Driver stopped for a speeding violation was found to be under the infuence of alcohol and impaired; a loaded pistol was discovered in the center console during an inventory search; An unknown person used another person's personal identifying information to open a bank account and withdraw money, While returning home from the bike park a 13 year-old male was pushed to the ground from his bicycle while the bicycle was in motion; the subject involved was an adult male not known by the victim, The designated driver of a vehicle stopped for speeding did not have a driver's license issued; during the contact three male passengers in the vehicle were found to be intoxicated from the consumption of alcohol, Male subject called in as suspicious was contacted and found to have an active arrest warrant issued by Bexar County for Terroristic Threats, Unlocked vehicle unlawfully entered and property stolen; surveillance video was used to identify and locate the subject involved; subject located in a near-by apartment was taken into custody and the property was recovered, Driver stopped for speeding was determined to be under the influence of alcohol and impaired; open containers found in vehicle, Individual suffering from mental crisis transported to hospital for evaluation, Catalytic converters stolen from two vehicles parked in private parking lots, Fraudulent Use of Identifying Information, Credit card account opened in the complainant's name using their personal identifying information, Motorized scooter stolen from an open carport during overnight hours, Officer investigating a parking violation determined the occupant of the vehicle had an active arrest warrant issued by Hays Co. for narcotics violations, Driver of a vehicle that struck a utility pole was found to be under the influence of alcohol and impaired, Driver stopped for a traffic violation was found to have an active arrest warrant issued by Bexar County for DWI, Revoked Probation, Driver stopped for speeding was found to be under the influence of alcohol and impaired, Video surveillance recorded a male subject stealing a package from the front porch, During a traffic violation contact officers observed marijuana in open view within the passenger compartment; further investigation discovered more marijuana and cocaine, Officer initiated contact on a male subject loitering around a closed business during late night hours; investigation discovered the subject had an active arrest warrant issued by Bexar, Bluetooth speaker stolen from outside a business, Person's identifying information used to open accounts in Florida, Unlocked vehicle rummaged through during overnight hours; no property reported stolen, Packages stolen from front porch during late evening hours; video surveillance captured the image of a disguised suspect whose image was captured at other criminal incidents, Unlocked vehicle unlawfully entered during overnight hours; cash and gift cards stolen, Locked vehicle parked in the roadway was unlawfully entered by breaking out a window to steal a purse; three other unlocked vehicles were entered but only rummaged through and no property stolen, Unlocked vehicle parked in the street during overnight hours was stolen by use of key fob left in vehicle, Unlocked vehicle unlawfully entered during overnight hours; no property stolen, Passenger car stolen from a residence during overnight hours, An alcohol fueled argument between spouses escalated to the male striking the female numerous times with his fist; during treatment for her injuries the female made threats to harm herself and expressed related symptoms of mental crisis; the male subject went to jail and the female to a hospital for evaluation, Officers detected a strong odor of burning marijuana coming from the interior of a vehicle stopped for a traffic violation; a follow-up investigation discovered paraphernalia used for the ingestion of marijuana and a small amount of marijuana; the driver of the vehicle was also found to have controlled narcotic prescription drugs belonging to another person and a passenger was in possession of 3.7 grams of cocaine, Driver of a vehicle stopped for a traffic violation was found to have an active arrest warrant issued by Bexar County for Obstruction of a Passageway/Highway, Witness reported he observed a vehicle strike a parked vehicle and drive to an apartment across the street; officers contacted the driver as described by the witness and determined the driver was under the influence of alcohol and impaired, Male subject attemping to pay for groceries became upset when his credit cards were denied by the issuing bank; the subject attempted to leave with the grocery cart and when stopped by store employees he physically assaulted several employees in his attempt to leave with the merchandise; subject arrested at the scene by responding officers, Resident reported an unknown person unsuccessfully attempted to make a large purchase using their identification at a department store in Illinois, Resident reported headphones ordered on-line were delivered to the residence but could not be found; investigation discovered a family member living at the residence had pawned the headphones, Driver of a vehicle stopped for a traffic violation was found to have an active arrest warrant issued by Bexar County for DWI; open container of alcohol found in vehicle at time of arrest, Forgery, Evading Arrest, Poss. According to DPS, the crash happened around 8:10 p.m. on Alamo Road, south of Texas Road and east of Edinburg, where one man was traveling northbound in a white 2007 Chevrolet Silverado. Driver of a vehicle stopped for a traffic violation had a driver's license that expired in 2014; further investigation discovered the driver had an active arrest warrant issued by Bexar County for theft, Unknown person(s) stole an air conditioning unit from the roof of a building during overnight hours, Vehicle parked in the street was unlawfully entered by breaking out a window; misc camping gear stolen, Officers checked on a male subject observed by a closed business during early morning hours; investigation discovered the subject was in mental crisis and delusional; subject transported to a hospital for further evaluation, Female victim reported her ex-husband has been sending her harassing texts and emails in violation of a protective order, Male subject paid for merchandise with a counterfeit $20 bill, An officer stopped a female subject walking in the neighborhood during late night hours; investigation discovered the female subject had a bond forfeiture warrant for her arrest issued by Aransas County, Unknown subject(s) stole an unknown quantity of bicycles from a bicycle storage room, Male subject involved in shoplifting was located by officers in close proximity to the store; subject in possession of $7.96 of merchandise; citation issued, Locked vehicle in a church parking lot was illegally entered by breaking out a window; no property stolen, A male subject reported knocking on doors and yelling from the street for help was found to be in mental crisis complicated by illegal drug usage, An unlocked vehicle parked for a short time was unlawfully entered and a purse stolen from a front seat; credit cards in the purse were used shortly after the theft, Officers responded to a report of a female subject in a business restroom acting strangely; investigation determined the subject was in mental crisis and transported to a hospital for evaluation, The driver of a vehicle involved in an accident was found to have an active arrest warrant issued by Bexar County for theft, The driver of a vehicle stopped for a traffic violation and a passenger were detained when officers detected the odor of burning marijuana; investigation revealed the driver was in possession of marijuana and methamphetamines; the driver was arrested and the passenger released, Two drivers reached an impasse at the entrance to a parking area when one driver was attempting to enter an exit point; the driver of one vehicle approached the other driver, threatened him with serious bodily injury and walked back to his vehicle, Resident reported two packages delivered to the front porch has been stolen; the empty shipping boxes were located next to the house, Officers located a male subject walking nude in the nature trails; investigation determined the subject was in mental crisis; subject transported to a hospital for evaluation, Unoccupied vehicle left running in a driveway was stolen during early morning hours, Driver stopped for a traffic violation was found to have an active arrest warrant issued by Comal County, Vehicle door handle damaged in failed attempt to break-in, Two male roommates became involved in an argument escalating into one roommate punching the other roommate causing injury; investigation discovered both roommates had active arrests warrants issued by Bexar County; both subjects were taken into custody and transported to jail, Resident reported someone entered her unlocked vehicle during overnight hours; insurance papers were the only things missing, Resident reported someone broke a window out of her vehicle during overnight hours to steal a tote handbag left on the vehicle seat, Resident reported jewelry and a firearm were stolen from inside the residence; an acquantice of the resident's housekeeper was on the property when the items were stolen, Catalytic converter stolen from a vehicle parked in a visitor parking lot, Attempted Burglary of Building, Evading Arrest, Officers responded to a report of a male subject attempting to break into a storage shed; officers located a subject matching the description who fled on foot from officers; the subject was captured after a short chase; officers confirmed the lock and hasp were damaged by the attempt to gain access to the shed, Vehicle window broken to have access to a back pack left on the seat, Vehicle window broken to have access to cash recently withdrawn from a bank, Construction equipment stolen from a shipping container by someone having the combination to the lock securing the container, Luggage left unattended on a front porch was stolen, Officers responded to a report of a male subject acting strangely in a bank lobby; the subject was contacted and determined to be in mental crisis; transported to a hospital, Image of a male subject stealing a package from a front porch was captured by a home surveillance camera, Vehicle unlawfully entered by unknown means; a gun safe inside the vehicle as forced open but there was no weapon left in the safe to steal, Pick-up truck was reported stolen from a parking lot; surveillance video recorded one male subject enter the vehicle after deactivating the alarm remotely by unknown means; the vehicle was found abandoned in San Antonio a short distance away, Female victim reported her ex-boyfriend is harassing her on social media and by telephone; victim reported when she drove home the ex-boyfriend followed her and parked behind her; no contact made but the victim feels threatened by the ex-boyfriend's persistance and failure to respect her stated wishes to be apart from him, Female subject was observed placing a candle in her purse and leaving the store without paying; subject detained and a citation issued, A male subject consumed food he ordered but would not pay for the food and service he did not like; subject left a portion of the amount of money owed and left; the subject was located a short distance away; the subject again refused to pay the remainder of the bill so he was issued a citation for the theft and a criminal trespass warning, Surveillance video captured a suspect gathering candles and other home products then leaving the store without rendering payment, Driver stopped for a traffic violation was found to have a suspended driver's license, two Alamo Heights Municipal Court traffic warrants and an active arrest warrant issued by Bexar County for Assault-Bodily Injury / Family Violence / Household, A video camera for live streaming was stolen from a church sometime since January 23rd, Five vehicles in a business parking lot were unlawfully entered by breaking rear windows; miscellaneous property left in the passenger compartments was stolen; surveillance video in the parking lot captured images of three suspects and a suspect vehicle, A male subject was reported shopping in a jewelry store for approximately 30 minutes looking at engagement rings; when two rings were taken from the case the subject grabbed the rings and ran from the store, A traffic stop on a pick-up truck towing a utility trailer led to further investigation when the trailer was reported stolen by Travis County; the driver and two occupants were detained and identified; one occupant was discovered to have two active arrest warrants for Unlawfully Carry Weapon and Evading Arrest, Offficer on patrol during late night hours observed a male subject run to a vehicle stopped in front of a residence; when the vehicle left at high speed the officer attempted an investigative stop; the subject/driver stopped momentarily then sped away; officers discontinued the pursuit when the drivers speed and evasive manuevers became too dangerous to continue; officers returned to where the subject was first spotted and found a burglarized vehicle in the driveway and a bicycle in the driveway; homeowner, Unknown subjects entered a building by unknown means and burglarized an office; computer equipment and miscellaneous office equipment reported stolen, Attempted burglary of building; Evading arrest, Female victim reported her ex-boyfriend is harassing her on social media and by telephone; victim reported when she drove home the ex-boyfriend followed her and parked behind her; no contact made but the victim feels threatened by the ex-boyfriend's persistence and failure to respect her stated wishes to be apart from him, A fight between three patrons in a bar resulted in one patron being knocked unconscious and left with severe head and face injuries; the second victim also received injuries, During a traffic violation investigation, an officer detected a strong odor of marijuana coming from the vehicle; the driver admitted to having marijuana in the vehicle; a probable cause search of the vehicle discovered multiple bags of marijuana (8 oz), ecstasy tablets, cocaine, and vape cartridges containing marijuana oil that were minor in nature; the suspect departed the location prior to officer's arrival; a possible name obtained from the subject's credit card receipt, An officer stopped to check on a vehicle parked in the street with registration expired in 2020; officer observed the vehicle had a broken steering column, the radio was missing and miscellaneous property was in the back seat; a male subject approached the officer and claimed ownership of the vehicle; further investigation discovered the subject had an active arrest warrant issued by Bexar County; subject taken into custody, Female victim reported her ex-boyfriend has been stalking and harassing her since she broke off the relationship; the victim reported the subject follows her, knocks on her door repeatedly, and constantly sends texts, emails and accesses her social media accounts; victim states she intends to prosecute the subject if the behavior continues, Officers responded to a report of vehicle burglaries occurring in the parking lot; officers apprehended a male subject immediately after arriving and a female subject later during the investigation; surveillance video from the store's camera system recorded the male subject entering several unlocked vehicles and removing property; the female subject was the driver and look-out; miscellaneous property commonly stolen during vehicle burglaries was found in the vehicle; also found were methamphetamines and heroin; it was later reported the male subject and vehicle were observed at a neighboring property parking lot searching for unlocked vehicles, Officers from multiple jurisdictions and explosive detection dogs searched the school campus after a bomb threat was received from a telephone caller; investigation determined the threat was a hoax; a person of interest is being investigated as a possible participant in the threat. Escobar and Almarez were both []. This site contains affiliate links. Its screening at the True/False Film Festival this week. Officer investigated a vehicle stopped in the middle of a roadway during early morning hours; investigation determined the driver was under the influence of alcohol and impaired; Officers responded to a call for a female subject possibly needing assistance; when contacted the female subject was delusional and in mental crisis; female transported to a hospital for evaluation, Victim left a bank carrying a briefcase and went to a grocery store leaving the brief case in his vehicle; unknown suspects followed him to the store and broke into his vehicle while the vehicle was unattended, Resident observed a vehicle drive into their driveway and a male occupant take a bicycle from in front of the house, Customer was provided an estimate for veterinary services to which a K-9 owner agreed; when the procedure was complete the customer said she had no money to pay the bill; customer agreed to pay the bill by May 3rd but did not do so or make other arrangements, Three total vehicles were unlawfully entered during overnight hours on W Castano and Corona; two ransacked and one loss of property, Driver stopped for a traffic violation was found to never had a driver's license issued; pre-impoundment inventory discovered methamphetamines, marijuana and narcotics paraphernalia, Locked vehicle was unlawfully entered by breaking a window to access property left on the seat, Male subject stole an unattended backpack off an outside dining table; the owner discovered the theft and regained possession of the backpack after seeing the subject walking away; officers contacted the subject a short distance away and identified him for criminal case filing purposes; subject has multiple convictions for theft, Driver of a vehicle stopped for a traffic violation was found to be under the influence of alcohol and impaired, Resident reported that a theft by fraud occurred when a caller claimed he worked for a virus protection software company scammed them out of funds by requesting gift cards be sent to resolve a falsely reported debt, Officers responding to a hit & run accident found the suspect vehicle and driver in the 100 blk.
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Digital Aeronautical Flight Information File, Kevin Williams Net Worth, Cache County Fair And Rodeo 2022, El Paso Times Obituaries This Week, Which Nfl Team Gets The Highest Tv Ratings, Articles A