a prior cardiologist & the emergency room in a hospital 2 days before my emergency surgery! My heartfelt prayers go out to each of you for your journeys in recovery, I hope we all can find new Joy in living to replace the pain, suffering, and loss that our precious hearts must now endure. doi:10.1097/SLA.0b013e3182701a7b. Of course sex has been off the table ever since. It never goes away; it becomes difficult to put on my shirt and my socks. Id love to believe that, but Im worried. Within 4 months I was up to a 45-minute walk daily and then I developed ankle pain in the harvest leg, thank God no blood clots just overuse and maybe too much walking at first. Feeling good the only thing bothering me is left hand still numb and very uncomfortable to wear a shirt. Its stories like yours that sound exactly like my days that give me the confidence. And called me on the second day, and I can see he is also not too too well alone, due to covid19. In 1982, spent 7 days in hospital having Heart related tests , sent home with a prescription for Valium and no answers. Now full pescatarian and its been hard but, I dont want to see the OR again. But, after Christmas Im dont do anything but what I have too. We meet three inspiring women who wear their scars with pride, and explain advances in minimising scars. Also, they told me in hospital to walk 4 times 5 minutes inside a house/flat a day for the first 2 weeks. doi:10.1016/j.rapm.2008.07.527, Reda B, Wong I. Postoperative numbness: a survey of patients after hip arthroscopic surgery. Normally heart surgery is done by performing a vertical incision from just below the collar bone, to just below the breast. Ask your Doctor about it, also Continue to walk, if your doc permits. I was asymptomatic before my surgery but my regurgitation was severe. I was told I had a congenital heart problem at 63 years of age. I tried driving buts its still to painful. I will too. It's common after heart surgery to be sad or blue, but these feelings should pass after the first few weeks. Most episodes of nerve damage after surgery last for a few weeks to a few months. And heat is horrible. The discomfort radiates right across the chest and through to the back and under the arms. Hang in there, you are not alone. This is one of my biggest fears. In this blog I will follow my everyday journey of living with familial hypercholesterolemia (or FH). Dealt w depression. That was a mistake. Providers listed on the Regenexx website are for informational purposes only and are not a recommendation from Regenexx for a specific provider or a guarantee of the outcome of any treatment you receive. I was referred to a cardiologist who then advised me that it would be a case of when, not if Id need to have a valve replacement. My chest aches and feels heavy. I happy to say that this was a success and my left atrium has shrunk almost back to normal and ejection fraction is almost normal.i am walking 5 miles daily. Coronary arteries are the blood vessels that bring blood to the heart muscle. I am thankful to be a live and tell myself that over and over when depressed thoughts enter my mind! I pray that we would all press on together and give thanks that we have made it to where we are. The first time because I still experience numbness in my arm and the second time because I was having severe back pain. I keep hope and carry on for my family, kids, and my mother. Still it was a shock to be told after a routine stress test that he had to have immediate CABG. Was super fit, non drinker, non smoker, conscious of mu food intake and now.. BOOM! They say it takes a year. Heart disease runs amuck in my family! I read get used to it thats how it is going to be from now on. Thank you for your blog. Is this normal? In the end, I hope to be a much stronger person. I have worn a halter monitor to timesonce for a week & once for 2 weeks. God bless you all. Neil. I couldnt breathe or walk very far so what exactly was my quality of life? I do really appreciate everyone sharing their experiences. Anyone out there have this problem? It is very common and since my Open Heart Surgery to replace my aortic valve I've had it 3 times. 2013;257(3):403412. Functionally recovered is about 9 months to a year. I did them daily for a year. My feet and ankles and legs swell. Im frightened, anxious, tired, no taste .. What are other peoples experience? She writes, "Adam, I am 55 and had open heart surgery to replace my valve about three weeks ago. he really does not want any one with him ,its been 2 weeks and just now said I could come for a short visit. My partner Bob had emergency open heart surgery (aortic arch replacement) on 22 March in the UK just days after having angioplasty (3 stents fitted). In this case, the area below the cut nerve could go numb. Nice of em, huh?! I dont want to go through this again! I finally encountered a good vestibular balance therapist but symptoms seem worse after a month of therapy. Neil. It was a medication causing the nausea. God Bless and I will pray for you.. Blessings to all! One of the biggest issues we see after surgery is scarring around the nerves (1). I am reading through these posts and came across yours. The heart surgery went well, went to a rehab hospital thinking it would be helpful to my recovery. Can anyone relate to this? Numbness has been identified as divergent from positive neuropathic symptoms and therefore excluded from some neuropathic assessment tools (Neuropathic Pain Scale for PostSurgical . In the end, the breastbone is wired shut, and the skin is either stapled, glued, or stitched. Im Marc. You can't shift to a more comfortable position. Now I am 8 months away from the surgery and mostly doing fine. I still have a cough which is annoying, Don It will get better-really you have to be patient-which Im not and give it 12 months, that is what Im told every day, Im at the 5 month stage since surgery and feel so much better- yes I still get tired and cant get back to being the super woman I believed I was -but it will happen. Good luck to you. I felt like I was underwater screaming! For 6 weeks i did remarkably well. It is extremely difficult to explain the experience and Im sure everyone would be different. I had a calcium score build up test and was told I should be dead and was lucky not to have had a heart attack because that would have killed me. This is normal and most chest tubes are temporarypain typically improves after the tube is removed. But i need to take blood thinners like Walfarin or Acitrom. Adam has been featured by the American Heart Association and Medical News Today. The right shoulder pain started at week 5 for me and still present. Please share the advice to me if it is normally to feel that tired after surgery for 2 months already? The recovery process is much slower than people realize and I know that it will be a daily struggle for the rest of my life. 2009;21(1):23-9, v. doi:10.1016/j.coms.2008.10.003, Woessner H, Vibhute P, Barrett K. Acute loss of bladder control in a stroke of the frontal cortex. I had my aortic valve replaced and one bypass. Heat and sun in sw florida is a killer. I was mainly wondering what are the things I need to have when I come home? This news mentally crushed me and quite honestly i lost the will to live for a while. Thank you so much and continued healing! Sensitivity and specificity of nerve palpation, monofilament testing and voluntary muscle testing in detecting peripheral nerve abnormality, using nerve conduction studies as gold standard; a study in 357 patients. It has been great reading everyones progress after OHS. I havent slept more than a 4 hour stretch. I got sick when I was alone in Vegas for 7 nights. God is good hes took good care of me . Please share the advice to me if it is normally to feel that tired after surgery for 2 months already? Have gained 15 of those back since then. At 2 months my Balance and Surefootedness returned, I attribute to exercise, legs getting stronger. 7 nights surgical procedure, open heart surgery went well, went to a rehab hospital thinking it be..., cant drive a car rehab hospital thinking it would be resolved once the op was done day the. 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